18 Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship

Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship

inspiring tips to happy relationship

If you want to be truly happy in a relationship, read the following inspiring tips:

1. Love your partner as you love yourself.
To be happy in a relationship, learn how to happily love yourself so you can also learn how to happily love your significant other. If you can’t love yourself, how can you love your partner? So love your partner as you love yourself and make him/her happy as you make yourself happy.

2. Sacrifice more material things to gain more spiritual qualities.
Be selfless. Selflessness doesn’t mean totally destroying yourself to save others. It means sacrificing your physical or material self to enrich your spirituality. So learn how to give up some money, time, space and even physical energy in exchange for love, kindness, peacefulness and true happiness.

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10 Quotes On Self-Forgiveness To Help You Forgive Yourself Today

forgive yourself quotes

Yesterday I did something really stupid – again. It’s a mistake I’ve made many times before, and each time I make it I beat myself up about it. Today, I woke up and realized I needed a healthy dose of self-forgiveness (along with some better choices in the future), so I decided to find some …

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How to become an Emotionally and Mentally Strong Woman

Emotionally and Mentally Strong Woman

emotionally strong woman

For a long time, women have been considered the weakest of the sexes just because everyone thinks that we’re always emotional and extremely expressive. Others even think that we don’t have the ability to control our thoughts and how we react to different things and situations that come our way.

Although these stereotypes have their realistic (yet obsolete) basis, they do not really define what it actually means to be a woman and how these unique characteristics of emotional mastery can expertly be used as a weapon to survive life and triumph over every challenge that it throws at us.

Emotional and mental strength are what make women more powerful and more adaptable to any environment but not everyone was lucky enough to learn the skills that can be harnessed from these unique strengths.

If you’re a woman or if you have a woman in your life you care about, this article will be extremely helpful in discovering the hidden assets that every member of womanhood can benefit from. Let these empowering tips on how to be an emotionally and mentally strong woman change your life forever.

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How to be Emotionally Strong in a Relationship

How to be Emotionally Strong in a Relationship

strong woman in relationship

There are just challenges that cannot be fought gracefully and most of them often leave us emotionally scarred and wounded – and this story is true especially when it comes to the matters of the heart.

Relationship problems are normal in a romantic commitment but not everyone can handle the worst trials that sometimes come their way – all because they are not emotionally capable of being strong especially when it matters the most.

On the other hand, some people are impressively strong enough to get through the worst storms of a relationship while also managing to learn from the lessons that spring from them. How? By harnessing the power of knowing themselves better through a deeper understanding of the different emotional triggers and the strengths that can be derived from them.

Since strength will always come from within, it’s important that you and your partner know the right ways that will help you overcome every challenge that life throws at you. Here they are:

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How to Bless Your Home According to the Bible

How to Bless Your Home According to the Bible

Bible at Home

Home is where the heart is. It is more than a house, as it’s where our family and loved ones are. Unlike a house which is built from bricks, steel, wood and other material things, a home is built from love, care and other spiritual things.

A blissful home is every person’s wish and prayer. Parents who are the head of the family always strive to make their home peaceful, joyful and prosperous. If you’re still single and planning to build a home in the future, you would want to make sure that your future home will also be filled with prosperity and happiness.

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14 Signs Your Ex is Over You and Doesn’t Want You Back

Signs Your Ex is Over You and Doesn’t Want You Back

One of the hardest things about moving on from a breakup is accepting that the person who used to be the center of your world does not want to be part of your life anymore. The difficult part is when you are left hanging because you are not sure whether to wait or not. However, …

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15 Signs Your Crush Likes You

bicycle man woman

Are you trying hard to find out whether your crush likes you too? Are you confused whether his/her actions towards you mean anything or you only overanalyze? If Your Crush Likes You Video Please help to  our YouTube channel if you like our video. Let’s grow together!   15 Signs Your Crush Likes You To help …

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7 Soulmate Quotes To Help You Understand What Soulmates Are

