How to be a Good Girlfriend in 30 Ways

good girlfriend
Photo by Yoann Boyer

Being a good girlfriend is not always about cooking his favorite food or knowing how to do all the household chores. You have to understand how men think and what they need in a relationship to be a better girlfriend.

How to Be a Good Girlfriend in 30 Ways Video

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30 Ways to be a Good girlfriend

Here are 30 ways to be the best girlfriend to your boyfriend and enjoy a stronger, happier, and lasting relationship with him.

1. Trust him.

Trust is one of the keystones in any relationship. Men feel secure when you trust them because they don’t have to worry about being judged. In that case, they’ll start opening up everything to you without the need of using your interrogative skills.

2. Encourage him.

Be that woman who will encourage your boyfriend to grow and not the naysayer one. Once he knows you believe in him, you’ll be a good girlfriend in his eyes, heart, and mind.

3. Be honest.

Men don’t like a woman who lies. How can he trust you if you can’t be honest to him even in simple things? If you don’t want him to do the same, be that girlfriend who won’t give him any reason to break his trust.

4. Respect his time with friends.

Remember that it is also important for him to have other relationships (Friends) with people. Respect his time with friends and he’ll respect you for valuing those people who are significant to him.

5. Don’t flirt with other men.

A good girlfriend is loyal and faithful; she won’t make her boyfriend feel jealous and won’t flirt around with other guys. Show him how desirable you are and trustworthy by fixing your eyes only on him.

6. Appreciate his little efforts.

Your boyfriend also needs to know and feel that his efforts are being appreciated. Let him know that you value him and you treasure every effort he does for you. It will make him feel better about himself and your relationship as well.

7. Don’t take him for granted.

The worst thing you can do to your boyfriend takes him for granted. Pay attention to him and don’t stop appreciating all the little things you used to love about him.

8. Send him sweet messages.

A quick message telling him “Good morning’ or “I love you” every day can brighten up his day. No matter how short it is, as long as it’s sweet, he’ll appreciate it because it makes him feel like you’re reminded about him each day.

9. Listen when he needs you.

One of the best things you can do as a girlfriend is to listen to him to know what he wants so you can fulfill his needs.

How to be a Good Girlfriend
Photo by Pasja1000

10. Stop nagging.

A nagger is one of the guys’ worst nightmares. Continuous nagging will only annoy your boyfriend and ruin your relationship.

11. Help him break his limits.

Your boyfriend has enough people in his life who discourage him from going beyond his limits. So be his personal cheerleader. Support him and help him reach his full potential.

12. Let him be.

Respect him as a man. Give him the freedom and let him be without always trying to change him.

13. Accept his flaws.

Don’t expect your partner to be perfect. Accepting each other’s flaws is the foundation of a strong and healthy relationship.

14. Don’t dwell on the past.

Don’t dig up the past every time you have an argument with your partner. Let bygones be bygones and give your relationship a chance to move forward and grow stronger.

15. Don’t make a decision when you’re angry.

If you don’t want to regret your decisions in the end, then don’t make it in the first place, especially when you’re in the midst of anger. Give yourself time to cool down so you’ll come up with the best judgment.

16. Don’t let the day end without fixing your problem.

A good girlfriend won’t allow the day to end without fixing the problem. If you truly worry about his feelings, you’re going to settle things down as early as you can, before it gets worst. Because the longer it takes, the harder it is to fix for the both of you.

17. Pamper him.

Cook for him, buy him a little present or prepare his breakfast in bed. Be that girl who’ll give him nice things all the time.

How to be a Good Girlfriend
Photo by Divily

18. Give him space.

Instead of putting pressure on him, why not give him space? Space to be with himself, his friends, work, or whatever he needs.

19. Be independent.

You know you’re a good girlfriend if you don’t rely on him all the time. Your boyfriend also wants you to have a little dependence. You’ll look more responsible if you do so.

20. Be empathetic.

Your ability to step into the shoes of another person, understand their feelings, and recognize their perspectives seems to be in free-fall. It is not easy to be a man, so try to listen to his side instead of constantly trying to tell him yours.

21. Tell him how happy and blessed you are to have him.

Guys also want to hear sweet words coming from their girlfriend. It isn’t hard to tell him how happy you are to be with him today or how blessed you are to have him each day. So why not start doing it?

