6 Signs You Need to End Your Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships (LDR) are a unique but increasingly common type of romance. Couples in this relationship brave against not just the test of time but of distance too. Some of them may be living in different cities, states, or even countries and continents, but they do their best to fight for the love they share. …

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14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working

Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working
couple holding hands LDR
Photo by Min An

A long-distance relationship can be challenging especially if you are not aware of the dos and don’ts of managing this type of commitment – and even if you do know your LDR basics, it’s also important to figure out if they are actually doing their magic.  How?

Here are some of the most important signs that your long-distance relationship is working.

14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working Video

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14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working

1. Nothing changed – except for the distance between you.
Although there have been a few adjustments here and there during the first weeks of being apart, one of the signs that your relationship is doing great is that nothing changed except for the fact that you live far from each other.

For instance, you still do the same things that you enjoy when you were together except for the activities that require your partner’s physical presence.

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