Quotes About Soulmates

Why do so many people look for soulmate quotes? Because we all want to believe in soulmates. Most people imagine another soul being born and then wandering the earth looking for them when they think of a soulmate. And let’s face it, the thought of one other soul being linked to ours for all eternity …

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Challenge Yourself To Improve Your Current Skills – One In Particular

Challenge Yourself To Improve Your Current Skills - One In Particular

You have some skills, admit it. You may be able to sing better than most people or you may be able to do tricks with a fidget spinner that other people can’t. Or, maybe you are really good at writing, comedy, drawing, helping other people, cleaning, cooking, gardening, or reading. A skill is defined as …

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14 Most Overlooked Reasons Why You are Still Single

Reasons Why You are Still Single

lady alone

There’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact, most of the happiest people have embraced singlehood and discovered the joys of living an independent and attachment-free life without feeling alone and lonely – but what if you also want to share your most memorable days with someone special?

Sometimes, the happiness and independence of singlehood aren’t enough anymore that some people tend to try their luck at finding love. Others easily succeed at it without even exerting much effort and finally meet the love of their life.

We all know that most of the time, destiny isn’t too willing to give us what we want. However, more often than not, it’s not destiny that’s the problem – it’s us. So how would we know if we’re the ones sabotaging our own chances of finding true love? Well, let this article help you figure it out.

Here are the most overlooked reasons why you are still single.

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12 Things That Will Destroy Your Relationship and How to Avoid Them

Things That Will Destroy Your Relationship and How to Avoid

couple sitting on a bench

There are many reasons why couples break up and most of these can be prevented if only both parties have the willingness to see and understand the things that are really causing the problems in the first place. Some signs can be obvious, directly and instantly launching their attacks but others come in the form of small bits of negativities that can accumulate over time until it can gather enough strength to break even the strongest of bonds.

If you don’t want this to happen to you or anyone you care about, this article will help you point out some of the many things and habits that will destroy your relationship. More importantly, we’ll provide you with some realistic tips and long-term solutions on how to avoid and finally overcome them.

First of all, a relationship can be vulnerable to break up when:

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20 Signs She’s the Woman You Should Marry According to the Bible

Signs She’s the Woman You Should Marry According to the Bible

woman to marry

In my previous article, I discussed 12 signs from the Bible that may guide single ladies in choosing the right guy to marry. The article received positive feedback and became quite popular so I think it would be nice to also write something for single men this time – an article that will guide them in finding the right woman to be their wife.

You might be wondering why there are more guides (20 vs. 12) in finding the right wife than in finding the right husband. I believe it’s because a woman who’ll become both a wife and a mother will have greater physical, mental and emotional responsibilities than a husband and a father.

I think it’s not unfair since most women who are naturally born to be good wives and mothers will not find them difficult to follow and fulfill. In fact, the majority of my friends naturally became good wives and caring mothers when they entered married life.

But of course, just like men, there is still a percentage of women whom single guys should avoid if they don’t want to live a miserable life with the wrong wife.

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50 Inspirational Quotes For Students to Study Harder

Inspirational Quotes For Students to Study Harder

Inspirational quotes for students

If you’re a student, you’d agree that not everyone enjoys studying and the pressure that goes with it. Oftentimes, we fail to do what we have to do just because we feel lazy, tired, unmotivated and uninspired. However, we also know that letting these emotions win often results in bad endings. But where should we start? Well, keep reading and you’ll find your answer.

If you’re at that stage in your life where the pressure of school is slowly sucking the happiness and optimism out of you, we hope that these inspirational quotes can motivate you to study harder and inspire you to keep going.

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12 Motivational Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure

Motivational Ways to Overcome Fear of Failure

overcome fear in climbing

Sometimes, the only thing standing between you and your ultimate success is your fear of failure. From a perspective, it’s more complicated than anyone has thought it to be. In fact, many experts and even successful people have recognized the bittersweet role of failure in achieving one’s ultimate aspirations in life.

