Should Christians Vote? A Constructive Approach to Christian Engagement In Politics

Should Christians Vote

With November rapidly approaching, and with it one of the most divisive elections in history, I’ve experienced a lot of inner conflict. The question I’ve been asking myself is this: how active ought a Christian to be in American politics? I grew up in a culture that taught it was inappropriate for a Christian leader …

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The Why and How to Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit

link to The Why and How to Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit The Why and How to Developing a Daily Bible Reading Habit

Many Christians grow up in a church culture that places a heavy emphasis on developing a daily Bible reading habit. However, few churches adequately train their members how to do this in practice, or even why they ought to do this in the first place. I do believe it’s important for Christians to develop a …

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Jesus’ Name and its Meaning in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic

Jesus’ Name and its Meaning in Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic

A major theme throughout the New Testament revolves around the power of Jesus’ name. Demons flee, the sick are healed, all of creation bows down in worship, all at the name of Jesus. From a linguistic standpoint, the name of Jesus carries a lot of deep meaning in its original culture, both in the Greek …

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Which Bible Did Billy Graham Use?

Which Bible Did Billy Graham Use

Billy Graham is one of the most influential evangelical preachers in modern history. He was an excellent preacher and teacher of the Bible. Songs have even been written about this man’s Bible, which raises an interesting question: which Bible did Billy Graham use? To this, there is no single answer, as Billy Graham actually used …

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