15 Inspiring Tips to Overcome Life Challenges

overcome life challenges

Have you ever felt that your world is starting to fall apart because of how life tends to bombard you with seemingly impossible challenges? Have you ever felt helpless and would rather spend your days feeling like a solitary zombie while the rest of the world doesn’t even care that you’re this close to almost losing your sanity? Well, you’re not alone and the good news is, there are ways to properly deal with and overcome these obstacles.

Reality has a way of reminding us that no matter how hard you try and how good you treat people, you will always have those days, those times when you think the world is against you. During these moments, you often have the urge to either shut down or finally give up and think of the most foolish remedies available to you – both can have long-term damaging effects on you, emotionally and physically.

So how do you properly cope and are there ways to overcome life’s endless challenges? Read this article and hopefully, you can come up with something that will not only help you solve your problems but will also fight off the negativities that come with them.

1. First of all, you should listen and learn from those who made it out alive.

Learn from other people’s success stories but also focus more on their failures. Find inspiration from the survivors who fought the hard fight and made it out bruised and scathed but still victorious.

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2. Don’t depend on other people to fix your own problem.

The change should always begin with you and you alone. Overcoming life’s challenges requires the same thing but with a little comforting thought: you’re the only person who can solve your own problems but expect to find strength in the most unexpected places.

3. Accept reality as it is and you’ll have a clearer view of the world.

IF you want to face a problem head-on, you’ll have to know what’s on the other side of the ring. Fight with both eyes open and face every blow thrown at you without blinking. Knowing what you are really up against can help you figure out which move to make.

4. Reflect on your past decisions and find out where it went wrong.

It’s great to be able to overcome the challenges in life but you know what’s greater? When you also get to learn the lessons from both the successes and the almost-defeats. The first thing you have to do, however, is to reassess the wrong decisions that you have made to deserve this misfortune so that these types of challenges won’t come back to haunt you.

5. Never drown in self-pity.

That’s the number one rule when trying to handle a serious personal problem: never drown in self-pity. Never let the negativities get you, and never ever think that it’s the end of the world. It’s okay to feel bad and sad about the things that you cannot control but have the courage to snap out of it.

6. Have time alone and away from the noise of the outside world.

Sometimes, it’s better to be alone and immerse yourself in the silence of solitude not just to think but to refresh and recharge your mind from the noise of the outside world. This ‘alone time’ as what others call it, can help you have a stress-free and pressure-free environment to just think and be with yourself.

7. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Be kind to yourself and make sure that you constantly remind yourself that. Challenges are there to bring out the best and the worst in us and most of the time, people won’t be there to stay by our side especially if you fall for the latter. During those times, we can only depend on ourselves and no one else. Be a good friend and companion to you.

8. Try to consider a change in perspective.

What if the only thing that’s keeping your problems alive is your perspective? Most of the time, we over-worry and overthink about what’s bothering us – without realizing that just thinking positive and keeping a more optimistic approach can make all the difference. Go on, try it.

9. Don’t make decisions when you’re angry or frustrated.

One equally important rule is to never make decisions when you’re not at your best. Aside from the challenge that you’re currently facing, decisions made out of anger and frustration can introduce more serious problems.

10. Celebrate the small steps you take.

Don’t hesitate to celebrate your small victories even if you’re facing a much larger obstacle. It’s okay to drop your guard and just remind yourself to be happy once in a while. After that, you’ll come back better and stronger.

11. Find refuge in good food and great company.

It’s okay to take a break from the more serious work of fighting off those daunting obstacles. In fact, finding refuge in the things you love like eating your favorite food with your favorite people can be the best and most soothing remedies out there.

12. Befriend silence and treasure solitude.

No, you won’t solve your problems by drowning in alcohol and losing yourself in the noise of partying and fun. Sometimes, we find our answers to life’s questions by embracing silence. For in silence, we can enjoy the peace and in peace, we find true wisdom.

13. Take a sanity break and well-deserved self-love.

Love yourself more by taking a much-needed sanity break. Life can often be draining and coupled with obstacles, it has the potential to break you, emotionally and psychologically. Take a break, Breathe – do it now.

14. Never stop trying.

Obstacles in life can be overwhelming and most of the time, persistent. However, never ever stop trying. It’s your last line of defense.

15. Let things go.

You don’t have to hold on to something that keeps on draining the happiness out of you. It’s that simple. The challenges that you face every day create a lasting impact on your overall well-being but you’ll always have the choice to move on and just let them go.

We can all agree that life and its unpredictability can often be intimidating, especially when we are faced with challenges that can either make or break us. Whatever happens to us, in the end, will depend not on how hard we fought but on how many times we got up every single time life knocked down.

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Photo by Arnold Exconde

Charm Villalon
Charm is a writer and a student. She is currently completing her Graduate Degree in Language Studies while refining her creativity and related skills through the visual arts: drawing and painting.