While it has been proven that accepting failure and all the heartbreaks that go with it can be constructive, not everyone has the strength, the maturity and the right experience to handle it with grace. Failure, no matter how productive it can be to some, can be a destructive force that could burn one’s optimism to ashes. This is the reason why many people are afraid of it, paralyzing them to not even take that first single step.

If you’re one of the unfortunate dreamers who have been scared to try, this article will give you some of the most inspiring and more importantly, motivational ways to overcome your fear of failure and finally live the life that you’ve been wanting to have.

First of all,

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Love vs. Lust: 12 Differences You Should Know

Love vs. Lust

love or physical attraction

How do you differentiate between love and lust? You might be too consumed by your relationship now that you actually cannot identify what you truly feel for your partner.

If the reason why you wanted to be with the person was that you were attracted to his/her being ‘hot’, then maybe it was not really loved that brought you together. Probably, it was only the thrill of owning someone that could satisfy your needs and fantasies.

Here are 12 differences between love and lust that you should know to find out if you’re really in love with your partner or just physically attracted to him/her. 

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12 Signs He’s the Guy You Should Marry According to the Bible

Signs He’s the Guy You Should Marry According to the Bible

the man to marry

A husband is someone whom you will be spending with for the rest of your life. He will be the son-in-law to your parents and the father to your children. He is supposed to be the pillar of your home and the strength of your family.

Marrying the wrong man could mean a lifetime of suffering, not only for you but also for your future children. Unlike breaking up with a boyfriend which can be done in an instant, the separation between a husband and a wife is a different thing. Its wound is deeper, its cost is higher, and its impact on the people around you is greater.

Marriage is both a legal and a sacred thing, governed by the law of our land and the law of the heavens. Thus, ladies have to be extra careful in choosing the guy they should marry. This also applies in looking for a boyfriend, since a BF is the closest guy who can be their husband.

To guide you in finding the right guy whom you will be exchanging wedding vows with at the altar, here are 12 signs from the Bible that he’s the man you should marry.

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6 Quotes About Abusive Relationships You Need To Memorize

abusive relationship quotes

Everyone has a different opinion on abusive relationships. People who are in them see things much differently than people on the outside. People who have never been in an abusive relationship don’t understand what it’s like. And people who have never been in a healthy relationship don’t understand what that’s like. And, of course, there …

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11 Inspiring Ways to Overcome Envy

Inspiring Ways to Overcome Envy

eye seeing envy

There are a lot of negativities in the world and more often than not, even good people fall victims and become vulnerable to these emotions – especially when they are at the lowest point in their lives. Sometimes, these are just fleeting feelings that can go away after a while. However, there are some that can manage to linger and fuel a fire that can change an entire person’s life – and not for the better.

One example of an emotion that can change how a person sees the world is envy. Many of us have probably had our share of moments of feeling envious of other people’s circumstances and achievements that we often tend to carry this negativity around until it is already affecting everyone around us.

The good news is, there are ways to stop being envious so you can live a happier and more optimistic life. Here 11 inspiring tips to overcome envy:

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Love vs. Infatuation: 12 Differences You Must Know

Love heart infatuation

Love heart infatuation

How sure are you that what you feel for your special someone right now is true love? Is it just because you feel like the world stands still whenever s/he passes by? Or is it because you cannot get him/her out of your head?

Sometimes, what we think to be love is actually infatuation. It is too much admiration for someone that causes you poor judgments and pre-occupation. You feel so much attraction to the point that you become head over heels for that person. It is usually mistaken for love—but it is actually way different.

