18 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved

Make him feel loved
Photo by Warren Wong

Much like you, your boyfriend also needs to feel loved every single day. He needs more than just a few romantic words. It doesn’t really take much to make your boyfriend feel loved or you don’t always have to prepare something grand to make him feel giddy. Most of the time, even your simple gesture can make his day.

A successful relationship requires effort from both partners. To give you some good ideas on how to do your part, here are 18 ways to make your boyfriend feel loved.

18 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Video

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1. Compliment him.

It’s rare for a guy to receive genuine compliments. But girls aren’t the only ones who like to be told they look good, smart, or sexy – of course, guys love it too! Tell him all the good stuff about him, tell him he looks hot with his white shirt, or let him know how much you love smelling his scent. By acknowledging your guy with genuine adoration it will make him feel loved.

2. Appreciate him.

If he picks up your dress from the cleaners, fills a glass of water for you, or serves the food for you, thank him properly for doing it. Don’t take him for granted even if it is just a simple gesture, as much as possible notice and appreciate it. Rolling a quick “thank you” off your tongue isn’t hard and it’s worth it when it will make him feel valued and loved.

3. Don’t reject him.

Don’t ever reject his efforts to make you feel happy. If your boyfriend messes up the kitchen just a little while preparing breakfast for you, don’t scold him for that because he’ll feel stupid for trying to do something nice for you. Instead, just be happy that you have someone who exerts so much effort to make you happy. So, don’t ever try to make him feel rejected. By appreciating him, he’ll feel loved by you. `

4. Support him.

Supporting your boyfriend is an important aspect of a relationship. If you know he has certain passions in life, give him encouragement. Be his cheerleader, motivate him to pursue his passions and goals in life. You can also show emotional support when he’s open, like listening actively and acting as his anchor.

5. Give him space.

All relationships require space from time to time to continue building on the intimacy and the bond that you share. Give him the freedom to be with himself, family, friends, or even his teammates at work. I’m sure he’ll feel seen, heard, supported, and loved.

6. Show him he is a priority.

Time is the most valuable asset we can give to someone because we can’t get it back after we spend it. So, use it wisely in your relationship. Make your boyfriend feel loved simply by showing him he is your top priority.

7. Give him long hugs.

Guys love warm and long embraces. They often communicate physically and it’s a language they instinctively understand. Hugging your boyfriend a little longer and tighter will show him how much he is loved by you.

Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved
Photo by DaniGuitarra

8. Listen to him.

Pay attention to him and leave your phone out of your hands when he talks to you. Just as you want him to listen to you; he wants you to do the same to him. In this case, he’ll feel like you truly care about his thoughts and opinions.

9. Let him realize that you miss him.

When letting your boyfriend know how much you miss him, do it in a creative way – like sending him a text while you’re on your work break, taking videos of yourself at places that are meaningful to the two of you, or simply tell him just how much you miss him and how eagerly you’re waiting to see him again.

ALSO READ: 14 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Miss You

10. Trust him.

If you trust a guy, it subconsciously reveals to him how important and how special he is in your life. So, as much as possible, share your secrets with him or tell him everything he wants to know without any hesitation. In that case, you’ll make him feel loved.

11. Surprise him.

Surprise him by cooking his favorite dish, send him love notes, or plan a trip just for the two of you. Show him that not only girls deserve surprises and let him feel that he is loved by doing something special for him.

12. Be proud of him.

Show the whole world that he is your guy and how much you love him by introducing her to your friends. Never let him feel like you’re taking him for granted, instead show him how blessed you are to have him.

13. Get his opinion.

Asking your boyfriend for opinions only shows how you respect and value his thoughts enough to do something based on his judgment.

14. Be affectionate.

Affection is something all people want and all people need. So, if you want your boyfriend to feel loved, show him your affection. Hug him, kiss him, hold his hands in public, cuddle with him, or show him you’re willing to put things in your schedule aside just for him.

Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved
Photo by Free-Photos

15. Show him you’re jealous.

Yes, if girls like to see their partner getting jealous to make them feel loved by their boyfriends, guys also want to feel the same. However, don’t overdo it. Just let your guy know that you’re reasonably jealous and you don’t allow your one and only boyfriend to have other girls.

16. Do not control him or force him to change.

Do not be a dictator but be an inspiration to your boyfriend. Forcing him to change his lifestyle – like the way he dresses, talks or behaves in front of people will only make him feel that you don’t love or accept him the way he is. Try to be compassionate and understand his ways. If you want to change him for the better, do not control him but inspire him by becoming a role model. In other words, be that change you want to see in him.

ALSO READ: 10 Ways to Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better

17. Forgive him.

We all make mistakes. But if God, who loves us, can show mercy and forgiveness, why can’t you do the same? Make your boyfriend feel truly loved by getting rid of your pride and by forgiving him for his errors, especially if they aren’t intentional.

18. Don’t give up easily on him.

True love is patient. Hence, be patient and faithful to your boyfriend and your relationship with him. Do not easily break up with him when things are getting difficult in your relationship. Show him that you have hope and faith in him. Show him that you hold on to your relationship. Without your faithfulness, your man will never feel loved by you.

