10 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships are the Best

Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships are the Best

If you think that a long-distance relationship will only lead to a devastating heartbreak, you’re not alone. There are millions out there who have lost faith in this type of commitment and many have sworn never to be in this relationship ever again. ALSO READ: 9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to …

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9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail
long distance leaving on an airplane
Photo by Killian Pham

What is your idea of a long-distance relationship? While in reality, it’s one of the most challenging types of commitment, many young couples today believe that being in an LDR sounds more romantic and interesting than its typical and more traditional counterpart.

Such perspective can be an optimistic take on a once fragile and usually avoided type of romantic relationship but it doesn’t mean that most couples have gotten the chance to make it work. While some have cracked the love code of making an LDR last, there were still others who failed and have been left lost and confused about what went wrong.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship right now, the best thing that you can do is to learn from the lessons of others’ mistakes – but where should you start? If you want to know the answer, read on.

These are some of the top reasons why long-distance relationships fail, and some inspiring tips on how to avoid them:

9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them Video

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9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

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10 Fun Ways to Overcome Boredom in Your Relationship

Fun Ways to Overcome Boredom in Your Relationship

Most long-term relationships are far from perfect but couples who have been together for several years don’t really need perfection – they just want to spend the days with the person they love, through thick and thin, in good times and in bad times – and for them, it doesn’t matter if they do the …

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11 Reasons Why Your Long Distance Relationship Won’t Work

Reasons Why Your Long Distance Relationship Won't Work

If you really think about it, being in a relationship with someone who is miles away from you is not that hard. Additionally, given the right emotional and mental preparation, temporarily bidding farewell to the person you love is not really as heartbreaking as what is often portrayed in the movies. There are different ways …

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12 Characteristics of a Happy and Successful Couple

Characteristics of a Happy and Successful Couple

Most of us believe that there is no perfect relationship. This is because, as human beings, we know ourselves too well – we are capable of making mistakes and incapable of appreciating what we have until it’s already too late. However, this is not a reason why we should lose faith in the power of …

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11 Painful Things Your Girlfriend Will Suffer from if You Cheat on Her

Painful Things Your Girlfriend Will Suffer from if You Cheat on Her

Do not hurt her love her

Perhaps one of the cruelest betrayals that anyone can suffer from is to be cheated on by the person they love, their soulmate, the person who once made them believe in forever.

Imagine meeting the love of your life only to get your heart broken just because they found someone else – and it all happened while you were still together.

If you’re one of those guys who think that cheating on their girlfriend is not a big deal and just a part of being a “real man”, then you have to listen well:

First of all, you don’t have the right to break her heart just because you think you can; she doesn’t deserve to feel unwanted and unworthy just because you’ve chosen to be selfish. Most importantly, real men respect and value a woman’s trust and love – and doing otherwise is not manly at all.

If you don’t listen now, these are just some of the million painful things that your girlfriend will suffer from if you cheat on her.

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11 Signs Your Girlfriend is Faithful and Not Cheating on You

Signs Your Girlfriend is Faithful and Not Cheating on You

signs of faithful girlfriend

Photo by Leah Kelley

Most relationships nowadays don’t last not because of the absence of love but because of one’s inability to stay loyal and true to the commitment they made with their partner. It’s a known fact that cheating is one of the top reasons why couples break up and the tragic part is, most guys who have been victims of this sad fate vowed to never believe in love again.

Ask around and many will agree that being cheated on by someone they have dearly loved is the most heartbreaking ending that anyone can ever experience.

While people learn their lessons the hard way, it doesn’t mean that you have to stop believing that someone out there can love you deeply and faithfully – especially if you’re already in a relationship. Instead of being scared to trust your partner, it’s always better to, first of all, be informed.

Let this article help you see the signs if your girlfriend is faithful, and not cheating on you.

11 Signs Your Girlfriend is Faithful and Not Cheating on You Video

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10 Ways to Build and Maintain Trust in a Relationship

Ways to Build and Maintain Trust in a Relationship

build trust in a relationship

Trust is one of the most important elements in a relationship and if you’re expecting any type of romantic commitment to last, you have to rely on its power to connect and bring two people together come what may.

Couples in a long term relationship have either mastered the art of Trust or are now slowly struggling to maintain it. This is because, just like love and respect, trust has to be earned over and over and should be able to withstand any storm that comes it’s way.

Regardless of where you are in this spectrum, this article will help you find ways to build and maintain trust in your relationship.

