30 Ways to Forgive Yourself and Move On from the Past

Ways to Forgive Yourself and Move On from the Past

Have you hurt someone you love because of wrong decisions? Are you being tormented by guilt because of the terrible mistakes you have done? What the ‘victims’ and ‘commentators’ do not know is that the torture experienced by those who committed the ‘crime’ is usually double or triple the suffering the ‘victims’ go through. Aside …

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8 Tips to Let Go of the Past and Move Forward to a Better Life

Tips to Let Go of the Past and Move Forward to a Better Life

life with sunshine

Losing the person whom your world revolved around for months or years could be devastating. During the first few weeks, you may not be able to eat or sleep. You feel like there’s no more reason to go on in life, and you don’t know how to start living again. If you’re not strong enough, you could experience severe depression or even try to commit suicide — but hopefully, you don’t go this far.

However, no matter how hard you’re going through right now, be assured that the pain will go away. It may take months or years, but surely, time will heal all your wounds.

Letting Go and Moving On

Your situation is not hopeless. All you need to do is let go of the past and be determined to move forward to a better life. How to do these? Here are 8 not-so-easy but definitely helpful tips:

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9 Tips on How to Forgive Someone Who Broke Your Heart

Tips on How to Forgive Someone Who Broke Your Heart

girl reflecting

Being hurt by the person you trusted the most is probably one of the worst feelings. The betrayal makes it hard to trust anybody again.

However, the worst part of being hurt by someone you loved so much is carrying the weight of hatred around. An unforgiving heart has no peace, and moving on becomes more difficult. If you don’t release forgiveness to the person who hurt you, then you would be in bondage to anger and pain for as long as you don’t let go.

Choose to forgive
You can’t live a happy and peaceful life without forgiveness. The painful memories of what the person did to you would haunt you forever, and it won’t make you feel good. That is why you should intentionally choose to forgive.

It may seem impossible to forgive the person who has made you miserable, especially if the wound is still fresh, but with willingness, you can surely do it.

Here are tips that can help you forgive the person who broke your heart. Try them with persistence and prayers and they will surely work.

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