13 Ways to be a Better Person in 2021

be a Better Person in 2021

“New year, new me.” Wanting to create a better version of yourself is one thing, but doing it is another. It may not be that easy, but you can always try to be a better person— not just for your loved ones but for yourself. So, what are some ways to be a better person? …

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10 Smart Ways to Make Better Decisions in Life

Make Better Decisions in Life

In life, you may find yourself at crossroads. This happens more often than you may like. How do you know where to go? How do you decide? How does one know which decision is good when you can’t see the outcome? You may find yourself asking these sorts of questions. To guide you in this …

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10 Useful Ways to Bounce Back from Failure

Bounce Back from Failure

Life is pretty much unpredictable. Sometimes we think we know what we’re doing or where we are going and then suddenly, life decides to throw you a curveball. Your partner suddenly leaves you, you get fired from your job, or it might seem like you just can’t catch a break. But that’s alright because written …

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10 Smart Ways to Improve Your Self-esteem

Improve Your Self-esteem

It is very much natural to feel down about yourself every other day. People are not created perfect and sometimes they focus more on those imperfections leading to crumbling down self-esteem. It doesn’t have to be that way though; you do not need to beat yourself up for not being good enough. That is why …

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10 Ways to be a Nicer Person

Ways to be a Nicer Person

Every year, it is on everyone’s resolution list to become a nicer person. Who wouldn’t want to be, right? This trait comes naturally for other people but for a select few, being sugar and spice and everything nice takes a bit of practice. Since not everyone has the cheery disposition of Mary Poppins, here are …

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11 Ways to be a Better Woman

be a Better Woman

There are a lot of women in the world who have been recognized for their amazing achievements and their inspiring life stories. While they accomplished extraordinary things, they’re just like everyone else – human, ordinary, like you. Everything they have accomplished is a result of their own quest for self-love and self-discovery. If you want …

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11 Ways to Deal with Toxic People in Your Life

Deal with Toxic People in Your Life

Do you have that so-called friend who always uses his or her successes to measure yours and make you feel that you are not good enough? Do you have that family member who always puts you down? Do you have that workmate who counters or dismisses anything you say? If your answer is affirmative, you …

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9 Practical Ways to Manage Stress at Home

Ways to Manage Stress at Home

Most of us usually think that home is our place of comfort and solace. However, just in the workplace, there are a lot of things at home that get us stressed and anxious. These include the household chores, the bills, maintenance needs, and the people we live with under the same roof. But all these …

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How to be Mindful: 14 Ways to Develop Mindfulness

How to be Mindful

Have you been called insensitive due to your careless comments? Or do people tell you that you need to be more tactful because you are being too honest? Do you think it is time for you to learn to control your mouth or actions to avoid offending others? Or probably you are struggling with carelessness …

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10 Smart Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Smart Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Your family, work, friends, or relationship – at a point in your life-you worried about those. Sometimes, you worry way too much about them. They become the source of your stress and anxiety. How do you deal with them? Check out these ten smart ways to deal with stress and anxiety and see those that …

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How to Not be a Hypocrite in 17 Ways

How to Not be a Hypocrite

One of the causes of conflicts is hypocrisy. It is always easy for everyone to point out the mistakes of others and not see his/her own. Also, many people think they are better than others whose flaws are exposed because their own closets of skeletons are not discovered yet. The danger is sometimes we are …

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10 Ways to Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship

Ways to Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship
Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship
Photo by freestockpro.com

When we talk about toxic relationships, we often conclude that anyone who is in this kind of unhealthy connection should pack their bags, leave and never look back. However, others who have been in this kind of love story sincerely believe that maybe, just maybe, all you need is to have a little faith – and perhaps a much-needed space to detoxify and recharge one’s emotional batteries.

However, we should address one important question: are there really effective ways to detoxify yourself from a toxic relationship? Well, we have here some practical ways, tips, and pieces of advice that will help you find a sweet and genuine antidote to the poisons of an almost failing connection.

Here they are:

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