16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More

trust from girlfriend
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez

Trust is one of the secret ingredients to smooth out the bumps in a relationship. Building trust requires a commitment to certain behaviors. Although there is no immediate sure-fire way to make your girlfriend trust you, there are behaviors and character traits you can cultivate to put you on the right path.

Here are 16 ways to make your girlfriend trust you more.

16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More Video

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16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More

1. Start with yourself.
Earning your girlfriend’s trust starts with you. Learn to trust yourself first before gaining the trust of someone else. If you trust yourself to stick to a habit, you’ll feel confident in your ability to get through tough times. Also, if you know you are trustworthy, she will eventually see it too. So have faith, be kind to yourself, and don’t pay too much attention to what others are saying.

2. Trust her.
In a relationship, trust goes both ways. If you display faith in a girl, she probably will also show faith to you, which can go along way in building trust in a relationship. So as much as possible, don’t be suspicious of her when you have no reason to be, trust her instincts, and let go of your bias.

3. Communicate openly.
Effective communication is the key to making any relationship thrive. The more open and honest you are to your girlfriend, the better you will be able to gain her trust. Talk to her about your needs and views, and create an atmosphere that is entirely free of secrets and suspicions.

ALSO READ: 8 Ways to Solve Communication Problems in Your Relationship

4. Share your life.
Invite your girl out to spend with your family, friends, or co-workers. Bring them together to kill the mystery and to reassure her that you’re not keeping any part of your life a secret.

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More
Photo by Rauchenberger

5. Don’t judge her.
Never judge your girlfriend’s actions, it will only weaken your relationship and will make your girlfriend less likely to trust you with personal information next time. Instead, be empathetic, listen and offer solutions.

6. Be consistent and reliable.
Proving you’re true to your word is an important part of making your girlfriend trusts you. If you tell her you’ll text her at 5 p.m, text her. If you say you’re going straight home from school or work, go straight home. Continue to show her that you can be trusted by being a man of your word. Your consistency will also cast her doubts and insecurities away.

ALSO READ: 11 Ways to Overcome Insecurities in a Relationship

7. Be patient.
Gaining trust takes time. Although your actions and words will help determine if the process succeeds, you can’t force things along. Sometimes, all you can do is wait and hope; anyway, it’s all worth the wait.

8. Be honest.
This is one crucial point that many guys often forget to factor in. If you’re heading out for a boy’s night out, be honest to her. Don’t tell her it’s just another late day at the office. Never expect your girlfriend to trust you if you cannot give honesty to other people, especially to your girl.

9. Give her compliments.
When it comes to boosting a girl’s self-esteem, compliments go a long way. Do this to your girl to show her your appreciation, and she would be more likely to trust someone who appreciates her presence.

ALSO READ: 11 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Appreciated

10. Be yourself.
Do not pretend to be someone you’re not, just to keep your girl happy. Even if you manage to fool her temporarily, she will see right through it and immediately peg you as someone who can’t be trusted. Just be confident in who you are, because it is much easier to trust someone who looks, talks, and acts like someone who is comfortable in his own skin.

11. Tell her things that no one else knows about you.
Actions like this paired with your consistency in following through with your words will help her slowly but surely develop trust in you.

12. Make smart decisions.
Invite her out on a date and choose a place that she loves, not the restaurant you like to go to with your friends. When you make decisions with her in mind, she’s likely to feel more comfortable with you. This also shows you’re trustworthy, dependable, thoughtful, and supportive.

13. Show her love and care.
Do some thoughtful gestures whenever you can. Offer to run some of her errands and always tell her how much you love her. Part of the reason why she’s taking so long to trust you is that she is probably trying to figure out if it’s safe for her heart to invest in you. So, as much as possible, show love and care, it will surely be easier for you to make your girl trust you.

14. Spend time with her.

Trust naturally grows after you spend more time with your girl because as you go along with her, she’ll realize that you are someone she can feel comfortable around. Just open up to her and let her see the different side of you.

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More
Photo by Rauchenberger

15. Back it up with actions.
Do what you say you will and show what you say you will make your girl trust you. Your actions – in combination with the things you tell to your girl will strengthen the trust in your relationship.

