How to Have Wisdom from God According to the Bible

How to Have Wisdom from God According to the Bible

Wisdom is the ability to discern what’s right from what’s wrong. It is a gift that gives us the capability to make the right choice or decision. If knowledge is power, then wisdom is using that power the right way. We can be educated or intelligent, but without wisdom, our education or intelligence may only …

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12 Ways to become Wiser

Ways to become Wiser

sign of wisdom

Why do there are people who excel with intelligence and wisdom? Is it because of the structure of their brains or is it because of how they use their brains? Every person is born with an innocent and empty mind, but not all people grow with a great mind. Wisdom is earned through time, experience, reflection, and consistent practice. If you want to sharpen your brain and mind further, here are 12 ways you may follow to become more intelligent and wiser.

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