How do you know if your boyfriend is serious about his relationship with you? What are the obvious signs that he wants to marry you? Do you want to find out if your boyfriend has a plan of marrying you soon? Maybe you have been together for many years, but he has not proposed to you yet until now.
Check these out and see if your man is soon getting on his knee with a ring in his hand before you:
14 Obvious Signs He Wants to Marry You Video
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14 Obvious Signs He Wants to Marry You
1. He asks you about your dream wedding.
If your boyfriend is interested in knowing about your dream wedding, it is a sign that he wants to prepare for it. Usually, if a guy is not serious with his girlfriend, he would not open up about such a topic to avoid misleading her.
Be mindful of questions like, “Which do you like better? A garden or beach wedding?”, “Who do you want to invite to our wedding?”, and “What is the most romantic thing you want to happen at your wedding?”
2. He asks you your ideal age for getting married.
Another sign that he considers marriage with you is when he asks when you plan to get married. It could be that he is only waiting for you to be ready to settle down.
3. He talks about having kids with you.
If your boyfriend daydreams about having kids with you or asks how many children you want to have, then it means he sees you becoming the mother of his offspring. This is an obvious sign that he wants to build a family with you.
If a guy has no intention of marrying you, he would have no desire to share parental responsibilities with you.
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4. He introduces you to his family.
You know a man is serious about his girlfriend if he proudly introduces her to his parents, siblings, and relatives. If your boyfriend has already brought you to his home and brings you to family occasions, then he is preparing to make you a part of his clan.
5. He gets the trust of your family.
If your boyfriend truly loves you, he will bravely face your family. He will make every effort to be close to them and earn their trust. Of course, he wants to get their approval. If he visits you at home and spends time with your parents and siblings, it is because he wants to be part of your family circle soon.
6. He tells you he wants to grow old with you.
If he sings to you the song “Grow Old with You” or he keeps talking about long-term plans, like buying a house or investing in a business, then it is a sign that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
One sign that a man wants to marry a woman is opening up about his ideal future family. Aside from thinking about kids, he talks about his dream house, career, and family bonding.
If your boyfriend is fond of daydreaming about his future family—and he sees you be a part of it—then it means he wants to make you his wife.
8. He asks you where you want to settle down.
Another indication that a man likes to marry you is asking you where you want to stay for good. For example, he may be pondering buying a house or looking for a job in that area for future relocation.
9. He opens up about saving for the wedding.
This is another hint that he is planning a marriage proposal soon. In case he happens to mention opening up a savings account for your wedding, then he is thinking about it already.
Sometimes, a man would not open up about this with his girlfriend unless they are engaged already. Instead, he talks about this with friends. Therefore, if a friend of his had a slip of the tongue, then maybe he is about to ask you soon.
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10. He teases you about a wedding proposal.
Some guys are nervous about proposals because they are afraid of being turned down. So, instead of directly popping up the magic question to their girlfriends, they would probably test the waters first with a tease to find out the possible outcome.
11. He strives to be financially stable.
One sign that a man is planning to settle down soon is when he is working hard. If he is getting extra jobs, aiming for a promotion, or looking for investments, he is earnest about being stable financially.
He has probably not proposed to you until now because he knows he is not capable of supporting a family yet. That is why he focuses on establishing his career first.
12. He wants you to be his business partner.
If your partner plans to open a business and he wants to manage it with you, then it means he wants your relationship to last. Of course, no one would have a business with someone he does not plan to keep for long. You can consider this as the beginning of a family business.
13. He opens a joint bank account with you.
If your boyfriend wants to have a joint account with you, then it is confirmed—he wants to take your relationship to the next level. A man would only have a joint bank account with a woman he wants to be his wife soon.
14. He prays for you.
Another indication that your boyfriend considers marrying you is if he always reminds you to keep your relationship in prayer. If a man prays for a woman, then it means he is seeking God’s will and confirmation if she is the right woman for him. On the other hand, if your guy is not serious about having you for the rest of his life, then he would not dare present you before God.
Are You Sure About Him?
These are only signs, but unless he proposes, you could only guess. So now, the question is, what if your boyfriend wants to marry you? Will you say “yes”? Do you see yourself spending a lifetime with him?