16. Make big self-sacrifice.
Last but not the least, if you really want your girlfriend’s trust to grow more, give up something big to convince her that you truly love her and that she is your top priority. Make her feel your selflessness. Make her realize that you can sacrifice your own interest to make her happy and never hurt her.

This big sacrifice can be in the form of your old self, that is, you can sacrifice your old self along with your unbreakable bad habits and negative attitudes to offer her a better you, a better person and a better partner.

Building a strong connection and bond of trust with your girlfriend is a process. You have to be patient in winning your girl’s trust. Although the process can sometimes be difficult and frustrating, the rewards are usually well worth it.

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Marydel Mitch Flores
Mitch is a writer and photographer. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Mitch believes that “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

27 thoughts on “16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Trust You More”

  1. I have a problem now with my relationship. My girlfriend has a lot of mood swings and that has been affecting our relationship. I at the moment feel unloved but there is a force in me that really loves her soo much. I need some advice l.

  2. Everyone lies from our kids to our closest loved ones. If a girl lies to me about the smallest thing i.e. I hadn’t ate but she was out having steak, so she lies about because I haven’t ate nothing and she feels better not to tell me about cos I’m starved while she had a steak dinner while we’re apart in order to not feel bad.
    If anyone wants trust enough, they must be brutally honest and 100% across the board with everything even if they feel vulnerable. Or else no trust will never ever be established. I hope people can comprehend this insight.
    Brutal fearless truth will earn every one the awesome trust they genuinely seek.
    Truth=trust, not other way around.

  3. This is actually a good lesson and ideas, I much appreciate and I will make sure I will follow each and every step, thanks

  4. I wanna know how could I get my girl to trust me because she’s the type to see, and listen. She will always believe in what she believes. She would always believe that I’m attracted to a lot girls but I always tell her you can’t really blame the eye because sometimes things might grab your attention, like if someone looking at you or doing something that might somehow made you look, and that unavoidable. I wanna know a way to change her mindset and think that I’m the type of guy that would always cherish her and her only. If this goes on I don’t know what will she do.

  5. I cheated on my girlfriend and now she don’t trust me anymore but am leaning this to win her if it’s possible I’ll be glad if she will accept me back ooh my God I really love this beautiful sexy lovely amazing cute lady but I mess up seriously please is there any help again please do to help me because I love her don’t wanna lose her, I really don’t know what to do now can’t even go home I need her back I want us to continue our beautiful life again i want us to spend our life together, I want us to spend the rest of our life together again and again

    i did a bad thing sweetheart wherever you are forgiven me it won’t happen again i promise, you know me already you know how much I love you, if you ask me to tell you why I did that I can’t give you answer not even one answer, dear I’m deeply deeply deeply sorry for what I did i know it’s very painful but find a place in your heart and forgive me, please accept me back

    • You can start by introducing yourself to her and her friends, from there get to know her and her friends, be open minded and transparent, dont hide secrets, be confident and dont be too pursuasive for sexual hunger this will set 1st impression if she will make friends with you. From there on follow the tips to gain trust which will take months to build inwhich you will get to know her better and she will too. Dont rush into things, if not you will be friendzoned. Take your time but once you gain trust, show her that you are exclusive to her.

  6. Thanks alot. Can you imagine my girl has finally trust me and even afraid of lossing me. I’m Mohammed X Banks from Ghana.
    I love you Beb SARAFINA alies FINA BANKS.

  7. What if the only answer you ever get back is that you are a liar!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever i say. I think that I have said everything I can to win her back but she just won’t listen . We split up just short of 2 months ago. Does anybody think that i even stand a chance of getting her back or is it dead in the water?? Please help somebody i’m going crazy (I bet she’s NOT).

  8. Thank you for this inspiring message. It has helped me a lot in my long-distance relationship with my girlfriend. I’m Vincent from Uganda.

    • Being strong it helps a lot, of course self trust is important too, talk to the girl about everything in your life and your past, listening to her and talk to her about your plans work and help her to achieve her personal goals.


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