Here are the things that you should remember:

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How to Fight for Your Relationship and Not Give Up on the One You Love

How to Fight for Your Relationship and Not Give Up on the One You Love

Fight for your relationship

Not everyone will always agree with your definition of a perfect love story but it doesn’t mean that you should easily give up on your relationship. Remember that although we can’t have everything we want in this life, we have every right to demand and fight for the things and people that make us genuinely happy.

So what would you do if you’ve finally found the one but life isn’t that willing to let you have them? Would you give up everything just to be with them? In other words, would you fight for the person you love even if it means saying goodbye to other people you’ve known your entire life? Are you willing to take every risk just to make your relationship work?

If you’re trapped in these equally frustrating and sometimes tragic circumstances, let this article be your refuge and your strength.

Here are the things that you can do to fight for your relationship.

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Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

thinking of long distance relationship

Do not enter into a long-distance relationship if…

Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This Video

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Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

1. You’re too clingy and overprotective.
Trust me, it’s not romantic if your partner already feels that they can’t breathe just because you’re hugging them too tight – and I mean this in both its literal and figurative sense. Don’t try to suffocate them just because you think that it’s the only way to make them feel that they are loved; you don’t have to be around all the time just because you find them weak and vulnerable.

In a long-distance relationship, being too clingy and overprotective often lead to paranoia and could trigger pointless emotions like doubts, jealousy, and other undesirable consequences.

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How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work: 12 Effective Ways

How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Make a long distance relationship work

There are so many factors that have to work together just to make any form of romantic commitment last. For instance, if you ask anyone who has been in a long-distance relationship, they’ll tell you of an even more complicated and sometimes frustrating reality, one that can only be understood by those who have been there.

It’s true that not being with the person you love can change a relationship and although this commitment may seem more challenging, some facts and statistics about LDRs will tell us that most couples in this set up are as happy as those who are physically together – but only if they follow the right steps and make the right decisions.

Let’s take a look at some of the best tips and effective ways on how to make a long-distance relationship work.

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10 Long Distance Relationship Facts and Statistics You Should Know

Long Distance Relationship Facts and Statistics You Should Know

Long distance relationship facts

There are different ways to make a long-distance relationship work and perhaps each one of these many pieces of advice tells the success story of some couples who have made it. However, the wisest words of wisdom may not be enough to soothe and heal the heartaches that being away from your partner bring – so what can you do about it?

The answer lies in the proven facts and statistics about long-distance relationships. By looking at the observations from real and actual couples, you are given an opportunity to learn from the experts and from others’ experiences from a more scientific and realistic perspective.

Let’s take a look at some of the conclusions from these studies and make sure you take notes.

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How to Make Your Relationship Work Against All Odds: 12 Tips

How to Make Your Relationship Work Against All Odds

working love against all odds

Unlike fairy tales, love stories in real life can be more complicated and most of the time can lead to tragic and heartbreaking endings. What is more hurtful is the fact that couples don’t live happily ever after not because of the absence of love but because of the odds that make it seemingly impossible to have faith in a happy ending.

For instance, have you ever felt like everyone and everything is against you and your love story? Have you ever cried helplessly, knowing that no matter how much you love each other, it will never work out? Have you convinced yourself that no matter hard you both try, reality will be there to shatter your dreams every time you try?

If you’re on the brink of giving up, let this article inspire you to hope and try once more. Here are some tips on how to make a relationship work against all odds.

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12 Ways to Revive a Dying Relationship

Ways to Revive a Dying Relationship

revive your love and relationship

Not all relationships survive the test of time and there will always be moments when you would feel the need to finally give up and let go. However, it’s not also that easy to just drop everything and leave because you’re talking about something that once made you the happiest person in the world – so you are stuck in the frustrating and often heartbreaking dilemma between staying and saying goodbye.

If you’re ever trapped in this scenario, perhaps two of the questions you have tried but never dared to ask are, is there still hope to bring back what was lost? Does your relationship still deserve a second chance? If both of your answers is a positive and faithful YES, then let us help you figure out the first step of the many steps that you should be taking.

Here are the ways to revive a dying relationship and finally be happy again.

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How to Resurrect Your Love Life after Your Heart was Broken

How to Resurrect Your Love Life after Your Heart was Broken

Revive your love life

Perhaps you have heard hundreds of stories about heartbreaks that you have convinced yourself that if someone you love would ever break your heart, you’d be ready and strong enough to be able to make it out alive.

However, the realities of other people can be totally different from our own reality that it will be too late before we realize that the idea of surviving a breakup is easier said than done.  We’ll just find ourselves lost, empty, and dying.

