17 Important Ways to Respect Your Wife

I respect my wife
Photo by Scott Webb

Respect is one of the essential elements necessary to make a marriage last. Without respecting each other, it will be a chaotic relationship between husband and wife, with each one doing his/her own thing without considering the partner. Of course, this will result in conflicts.

If you want your wife to respect you, then you need to show her how to do it by respecting her first. As it goes, respect begets respect. Thus, initiate respect in your relationship. Here are some important ways to show your wife that you respect her:

1. Do not do anything that you know will hurt her.
Be sensitive to your wife’s feelings. If you have been together for a long time, surely you already know her likes and dislikes. Respecting your wife means you will avoid doing the things you know will make her upset.

2. Do not shout at her.
Yelling at a woman is a sure sign of disrespect. As much as you would feel offended when shouted at, your wife would feel bad as well. No matter how angry you are, be sure to lower your voice whenever you talk to her.

3. Never fight with her in front of your kids or family.
Make it a rule in your marriage that you should not let your children or anyone from both of your families witness your fights. As a gentleman, you should not let anybody see that you are arguing with your wife because it could affect how others would treat her. Resolve your conflicts in private.

4. Be honest and transparent with her.
Another important rule that must be set in your relationship is honesty. If you respect your wife, you will not lie to her. Instead, you will be open and transparent about everything because you do not want to ruin her trust.

ALSO READ: 8 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel More Secure

5. Do not treat her harshly.
A husband should be gentle with her wife. It is not enough that you do not shout at her. Avoid being rude to her even with your actions. Be a gentleman and always treat her with patience.

6. Never embarrass her in the public.
If you have a conflict, control yourself from arguing with her in the public. Also, no matter how much you disapprove of what she has done, never confront her in front of other people. Shaming her in the public is one of the most disrespectful acts you can do to your wife.

7. Treat her as an equal.
Yes, God has assigned the man to be the head or leader of the family, and the woman is meant to submit to him. However, this does not mean that the woman is a lesser human being. These roles are just meant to create order in the family. Just like how the president and the common people are entitled to the same rights under the law, men and women have equal human rights. Thus, treat your wife as to how you want to be treated as a person.

Important Ways to Respect Your Wife
Photo by OlcayErtem

8. Never hurt her physically.
Of course, you will never abuse physically someone you respect. As a woman you honor, you would not dare to lay a hand on her.

9. Allow her to speak her mind.
Even if you have different opinions or perspectives about things, be willing to hear your wife out. Do not cut her off or tell her to shut up. Even if you do not agree with what she says, be polite enough to listen to her thoughts.

10. Do not insist on your principles, beliefs, and ways of doing things on her.
In addition, do not insist on your own thoughts, beliefs, and principles on your wife. Yes, it is really better if you and your wife would have the same mind about things, but in reality, many couples have differences because they came from different backgrounds. Do not force her to embrace your ways against her will.

11. Do not badmouth her to other people.
Another way to respect your wife is by protecting her dignity. Stop telling people about the flaws you have seen in your partner. Instead, be open to your wife about these negative traits you have observed and helped her to change them.

12. Do not use degrading words on her.
Respect means honoring someone. If you respect your wife, you will honor her even with your words. You will never use statements that are offensive, insulting, or discouraging to her.

13. Never cheat on her.
If you truly respect your wife, you would not attempt to cheat on her—even if she has no way of finding out. It is because you honor the sanctity of the marriage you have entered with her. Your commitment and fidelity are among the best proofs that you respect your wife.

ALSO READ: 20 Ways to Love Your Wife According to the Bible

14. Allow her to pamper herself.
Do not discourage your wife from taking extra good care of herself. It is her right to look and feel good about herself. Instead, show your support by complimenting her appearances, such as her new hairdo and nice dress.

15. Listen to her advice and opinions.
If you respect your wife, then you will also respect her thoughts. Whenever she gives suggestions or pieces of advice, listens willingly, and considers them.

 Important Ways to Respect Your Wife
Photo by Nowaja

16. Do not try to change her for your own pleasure.
Your wife has her own will, preferences of doing things, and perspectives. Respect that she came from a different culture, so you cannot force her to adopt your idealism. Accept your wife as who she is and respect your differences.

17. Consult her before making a decision.
Another important way to show respect to your wife is by consulting her first before making any decision, especially major ones that could affect your family. For instance, before deciding to resign from your current job, you must tell her about your plan and ask for her approval.

She Will Respect You

If your wife sees how much you honor and respect her, she will respond with respect as well. It will be easier for her to submit to you and follow your leadership as a husband. Respect is the ingredient that keeps any relationship harmonious.

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Cyril Abello
Cyril is a personal development blogger and content writer. She is also an online language teacher. She has a degree in Communication Arts and loves everything about writing. Being a full-time mom, she enjoys freelancing.

6 thoughts on “17 Important Ways to Respect Your Wife”

  1. My wife is having an affair with her Boyfriend, which, I know, but after a long discussion, advise & every effort made to stop her affair failed, I gave up, which emboldened her to get more intimate relationship with her Boyfriend.. Now she asks me to respect her Boyfriend.. I am quiet sad and confused… Please advise to tide over the situation… I don’t want to lose her either…

  2. I shared this article with my husband as we weren’t in good terms. The very same day he took me out to dinner and started treating me better. He did all except cheating on me and I found this very helpful. Thank you for sharing

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