So, how do you know if what you feel is love or infatuation? Scroll down and read these 12 differences:

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True Love vs. Fake Love: 20 Differences You Must Know

True Love vs. Fake Love

To find a true lover who can give you real love, you have to know what true love is. To attract and keep him/her, you have to give a genuine love in return. Knowing how to distinguish pure love from false love will give you wisdom on building a long-lasting relationship and avoiding the toxic ones. …

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15 Inspiring Tips to Overcome Life Challenges

Inspiring Tips to Overcome Life Challenges

overcome life challenges

Have you ever felt that your world is starting to fall apart because of how life tends to bombard you with seemingly impossible challenges? Have you ever felt helpless and would rather spend your days feeling like a solitary zombie while the rest of the world doesn’t even care that you’re this close to almost losing your sanity? Well, you’re not alone and the good news is, there are ways to properly deal with and overcome these obstacles.

Reality has a way of reminding us that no matter how hard you try and how good you treat people, you will always have those days, those times when you think the world is against you. During these moments, you often have the urge to either shut down or finally give up and think of the most foolish remedies available to you – both can have long-term damaging effects on you, emotionally and physically.

So how do you properly cope and are there ways to overcome life’s endless challenges? Read this article and hopefully, you can come up with something that will not only help you solve your problems but will also fight off the negativities that come with them.

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14 Practical Ways to be Happy and Strong After a Breakup

Ways to be Happy and Strong After a Breakup

Yes, it’s possible to live a fulfilling life even after a painful breakup. There are still many reasons for you to continue living, even if you have lost the love of your life. All you need to do is see things with a positive outlook. How to be Happy and Strong After a Breakup Here …

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12 Questions to Ask Yourself before Ending a Relationship

Questions to Ask Yourself before Ending a Relationship

holding in a relationship

How do you know if enough is enough? When do you know it is time to end a relationship? These are probably the questions that bother you right now.

When the attraction and thrill stage of a relationship wanes, some couples struggle in keeping their commitment to each other. Some think they fell out of love, so they want to part ways. Others discovered their personality and principles don’t compliment their partner’s, so they question whether to keep their relationship going or not.

Ending your relationship without wise judgment might cause you to regret it in the future. To avoid this, here are 12 questions that you better ask yourself before jumping into a decision:

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When You Don’t Trust Your Partner Anymore: To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild a Broken Trust

When You Don’t Trust Your Partner Anymore

girl not facing a man

It takes a lot of time to build trust, but it takes a minute to destroy it. Since trust is a foundation of a strong relationship, without it there is no guarantee of staying together for a long time.

Has your partner ever cheated on you? This is the most common cause of broken trust between couples. However, some, despite being hurt, choose to forgive and forget what happened. When you love your partner so much, you decide to stay and try to work things out even if there are trust issues already.

To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild

Is it still worth it? Should you try rebuilding your trust in your partner? Or should you choose to move on? Here are 14 practical tips that you can try to find out if your relationship is still worth a second chance:

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10 Ways to Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship

Ways to Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship
Detoxify Yourself from a Toxic Relationship
Photo by freestockpro.com

When we talk about toxic relationships, we often conclude that anyone who is in this kind of unhealthy connection should pack their bags, leave and never look back. However, others who have been in this kind of love story sincerely believe that maybe, just maybe, all you need is to have a little faith – and perhaps a much-needed space to detoxify and recharge one’s emotional batteries.

However, we should address one important question: are there really effective ways to detoxify yourself from a toxic relationship? Well, we have here some practical ways, tips, and pieces of advice that will help you find a sweet and genuine antidote to the poisons of an almost failing connection.

Here they are:

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18 Signs You Have a Good Boyfriend and How to Keep Him

Signs You Have a Good Boyfriend and How to Keep Him

good boyfriend

Life’s journey becomes more exciting, fun, and fulfilling when you’ve finally found the right one. For most girls, everything in life seems better when they can finally share it with someone they love: their prince charming, their knight in shining armor, the ideal boyfriend.  However, as a girl in love, have you ever wondered what really separates an average boyfriend from a good one?

Every girl has their own ideas of what makes an ideal partner but as you read through this article, you will begin to discover the signs to look for in order to know if your significant other fits your perfect definition of a ‘good boyfriend’. Here they are.

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