If you’re one of those unfortunate souls that have lost hope that you can still find that one person meant for you, read on and discover ways on how to resurrect or revive your love life after your heart was broken.

Let’s take a look at some of them here.

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7 Deadly Sins to Avoid to Keep Your Relationship Alive and Healthy

Deadly Sins to Avoid to Keep Your Relationship Alive and Healthy

overcome sins

There are many ways to keep a relationship alive and healthy. However, the pieces of advice that you often read about can be limited, especially that they only focus on the positive things that one can do to be able to live a happier and healthier life with their partner – so what’s missing here?

People rely on the choices that they make every day and many of these decisions are guided and influenced by some of the deadliest vices known to men – these sins are forms of negativities that we are too hesitant to acknowledge until it’s already too late.

If you want to keep your relationship with your partner, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend or husband alive and healthy, here are the things that you should do to avoid the seven deadly sins and how to overcome each one of them.

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14 Tips to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You

Tips to Make a Girl Fall in Love with You

Photo by Kiwihug In contrary to what everybody thinks, girls are not that hard to understand as long as you’re willing enough to try and get to know how their mind works – especially if you want to win their heart. However, this doesn’t mean that making them fall in love with you is a walk …

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12 Important Things to Know About Your Partner in a Relationship

Things to Know About Your Partner in a Relationship

How well do you know your partner? Do they have the qualities that help you become a better person? Do they have habits that make you think twice about your relationship? Have you had the chance to get to know both the best and the worst parts about them? These are the questions that if …

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10 Tips on How to Make a Woman Feel Beautiful Inside and Out

Tips on How to Make a Woman Feel Beautiful Inside and Out
beautiful woman
Photo by Konstantin Kopachinsky

Making a woman happy in a relationship is not at all that complicated as long as their partner is willing enough to observe and listen – but where should they really start?  Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to consider this idea: women want to feel valued, respected and most of all, appreciated.

Appreciation can come in many forms, but the most important of all is to make your significant other, the most special woman in your life, feel beautiful inside and out.

If you still don’t have a clue on what you should do to follow these pieces of advice, let’s take a look at some of the more specific ways to make a woman feel beautiful.

Here they are.

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11 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Secure: Reassure her!

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Secure

It takes a lot of effort to make a woman feel that aside from being loved and appreciated, they can peacefully go on with their days with a deep sense of security and trust that their relationship is at its strongest and most stable stage. But how can you exactly achieve this relatively perfect scenario …

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11 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Appreciated

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Appreciated

Making a relationship work involves dedication and a sincere effort to make your significant other feels that aside from being loved, they are genuinely appreciated for who they are and for what they do. Girls, for example, often go the extra mile just to make even the most ordinary day special without asking anything in …

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25 Pieces of Advice Couples in a Long Distance Relationship Should Know

Advice Couples in a Long Distance Relationship Should Know

Finding true love and genuine happiness in a relationship can make you feel like the luckiest person in the world. In fact, the first chapters of everyone’s love story are like pages in a fairy tale, so perfect that you can never think of anything that can ever take them away. However, reality, unlike in …

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10 Ways to be More Mature in a Relationship

Ways to be More Mature in a Relationship
Mature healthy relationship
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz

Anyone who has been in a relationship will agree that love is just one of the many factors needed for any commitment to work and stand the test of time. In other words, even if we genuinely love someone, the realities of life have a way of reminding us that nothing is ever simple – especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Asking the right questions and seeking advice from the right people can give you more chances of finally finding the answers to what really makes a relationship work. Once you’ve gathered everything you need either from the thoughts of people who have made it or from the pages of a magazine, you’ll figure out one unifying concept that holds all of them together: maturity.

In definition, maturity is a person’s ability to appropriately respond to others and to the outside world. Being mature is a skill that one should learn and cannot be acquired instinctively.

So what does it mean to be mature especially if you are in a commitment? To answer this question, read on and discover the ways to be more mature in a relationship.

10 Ways To Be More Mature In A Relationship Video

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10 Ways To Be More Mature In A Relationship

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50 Best Quotes about Long Distance Relationship

Best Quotes about Long Distance Relationship

Quotes about long distance relationship

Sometimes, being away from the person we love is inevitable. It may be because of job opportunities, family issues, or even personal growth. While people think of distance as a kind of solution to a failing relationship, others see it as a defining test of love.