22. Support his passion.

If your boyfriend has a dream, be that person who’ll support him to achieve it. It would be a success on your part once you see him accomplish it.

23. Tell him what bothers you.

If there is something bothering you, tell him immediately rather than hiding it, so it won’t cause so much trouble in the future. We all know that most women have that “you should know” perspective towards their boyfriend. But, men are also insensitive and oblivious so they won’t know what you really feel unless you say it.

24. Inspire him.

Motivate and inspire your boyfriend every day. Be that woman behind his every success.

25. Don’t force him to change.

Inspire him to change for the better instead of controlling and forcing him to change. Be a role model. If you want him to be a good boyfriend, inspire him by being a good girlfriend first.

26. Surprise him.

Not only girls love surprises, of course, your boyfriend also wants to feel that special feeling of excitement and amazement.

ALSO READ: 20 Best Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend

27. Give him pieces of advice that build him up.

Take the time to pinpoint what you like and don’t like about your boyfriend and give him helpful tips on improving himself. This will make him feel like he can improve and become a better person.

28. Take care of him.

Show care to your partner even in simple ways, like cooking a healthy meal for him or giving him a relaxing massage to get rid of stress.

29. Try to keep discussions positive.

Start out a discussion in a positive and productive way rather than constantly arguing about a simple matter.

30. Be a respectable woman.

A good girlfriend knows how to carry herself and behaves like a real lady.

Men usually fall in love with women who have the secret ingredients of true love (See 22 Signs of True Love in a Relationship). You just have to work on it and bring out the best in you in order to achieve it. No matter what stage your relationship is, you can always learn from it. I hope the lists above will help you become a better girlfriend each and every day.

How to Be a Better Girlfriend

1. Appreciate him.

2. Make him feel special.

3. Be his adventurous companion.

4. Be honest.

5. Give him space and freedom.

6. Stop nagging, complaining, and demanding.

7. Look better than ever before.

8. Earn his respect.

9. Be loyal to him.

10. Inspire him to be a better man.

11. Be a wife material.

Please visit how to be a better girlfriend for the details.

12 Signs you are a Good Girlfriend

1. You care about how he feels.

2. You understand his silence.

3. You make him want to be a better person.

4. You know how to calm him down.

5. You are strong enough to protect him.

6. You know your worth.

7. You believe in his potential.

8. You have a deep respect for his passion.

9. You care for the people he loves.

10. You can be strong and independent.

11. You have your own personal goals.

12. You always choose him.

Please visit 12 distinct signs of a good girlfriend for the details.

10 Thing a Good Girlfriend should NEVER Do to Your Boyfriend

1. Call him every minute when he’s out.

2. Nag him about every little thing.

3. Stop him from hanging out with his friends.

4. Go through his things.

5. Use emotional blackmail.

6. Jump to conclusions.

7. Turn him to someone else.

8. Get mad at him for no reason.

9. You don’t listen to him.

10. Go behind his back.

Please visit 10 things a girl should not do to her boyfriend for the details.

12 Signs You are Wife Material

1. You know what you want in life.

2. You’re strong enough to protect yourself.

3. You are focused on her professional goals.

4. You’re financially independent.

5. You don’t rely on anyone for stability.

6. You know how to love and how to be selfless.

7. You know how to inspire and encourage others.

8. You understand the challenges of being in a relationship.

9. You have faith in yourself and believe in his potential.

10. You believe in the power of love to unite two people.

11. You’re ready to build and grow a family with him.

12. You consider God as a central figure in your life.

Please visit 12 signs you are wife material for the details.

10 Ways to be a Sweet Girlfriend to Melt his Heart

1. Cook him his favorite meal.
2. Be his number one cheerleader.
3. Call him by his endearment.
4. Spend time with him and his family.
5. Write him little notes.
6. Shower him with compliments.
7. Give him lots of long hugs.
8. Make him a personalized gift.
9. Always have his back.
10. Tell him you love him every day.

Please visit ways to make a guy’s heart melt for the details.

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Chinese Translation: 如何做个好女友的30种方法



Marydel Mitch Flores
Mitch is a writer and photographer. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Mitch believes that “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”