50 Inspirational Quotes For Students to Study Harder

Inspirational Quotes For Students to Study Harder

Inspirational quotes for students

If you’re a student, you’d agree that not everyone enjoys studying and the pressure that goes with it. Oftentimes, we fail to do what we have to do just because we feel lazy, tired, unmotivated and uninspired. However, we also know that letting these emotions win often results in bad endings. But where should we start? Well, keep reading and you’ll find your answer.

If you’re at that stage in your life where the pressure of school is slowly sucking the happiness and optimism out of you, we hope that these inspirational quotes can motivate you to study harder and inspire you to keep going.

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50 Inspiring Quotes about Working Hard and Achieving Goals

Inspiring Quotes about Working Hard and Achieving Goals

working hard and achieving goals

We all have goals that we’re striving to achieve. Setting goals is easy but taking an action to attain it is difficult. If you’re passionate about it, you’ll surely find a way to get it. However, there are times when you start to lose motivation. Don’t get overwhelmed and decide to walk away. Instead, find your inspiration and motivation through the powerful words of wisdom in these quotes taken from different people across time and places in this world.

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40 Inspiring Quotes about True Friendship

Inspiring Quotes about True Friendship

friendship quotes

Do you have friends? Do you treasure your friendship?

Friendship is a special kind of love, they are like family to us, and we work our entire lives building friendships. It comes in all sorts of forms and offers something totally unique and irreplaceable. True friends might be difficult to find but they are worth looking and keeping for.

It doesn’t hurt to let your friends or BFFs know how much they mean to you. These inspiring friendship quotes perfectly describe the beauty of friendship. So, go ahead and share one with your friends.

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9 Best Inspiring Quotes for Father’s Day

Best Inspiring Quotes for Father's Day

Father's Day quotes

There are real-life superheroes living among us and it’s not that difficult to meet one every day since unlike the powerful superhumans that we often watch and read about, these special individuals are not afraid to reveal their identity. In fact, he may be just sitting beside you right now, drinking his coffee, sitting by the porch reading the daily paper, or cleaning his car in the garage.

So who is this superman, this unsung hero of our everyday life? You guessed that right: our father, papa, dad, daddy, pop, whatever you call these extraordinary individuals. They may have different names but they all have one special power: a super strength to be your rock and your refuge in good times and bad times.

To celebrate Father’s Day, we have collected some of the best inspiring quotes and most encouraging thoughts that will surely remind you that you are one lucky soul to have someone you can call a father.

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35 Quotes that will Inspire You to Make Peace

Quotes that will Inspire You to Make Peace

quote about peace

Let there be peace on Earth. This is what most of us wish to live a life free from wars, violence and conflicts. However, we often forget that peace must start from within. It is something that we have to work from inside ourselves, not something we want to receive from others. In other words, peace is made and shared, not wished and received.

We have known how the countries of the world make wars in the past. We have witnessed how our neighbors fight each other to get what they want. We have also experienced how we battle our own problems and anxieties to maintain inner peace. War or peace, chaos or order – they are states in our lives that we have to deal with continuously.

As we should not stop seeking peacefulness, we have to keep inspiring ourselves to make it. Here are 35 quotes that will inspire you to make peace, not only outside, but also within.

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32 Inspiring Bible Verses about Love

Inspiring Bible Verses about Love

Bible verse about love

If you’re looking for love that lasts forever, the Holy Scriptures might give you the wisdom and insight you need to find it. The Bible has been teaching us about love for thousands of years. Inspired by the words of God, the love described in the verses of the Bible manifests kindness, patience, persistence, selflessness, faithfulness, gentleness, and truthfulness. It is the kind of love we need to have a long and lasting relationship with someone to whom we have given our heart.

The Bible is available and accessible almost everywhere. You can even read it for free on the Internet through your computer and mobile phone. The passages about love in the Bible are applicable, not only for the love between God and man, but also between a husband and wife, parents and their children, brothers and sisters, and between you and everyone.

If you want to grow your love to a higher and divine level, try to read and understand the following inspiring and enlightening Bible verses about love.

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40 Inspiring Quotes about Success

Inspiring Quotes about Success 1200

success quote

Success starts by having the right set of attitudes – a mindset. When you’re struggling to achieve it, a bit of inspiration can make a huge difference. Inspirational and motivational quotes have an amazing ability to influence us to work harder and endure longer to attain our goals.

If you feel like giving up on your dreams or goals in life, reading and reflecting on these inspiring quotes and sayings about success will help you continue until you finally become successful.

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45 Inspiring Quotes about Life

Inspiring Quotes about Life

quote about life

What are the things that keep on inspiring you? Inspirations can be drawn from anything. It may be from your loved ones, special someone, or probably taken from those powerful quotes you read. Life might be a blood-curdling road to venture down, but having a positive outlook in life will help you go through with it.

Today, I decided to feature some inspirational life quotes taken from different people that will help you see the wonderful potential that life has to offer.

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65 Inspiring Quotes about Love

Inspiring Quotes about Love

love quote

In love, there are mountains and valleys we need to get through before we find the right one. I believe that the keys to having a healthy relationship are patience, communication, loyalty, fun, and love. Being deeply loved by someone gives us strength and courage to make impossible things possible.

It might be difficult to maintain a high level of inspiration especially when the journey gets tough. However, it is important to develop the habit of being patient. So, today I would like to share inspirational quotes and sayings about love coming from different people, cultures, and times.

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51 Inspiring Quotes about Moving On

Inspiring Quotes about Moving On

moving on quote bicycle

Moving on is not that easy but it is part of life that we must face. Most of us have experienced painful and unpleasant memories we don’t want to dredge up once more. Hanging on to those memories can destroy life in so many ways. It’s hard to let go but you have to because there are certain things that you have to leave behind in order to start again. It is not always holding on that makes us stronger but rather, it is the essence of letting go.

I’d like to share these 50 inspiring quotes about moving on that will help you move forward with life no matter what. 

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100 Inspirational Quotes for Your Facebook Status Updates

Inspirational Quotes for Your Facebook Status

inspire and light up

I do search for some inspirational quotes online to keep myself motivated. It helps me to encourage myself and think positively despite all the struggles I experience in life. Reading inspiring maxims from successful and inspiring people motivates me to keep moving no matter how down I am. Those sayings might only be composed of words, but their impact is powerful enough to change anyone’s way of life. That’s why I am fond of sharing those bits of wisdom on Facebook to spread some positive vibes that will help other people ease their struggles in life.

If you are looking for inspiring words for your Facebook’s status updates, I listed down 100 Inspirational Quotes that will surely draw “likes, awes and love” from your Facebook friends.

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