Nonetheless, the distance must not be treated as a barrier that can put an end to any kind of relationship. It should be seen as a challenge, not only for couples but also for individuals wanting to grow as a person and as a lover – for it will not only test the strength of your bond with someone but will also show how you respond to the challenges that life has to offer.

If you are in a long-distance relationship right now or will soon face the reality of being away from the person you love, let these best quotes for couples in LDR give you strength and inspiration to look forward to better days.

50 Best Quotes About Long Distance Relationship Video

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50 Best Quotes About Long Distance Relationship

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10 Ways to be Happy in a Long Distance Relationship

Ways to be Happy in a Long Distance Relationship

happy in a relationship adventure

We can always rely on the different pieces of advice on how to make a long-distance relationship work but finding the right way to endure and even live on with this kind of commitment is not really the point of it all. Perhaps the more important question that you have to ask is, in the process of doing everything you can to hold on to your promises of love and forever, were you really happy – or were you merely surviving every day?

Long-distance relationships are a true test of love and sincere commitment but it’s also important to find both your own happiness as a person and as a partner, either alone or together.

If you’re tired of just waiting and hoping for better days, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the ways to be happy in a long-distance relationship.

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11 Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship
Signs of true love in LDR
Photo by Aaron Burden

Surviving a long-distance relationship may be one of the greatest undertakings that any couple can have but aside from being proof that you have kept your promises, it also means that you are truly, deeply and sincerely committed to giving your love a chance regardless of time and distance.

However, there’s a huge difference between simply ‘surviving’ and actually ‘nurturing’ a bond especially if you’re not physically together. Some people have the ability to endure and just go with the flow while others can actually have fun regardless of the physical absence of the person they are in a relationship with – so how can you know if it’s really true love or just enduring patience?

Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship Video

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11 Signs of True Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Here are the revealing signs of true love in a long-distance relationship:

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10 Ways to Motivate and Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better

Ways to Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better

Relationships should inspire people to grow and become a better person – and if they’re lucky, they’ll find themselves in the presence of someone who will both nurture and take care of them without asking anything in return – because that’s really how real love is supposed to be. Many times, we meet special people …

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14 Signs Your Partner is Truly in Love with You

Signs Your Partner is Truly in Love with You

partners truly in love

Every individual expresses love differently and while some are good with words, there are just others who don’t have the ability to fully and effectively say what they feel especially when it matters the most.  Such failure to convey emotions can often be a problem, especially in romantic relationships. In fact, it creates doubt and uncertainty that can often weaken the bond between two people in love.

If you’re one of those who are starting to feel uncertain or unsure about whether their partner still loves you or not, this is for you. This article will explore the different expressions of love and the complicated language in which it is spoken.

These are the signs that your partner is truly in love with you:

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11 Things Truly Happy Couples Don’t Do on Facebook

Things Truly Happy Couples Don’t Do on Facebook

show on Facebook

While some people are really private when it comes to their love life, there are others who just can’t help but tell the world about everything that’s going on with their relationship: from their recent romantic getaways, screenshots of the last text messages they’ve sent to each other, photos of their sweet and thoughtful anniversary presents, to the long and often grand status updates declaring their promises of eternal love for their partner, etc.

There’s nothing wrong with openly expressing your love for someone and many can agree that it’s such a sweet and romantic gesture to find your name or your photo on the Facebook newsfeed paired with the most thoughtful and sincerest words that anyone has ever written just to impress you.

However, happy couples don’t really need all the attention that most Facebook love birds crave. In fact, people in a strong and healthy relationship do things differently online and pretty much exert all their sincere and genuine efforts privately offline, away from the public eye.

To fully understand what we’re trying to say here, let’s first take a look at some of the things that truly happy couples don’t do on Facebook.

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12 Unfamiliar Signs You’re in Love with Someone

Unfamiliar Signs You’re in Love with Someone

signs in love with someone

The truth is, there is no established way of knowing the exact and absolute definition of falling in love. After all, we’re talking about something that comes in the most enigmatic and unpredictable form that it’s impossible to fully figure out what it really is and how it can change someone’s life for good.

In addition, while most people can tell if they’ve finally fallen in love, some aren’t that lucky to be in the most obvious and less confusing circumstances. Love being both mysterious and impulsive, can sometimes be unrecognizable, failing to give out the usually obvious hints that reveal one’s romantic attraction towards another person. The question is, how would you know if you’re already caught in the love spell? Is it really possible to not know that you’re actually falling in love?

To answer these questions, here’s a list of unfamiliar signs that you’re in love with someone.

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