21 Affirmations To Help You Stop Gossiping

If you’re finding that gossiping is impacting your life negatively, there are some helpful affirmations that you can recite to yourself in order to stop the behavior. These affirmations will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life, and stop thinking about the negative aspects of others. Repeat these affirmations daily, and you will find that you stop gossiping altogether.

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Contents show

1. I am a kind and compassionate person. Gossiping does not reflect these qualities.

A kind and compassionate person doesn’t spend their time gossiping; instead, they use that time to build themselves and others up.

2. I am not a gossip, and I don’t need to engage in this type of behavior to feel good about myself.

Gossip is a way of tearing other people down, and it doesn’t do anything to make you feel better. In fact, it often has the opposite effect, making you feel bad about yourself and lowering your self-esteem.

Instead of gossiping, try focusing on your own accomplishments. Acknowledge your own strengths and give yourself credit for your achievements.

3. Gossiping is harmful and hurts others.

Gossiping can be harmful to both the person who is being gossiped about and the person doing the gossiping. When you stop gossiping, you’re helping to create a more positive environment for yourself and others.

4. I am speaking kindly about others, and I am not engaging in negative talk.

When you stop gossiping, you’ll find that you have more positive things to say about others. This affirmation reminds you to focus on the good in people, rather than the bad.

5. I am choosing to focus on my own life and not worry about what others are doing.

This affirmation helps you remember that your life is your own responsibility, and you shouldn’t waste your time worrying about what others are doing. Instead, focus on your own life and make it the best it can be.

6. I am happy and content with myself, and I don’t need to gossip to feel better.

Gossiping is often a way of trying to make yourself feel better by putting others down. But when you stop gossiping, you’ll find that you don’t need to do this because you’re already happy and content with yourself.

7. I am kind, caring, and respectful, and I will only speak kindly about others.

When you stop gossiping, you’re setting a good example for others. You’re also showing yourself that you’re a kind, caring, and respectful person. This affirmation reminds you to only speak kindly about others.

8. Gossiping is not how I want to spend my time or energy.

This affirmation helps you remember that gossiping is a waste of time and energy. It’s not worth it to engage in this behavior when there are so many other things you could be doing with your time.

9. I am creating positive relationships by speaking positively about others.

Gossiping can damage relationships, but when you stop gossiping, you’re helping to create positive relationships. This affirmation reminds you to focus on speaking positively about others.

10. I am a good person, and I deserve to be treated with respect.

This affirmation is a reminder that you deserve to be treated with respect. When you stop gossiping, you’re setting a boundary and showing others that you expect to be treated well, just as you treat them well.

11. I want to be known as someone who spreads love, not hate.

When you stop gossiping, you’ll be known as someone who spreads love instead of hate. This affirmation helps you remember that your words have power and influence how others see you, so it’s important to use them wisely.

12. I am choosing to follow a path that is full of kindness, compassion, and understanding.

Gossiping often stems from feeling judgmental or critical of others. When you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to follow a different path—one that is characterized by kindness, compassion, and understanding.

13. I believe in the good in people and will always choose to see the best in them.

Gossiping often comes from negativity or distrust for others. But when you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to see the best in people. This affirmation helps you remember to focus on the good, even when it’s hard.

14. I am surrounding myself with positive people who build me up, not tear me down.

When you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to surround yourself with positive people. This affirmation reminds you that the company you keep is important, and it’s essential to surround yourself with people who will build you up, not tear you down.

15. I deserve to be happy and have healthy relationships.

Gossiping can damage relationships and make you unhappy. But when you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to be happy and have healthy relationships. This affirmation is a reminder that you deserve to be happy and have good relationships in your life.

16. If I don’t have anything nice to say, then I won’t say anything at all.

This is a simple but effective way of remembering that when you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to speak only positively about others. When you follow this adage, it’s easy to stop gossiping and instead focus on being kind and respectful.

17. I am not defined by what others think of me; I am defined by who I am.

Gossiping often stems from the desire to fit in or be accepted, but when you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to define yourself based on who you are and not what others think of you. This affirmation helps you remember your own worth and power.

18. If I’m upset with someone else, maybe there’s something wrong with me instead of them.

Gossiping often comes from a place of feeling wrongly accused or misunderstood. But when you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to look at yourself first. This affirmation helps you remember that it’s important to take responsibility for your own actions and feelings.

19. I am not perfect, but I am perfectly lovable just the way I am.

This affirmation is a reminder that we are all imperfect and that’s okay. We are still worthy of love and respect, even when we make mistakes. When you stop gossiping, you’re accepting yourself—flaws and all—and showing others that they can do the same.

20. Gossiping is a destructive habit that only creates drama and conflict. I choose peace and happiness instead.

This affirmation is a reminder of the negative effects of gossiping. When you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to create peace and happiness instead of drama and conflict.

21. I decide what I do with my time and energy, and gossiping is not something that I choose to do.

This affirmation is a reminder that you are in control of your own thoughts and actions. When you stop gossiping, you’re choosing to use your time and energy in positive ways.

Rinse and repeat these affirmations as often as necessary until you find that gossiping is no longer a part of your life. Remember, it’s up to you to make the choice to stop. Choose wisely, and live a drama-free life!


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