18 Sensible Ways to Resist Temptation in a Relationship

Resist Temptation

Struggling with a temptation that could ruin your relationship now? Are you afraid that you might end up cheating on your partner/spouse? Being in love with your partner or spouse is not a guarantee that you would be faithful to him/her. Some people in-love get caught in momentary lapses, which could result in emotional damages …

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13 Signs Your Boyfriend is Faithful and Loyal to You

Signs Your Boyfriend is Faithful and Loyal to You

Sometimes it’s our gut feel– a woman’s instincts, as they call it.  At times, it works for our advantage while on some occasions, it’s just us being a downright paranoid girlfriend suspecting our boyfriend why he is not answering our calls thrice in a row. Being with a guy who is faithful and loyal to …

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How to Be a Loyal Partner in a Relationship: 11 Tips to Remember

How to Be a Loyal Partner in a Relationship
being loyal in a relationship
Photo by Andi Graf

How do you define ‘loyalty’ and what roles does it play in making a relationship last? Most importantly, what are the things that you should remember if you want to learn the true value of loyalty?

These questions can be difficult to answer especially if you’re new to the world of romantic relationships. Young couples don’t truly understand what loyalty is not because they lack the experience but because they don’t really know where to start.

To help them out, this article will discuss some of the tips on how to be a loyal partner in a relationship:

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