How To Make Every Day A Day Of Gratitude

Today is supposed to be a day of gratitude for many people, but as Jack Canfield says, we are conditioned to focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do have.

Quote from jack canfield

Even this morning, my husband got some great news, and I found myself focusing on something that we had lost rather than what he had gained.

If you are like me today, the following video from Jack Canfield’s YouTube Channel will help. It’s where I got the quote from and it’s where I was reminded of how much I have to be grateful for and how to maintain that gratitude.

Don’t’ worry if you don’t believe in the law of attraction, which Jack Canfield talks about. The overall message is what matters. Anyone will benefit from adding this gratitude routine to their day.

Note: If you don’t want to or have time to listen to the video, I’ll summarize the daily routine below the video. But, the video is only 8 minutes long, so I encourage you to watch it!

How To Make Every Day A Day Of Gratitude According To Jack Canfield

  1. Take a few minutes in the morning to write down everything you are grateful for. This helps you get into an attitude of gratitude.
  2. Show gratitude to 3 people each day. You can do this by verbally letting them know you appreciate them or by writing a note.
  3. Play the appreciation game in every situation you encounter. Simply look for the good.
  4. Carry something around that represents gratitude. It could be a rock or something else, but it should be something you can grab. Each time you put your hands on that token, use the time to stop, breathe, and feel gratitude.
  5. Find time in your day to appreciate yourself and acknowledge your big and small successes. You can do this by talking to yourself in the mirror, Jack says. He says you should do this exercise each night for a minimum of 40 days. Look in the mirror, say your name, and then appreciate yourself out loud for achievements you had in the day, how disciplined you were in the day, and how good you were at avoiding temptations. In short, go over your day and take note of the good things that happened. Then, tell yourself that you love YOU.

Jack says to do this routine daily for 30 days to see what happens.

Now go out and have a day of gratitude today and every day! Life feels so much better (and goes so much better) when you are in a state of appreciation.


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