Best Bible Translation for Daily Reading

Best Bible Translation for Daily Reading

For anyone looking for a new Bible, there is no shortage of versions. There are tons of options across a wide spectrum of translation theory, from rigidly word-for-word to loose paraphrase. The Bible you select will largely depend on your purpose. This post is for those looking for the best translation for developing a daily …

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Which Bible Versions are In the Public Domain, and Which Can I Cite?

link to Which Bible Versions are In the Public Domain, and Which Can I Cite? Which Bible Versions are In the Public Domain

The Bible is one of the most important books in history. It has been read, copied, translated, and cited millions of times over in the past several thousand years. So how does such an archaic book work with our more modern copyright laws? Well, it depends on the version. Modern versions published within the last …

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Which Bible Did Billy Graham Use?

Which Bible Did Billy Graham Use

Billy Graham is one of the most influential evangelical preachers in modern history. He was an excellent preacher and teacher of the Bible. Songs have even been written about this man’s Bible, which raises an interesting question: which Bible did Billy Graham use? To this, there is no single answer, as Billy Graham actually used …

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