9 Comforting Ways God Heals the Brokenhearted

9 Comforting Ways God Heals the Brokenhearted
Photo by Marisa04

Do you wonder if drawing near to God when you are brokenhearted would really help ease the pain? Most Christians will tell you “yes”, giving testimonies of how the Lord had healed their hearts when they were hurting. Many also claimed to know Christ during their lowest moments.

If you are broken, it is normal to be looking for comfort from a support system. You can easily move on from the pain with supportive family and friends. Moreover, if you have a strong faith in God, it becomes easier to heal and let go.

Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

The assurance that God listens to your prayers, cares about what you feel and loves you as His child will give you the confidence to go through the healing process. For this reason, you know you will not be alone along the way.

So, what are the ways God heals the brokenhearted? Here are some of them, and hopefully, you experience all of these as you draw closer to Him.

1. He Brings Comfort through His Word.

The Bible contains a lot of promises that can remind you of God’s faithfulness and love. If you meditate on them, they can encourage you in your brokenness. As you continue to seek the Lord’s will in your life by studying His Word, you get comforted. How? By realizing that He is in control. Knowing that God is just and merciful, you will have the confidence that your tears will not be wasted.

You may not understand why God allowed you to be hurt, but His promises will give you the confidence that He has the best plans in mind. If you keep on trusting and following His will, soon you will be thankful for experiencing heartbreaks in the past. In addition, you will see how your testimony will bless others and glorify God.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.  ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts’”

2. He Surrounds You with His Presence.

Heartache commonly brings a Christian down to their knees. How about you? Have you been more prayerful lately? The reason for this is the comfort that pouring out all your emotions to your Father in heaven brings. You know that God listens to your prayers, and He cares about your pain. Moreover, you believe that He has the power to heal your heart and turn your situation around.

Also, you will experience an unexplainable feeling once you are soaked in prayer. As you cry out to the Lord, humbling yourself before Him, you would feel His presence surrounding you. There is that comforting warmth and peace, reassuring you that everything will be okay. From there, you know that God cares, and He is by your side as you keep going.

3. He Reminds You of His Great Love.

.  you feel unloved, you just have to look back to the cross. It will remind you of God’s unimaginable love through Christ Jesus. Knowing that someone died to save you, even if you are undeserving because of your sins, can convince you that you are loved.

Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

God’s love is more than enough. As long as you know that He is by your side and loves you, going through the healing process will be easier. If you want proof of His love, you only have to count the blessings He sends you daily. Also, consider each new day as His gift of hope and healing.

 4. He Treats You with Grace.

Aside from His everlasting love, God can help you with His grace. Your heartbreak may be the result of your own mistakes, but the Lord is still willing to help. All you need to do is humble yourself before Him, acknowledge your faults, and ask forgiveness for them. It may not be easy to move forward, but God’s grace will help you move on gradually.

God’s grace will open new doors and second chances for you. It will also be His instrument to change you for the better. Yes, you cannot undo the past, but there will be the hope of a better future for you.

9 Comforting Ways God Heals the Brokenhearted
Photo by Willgard

5. He Leads You Closer to His Purpose for Your Life.

If your heartbreak leads you closer to the Lord, He will also use it to bring you closer to your purpose. Typically, a messed-up life would make you want God to fix you. So, it is not surprising that many broken people go back to church, read the Bible, and even commit to serving God. And the more they entrust their lives to the Lord, the more they seek His will.

Knowing God’s will by studying the Scriptures will change your perspective about life. You will realize that the moment you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, He became your Lord too. It means you ought to stop living for yourself and live for Christ instead. You will begin to be sensitive to where God calls you and obey His calling from this realization.

6. He Surrounds You with People Who Truly Care.

God may not be able to embrace you physically or encourage you audibly Himself, but He can do them by sending people who can comfort you. They can be your family members, friends, or spiritual leaders. These are the individuals who regularly check on you and willingly offer their shoulders for you to cry on. They will listen to you without judgment, pray for you, encourage you to keep moving, and even rebuke you if needed.

If you have a solid support system, you can move on faster. Having people you can open up to about your feelings truly helps ease the pain. They are your non-winged guardian angels—truly heaven sent by God.

7. He Gives You Hope.

The Lord will instill hope in your heart so you can heal faster. Through His promises, presence, wisdom, and blessings, you will be convinced that there is more ahead of you. The more you see His goodness, the more you realize that you have nothing to fear in the future. You know that as long as you abide by Him step by step, nothing will go wrong. He got you in His hands.

Deuteronomy 31:6 encourages us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

8. He Gives You the Strength to Forgive.

One of the steps to complete healing is forgiveness. Sadly, it is not an easy thing to give. It is difficult to forgive the person who has hurt you. However, the more you hold on to the pain and grudge, the harder it is to heal.

God wants you to forgive. As you allow Him, He will soften your heart and help you release forgiveness. This is not an overnight process. It may even take you months or even years to fully forgive and forget, but never give up. Ask the Lord every day to cleanse your heart and truly let go of your anger and bitterness.

9. He Provides You the Courage to Move Forward.

Even if you do not see it, God is working in your life daily. Each new day He gives you is a chance to heal, stand back, and start moving on. With God by your side, you will notice that pain becomes bearable as days go by. And one day, you will just realize that you are fully healed.

God wants you to keep moving forward. He will give you the courage and strength to do it one step at a time. In addition, He will surround you with people who will push you at times when you want to give up. He will also send inspiration to motivate you to keep going.

9 Comforting Ways God Heals the Brokenhearted
Photo by MayaQ

One Day at A Time

Letting go and moving on from heartbreak will never be easy, especially if you have truly loved the person. However, if you keep lingering in the past, you will be stuck in a life full of resentment, regrets, and loneliness. Would you want to stay that way for the rest of your life?

If not, then you have to decide to heal and move forward. Drawing near to God will be the best part of the decision. The Lord is faithful and just. His love will see you through.

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Cyril Abello
Joan is a freelance blogger who loves writing about personal development. She also loves learning and teaching languages. A Communication Arts graduate, she now pursues a masters degree in Language Teaching. She is into mobile photography, writing poems, and reading for leisure.
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