How will you know that you are anointed by God to be His hands and feet in reaching out to those who need Him? There are many Christians who like serving the Lord through different ministries available. However, not everyone truly represents Christ in their lives. And sometimes, they are the reasons why people leave the church and get discouraged in their faith.
On the other hand, those who are really anointed by God to fulfill His purpose will bring glory to Him. His goodness will be evident through their service, and they will be used to lead many people into faith in Christ.
What Does It Mean to Be Anointed by God?
So, how can you say that you are anointed by God to take part in His kingdom-building?
The term “anoint” is taken from the word “masah”, a Hebrew term for “pour out”. Anointing is used in the Bible to describe how someone is set apart or consecrated for God’s specific purpose. Moreover, it can mean the Holy Spirit’s power working in a person to fulfill their calling.
If you want to know if you have that anointing in you, check out some of the evident signs:
1. A Change Life After Encounter with Christ
Before you can get anointed by God, you need to have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ first. You should be a new creation in Him, with your sinful self left behind.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
2. Establishes a Powerful Prayer Life
Once you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit will be working inside you. This will create that deep longing for a constant spiritual connection with God. That is why prayer becomes a natural habit for an anointed person. It is like breathing to them.
3. Hungry for God’s Word and Presence
Aside from the passion for prayer, an anointed individual will be hungry for God’s Word. Their desire to know Him and His will more will compel them to meditate on the Scriptures night and day. They also love to soak in God’s presence by worshiping Him.
4. Deciding to Live for Christ
Another sign that you are anointed by God is your awareness that you are already set apart from the world. You understand that Christ redeemed your soul from the wages of sin with a huge price (Hebrews 9:28), so you decide to live for Him—using your time, influence, relationships, and resources to serve Him.
5. Improved Relationship with People
If you are a new creation in Jesus, your character will gradually change. Expect others to notice this in how you interact with them. If you were selfish, easily-angered, rude, and arrogant before, now you are becoming selfless, self-controlled, kind, and humble. You will gain their respect.
6. Exhibiting the Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The best manifestation of God’s anointing in a person is their display of the Holy Spirit’s fruits. The transformation of the character is the most evident sign that God is working in His people. They may not be perfect—still vulnerable to temptations and mistakes—but they are eventually improving for the better.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Holy Spirit-Led Ministry
7. Has a Strong Sense of Calling
An anointed person has a powerful sense of God’s call in their lives. They know that the Lord wants to use them for a specific purpose—and that is to lead people to Christ in a particular mission field through their spiritual gifts. In short, they know they are a missionary.
8. Using Spiritual Gifts to Minister to Others
Do you know what your gifts are? All Christians have been entrusted with spiritual gifts that they can use to fulfill their calling and edify the church.
“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
9. Has Discernment
If you are anointed by God, you are also gifted with discernment. With the power of the Holy Spirit within, there is that still small voice that helps you sense the truth or determine between right and wrong. It warns you when there is danger and helps you find out the right words to encourage someone.
10. Effectively Preaches or Encourages Others with God’s Word
An anointed person is empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak God’s message. Even if you are not a professional public speaker, He will use you to rebuke, teach, and encourage the church with the Scripture.
11. Used by God to Draw People to Him
Through your life testimony, character, and encouragement, the Lord will use you to reach out to the lost. When you share the gospel (John 3:16) with people, the Holy Spirit will open their hearts and minds so they will put their trust in Christ.
12. Has a Growing and Enduring Ministry
What is the ministry you are part of? Whether you are a leader or simply a member, what you do to serve God will be fruitful. Expect that the enemy will try to distract you or destroy that ministry, but you will be given the strength to continue. And in the long run, everyone will see the results of your good work.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
13. Disciples Others to Follow Christ
God will also use you to train and equip other believers to do God’s will in their lives. He will give you the wisdom, patience, perseverance, and genuine love to nurture His people.
14. Goes Out of the Comfort Zone to Reach the Lost
God’s call will often require you to step out of your comfort zone. Without His anointing, it is difficult to pursue this path. There will be a lot of challenges that will really test your faith, commitment, strength, and endurance.
15. Humble and Open to Rebuke
Humility is evident in an anointed person’s life because they have been humbled by God’s grace in one way or another. Therefore, they are open to rebuke and correction from other believers. They are willing to repent from their sin and change for God’s glory.
16. Teachable
Anointed people are also teachable. Since they have humility, they acknowledge that they do not know everything and others may know more than them. That is why they are open-minded and willing to learn new things from others.
17. Patient in Dealing with People
Patience is another trait that God develops in most of His people. Of course, if you have been called to minister to people, you need to be patient and long-suffering. You will be dealing with imperfect people who need to know more about God and change for the better.
18. Treats Others with Grace
Since they understand how God treats them with grace, anointed people will treat other people the same. It means that they are not quick to judge or condemn sinners. They also willingly forgive those who offend them. How about you?
19. Approachable and Trustworthy
If God anointed you to minister to His church, it means that you have to be a people person. You need to be kind and friendly so people will not be intimidated by you. Also, you have to make them feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and secrets with you. In short, you have to be trustworthy.
20. Strives to Live a Life of Integrity
Any person who lives to serve God must have integrity. This is not easy to achieve in this corrupt world, but the Lord’s anointing will give you the wisdom and strength to pursue a righteous life before God and people.
21. Compassionate
Just like how Jesus was compassionate to people when He was on earth, His followers are expected to be the same. Therefore, God’s anointing will instill compassion into the heart of Christians, especially those who are called to minister to people.
22. Prayerful
As mentioned in no. 2, a person anointed by God will have a strong prayer life. It is how they show humility and reliance on the Holy Spirit. They know that they will fail God on their own strength.
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41)
23. Has a Servant-Heart
Just like how Jesus did not come to be served (Luke 22:24-27), His followers are also called to serve others. Therefore, an anointed person will have a servant-heart to reflect Christlikeness.
You are Anointed
If you have already surrendered your life to Christ and desire to follow Him, believe that you have God’s anointing. You may doubt it because you think you are not worthy or capable of doing anything great, but remember that God can do so much through a humble and willing heart.
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- Prophetic School And Hearing The Voice of God
This course is for any believer who is hungry for God’s power to flow through them, bless, and minister to people. - 15 Essential Biblical Texts
15 key Biblical texts you can use to bring deeper meaning to your life for anyone interested in creating a more meaningful life through Biblical wisdom. - The Resurrection of the Son of God
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Iam strengthen to note iam anointed by reading the clear instructions of 23 signs of anointed please guide me thanks from burgula Benjamin India secunderabad.
Wonderful encouraged to live New style in Jesus Christ