Now that you have read it, feel free to share this post with your friends or share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Chinese Translation: 让你的男朋友感到被爱的18种简单又容易的窍门


52 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved, Special and Giddy


Marydel Mitch Flores
Mitch is a writer and photographer. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Mitch believes that “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

36 thoughts on “18 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved”

  1. So, I met this guy and we fell in love instantly and we’ve tried going our separate ways in order to reduce build up of emotions but after days of no communication we came back being more in love thank before

  2. I have this guy that I love so much but his lifestyle is what makes me not give my all into the relationship, but despite how I trust dating other guys, I still find it difficult to love them because I still love my ex alot and he loves me too but his lifestyle is all I’m scared of.

    I’m confused here😥

  3. My boyfriend is hot tempered he hits me sometimes when his angry and can’t control himself and I feel he doesn’t trust me because of he knew me when I was with my ex and saw how I acted in it.

    • When someone hits you, there is only one solution. Leave that relationship and don’t look back. Don’t get into another relationship until you get some therapy for yourself. You need to heal, and that takes time focusing on you. Blessings to you. You were not created for harm, but good and you deserve to be loved the way God intended.

  4. I broke up with someone just few months ago,we didn’t have any misunderstanding or anything he just came to my place one day and asked we break up. But someone came after him and we blend, he is my friend already for almost a year so he asked me out and I agreed.
    He is so loving, calm and sacrifices alot for me, but am scared to return the love fully because of my previous relationship. What should I do?

    • you should give yourself time… and tell that person who just asked u out that u need time to move on.. if he really likes you.. he ll understand.. and if he understands you will get a reason to move on.. someone better is waiting for you… I know it must be hard.. i ve experienced the same.. but just try to be in the present and give your love to someone who loves you back…
      hope this helps…:)

  5. we are getting bore in our relationship not from each other because of our busy schedule
    we have no topics to talk with each other

    • See if you are in a long term relationship… there may be instances when you feel there’s nothing to talk about.. but… u know being in a mature relation ship means that u should have comfortable silences with each other… and moreover u just have to stop overthinking… because this is just a phase and will end soon… u ll have great converstations with each other… just dont give up that easily…
      hope this helps…

  6. i do all of it but he wants something i even help him in his projects give most of my time to him but its not getting enough ..he thinks i am not serious i dont care about him but i really do i try to do my best please suggest me better ways .

    • This has happened to me… first of all stay calm… things will be better.. and dont think that u are wrong.. maybe he is just not understanding u.. sometimes all it needs is a nice mature conversation… make him sit with you… hold his hands… look into his eyes.. tell him that u love him.. and u care… and u r sorry if in the past you made mistakes… but all you want him to know his that u love him.. appreciate him for being with u… and tell him that u ll be there for him.. helpping in projects and all is good.. but u will feel very good once u have this sweet conversationss..

  7. Horrible 😑.
    More over , the article has been written by a woman, the whole article is a female perspective article.
    They just don’t know how to make us feel loved.
    Only half of the points are barely true !
    There can be a hundred better points than simply just being supportive and giving away a thanks.
    For example, get him some flowers, seduce him , write him some kind of love letter, comfort him after a hard day, support him emotionally when he is going thru a mental break down, offer to take him on a date and pay for the meal/movie or whatever and make him happy there.
    Please, improve your article !
    I cannot force u, I can only request you…

    • When we first went into lockdown and I could see me partner 3 weeks into lockdown I had some flowers delivered to him. He was totally amazed that a woman had even thought of doing this and he loved it. I told him I just wanted to show him that I still cared a lot about him and more than anything to keep that beautiful smile on his face, and he sure did that. There is a lot more than what’s on here I do have to agree.

  8. Wow am very pleased in fact i was thinking of ending my relationship with my guy but after reading this step i feel relieve in fact i will not let him go or hurt him because he deserve much 💕 from me. Thank you so much for this advise i love it not like God bless.❤❤❤❤❤❤

  9. My partner is recovering from addiction. I feel even if I try these things with him he won’t feel worthy to accept them or he’ll feel it’s like a charity case… how do I help him restore confidence and pride in himself so he will be able to accept my acts of love for what they are.

    • My partner is exactly the same and the only advice I can give right now is if u are doing the above then trust me he knows he is just not sharing his emotions with you but after a 4-6 months he will say thank you for standing by him trust me be persistent of all of the above eventually he will accept your love and in return show you more live hope this helps x

  10. I have found the one and am actually making sure that he gets the best girlfriend that he deserves.. wow he is just a blessing I did not even know I deserved or needed, happy to say I love someone that is really honest with me and even shows me his emotions when him and I have our pillow talks we cry with joy

  11. I really needed this, I feel like I’ve been blaming my boyfriend alot when my behavior is questionable
    It’s really helped me… Thank you

  12. Glad I came seeking for this today. I found out a lot that I knew but didnt know how to execute. Reading all the tips helped me to take a look @ the ways I am toward my man-friend(because he’s not a boy) and examine if I’m really doing those things listed. I find I need to b more consistent because it’s easy to look @ what I want but it’s him that needs that as well. He’s more of a tougher guy but he does have a really good heart and I need him to know I love him. I will begin these steps right when I get off work today!

    • My man has been hurt by another woman, he is very distant from me and I feel it’s because he scared of being hurt again, how do I change the way he is? He also is not an affectionate guy but I am so it’s hard for me to go up to him or even say touch his arm or his leg as I don’t know how he will react anyone have any ideas into how to tackle this situation thanks..

    • find a way to show him you are trying to make an effort to get him back without having him feel pressured. be patient but make sure he sees you so that he can see you are still there and making time for him will show that he is important also lead to him thinking how you made him feel better then others which guys will see only without the pressure… again be noticeable and in his life because guys are visual and at the same time blind..


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