8 Reasons Mindvalley’s Membership Is Awesome

Having a better conversation with yourself starts by developing a new awareness and new beliefs that allow you to change your self-talk. Mindvalley has courses focused on every area of life that will impact your awareness and your beliefs in a positive way. I know because I’ve taken many of their courses and am where I am because of them. And I have heard from countless students how powerful their experience with Mindvalley has been. The Mindvalley Membership (it used to be called the All Access Pass) allows you access to many of the quests on Mindvalley instantly for as long as you have the membership, and there are many things I love about it.

8 Things I Love About The Mindvalley Membership

This Mindvalley Membership will be one of those things that I treat myself to continuously. Not only does it offer a huge savings when compared to buying quests on Mindvalley individually. I’ve found it invaluable for my personal growth, and it’s been worth every single penny I’ve paid for it.

1. I Can Take Any Mindvalley Quest At Any Time At Any Pace

Not every course on Mindvalley is available to you. For instance, Lifebook and Wildfit are not included in the Mindvalley Membership.

But there are still a ton of quests to choose from with the Mindvalley Membership. (See the list below) And, if a quest is available to you, then you can take it whenever you want and as fast as you want.

You can check out the full list of programs available on this page under ‘What You’ll Learn’.

Did you check it out? It’s a lot, right? 😲

Quests have a start date. So if you decided to sign up for just one of the quests right now, you would have to wait until that start date to get going on the quest. And, quests on Mindvalley are opened day by day to new students. This allows them to go through the quest one day at a time with other students.

Sometimes, though, you just want to start a quest on whatever date you decide to start it on and to move ahead and do more than one class in a day.

With the Mindvalley Membership, you can do that!

You can take whatever quest or course you want when you want and how fast you want. It’s totally up to you. And I’m a huge fan of that kind of freedom when it comes to educating myself.

2. I Will Never Miss Another New Quest On Mindvalley As Long As I Have The Mindvalley Membership

With Mindvalley Membership, you automatically get access to any new quest that gets added on Mindvalley. Mindvalley previously added new programs once in a while, but, lately, they’ve been adding new quests almost every month.

I can’t tell you how fun it is to see that a new quest will be starting soon in your Mindvalley dashboard. You don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to enroll. You don’t have to pay for the individual course. It just appears in your list of courses with a countdown to when it will start.

3. I Feel Like A Student In Life-Changing Courses

I love the Mindvalley Membership because I feel like a student at Mindvalley. I enjoyed being a student in my college years, but my education wasn’t life-changing for me. I wanted to learn about specific careers. That’s why I signed up for my programs and took my courses. I ended up leaving college with some practical knowledge in different career fields, but not with very much personal growth.

Mindvalley classes provide personal growth AND can help you in your chosen field of work. They increase your awareness, help you change your beliefs, and give you access to information that can directly impact your life in a positive way.

I used to have to attend a seminar to get this kind of education. For instance, I remember (over a decade ago) going to listen to Lisa Nichols speak in a one-day seminar. But now I have her quest in my Mindvalley account and can revisit it any time I want to.

4. I Create My Own Learning Plan

Mindvalley is essentially an online university for personal growth. It offers a ton of courses that can impact your happiness and success, and it keeps adding more.

But, unlike other universities, you don’t have to follow their curriculum. You can put together your own learning plan based on what you want (or need) to learn next.

For instance, if you feel like you need to work on your health, you can take the Longevity Blueprint quest first and learn more about fitness and longevity so that you have the energy to take the rest of the quests.

Mindvalley has quests on spirituality, meditation, energy work, communication, improving brain power, self-talk, parenting, productivity, and more. Whatever you want to work on first, do it. It’s your plan.

With the Mindvalley Membership, you can choose whatever you want.

5. Mindvalley’s Teachers Are Well-Known Teachers

Sometimes you get a teacher in a personal development program who has no history of teaching the subject they are teaching. It’s like they dropped out of thin air and declared that they are an expert in the subject.

When learning about things that are not very traditional, such as energy work or self-hypnosis, you don’t want to learn from just anyone. You want to learn from someone who has been there and done that… a lot. And that’s what Mindvalley offers.

Moreover, when it comes to traditional subjects, such as productivity and improving memory, Mindvalley has teachers that have proven themselves to be experts on the subjects.

Mindvalley brings in teachers that have been teaching their subject for a long time. They have written books, done workshops, and/or taught many students, and they have the history to prove their knowledge and ability in the subject they are teaching.

Ben Greenfield, Jim Kwik, Lisa Nichols, Robin Sharma, Neale Donald Walsch, Steven Kotler, Srikumar Rao, and Marisa Peer are just a few of the well-known names that teach on Mindvalley, and you get access to them all through the Mindvalley Membership.

6. Mindvalley Mentoring Is A Part Of The Mindvalley Membership

Mindvalley Mentoring is a membership program where you can get access to training, workshops, and films from people who are successful and Vishen looks up to.

Here’s a screenshot of what you get with this membership.

Mindvalley Mentoring

You can still buy this on its own for $200 per year. But, if you are part of the Mindvalley Membership, then Mindvalley Mentoring is included at no extra charge. You just simply log in to your Mindvalley dashboard and find all the videos under ‘Channels’.

Mindvalley quest all access pass

7. Live Zoom Calls Every Week

Live calls on Mindvalley give you the chance to ask teachers questions and talk real-time with other students.

It used to be the only way you could go live with teachers was during various Mindvalley quests – if you were taking them the first time around. But, now, anyone with a Mindvalley Membership can go live with teachers almost every single week.

Mindvalley has a calendar that lists all the upcoming live calls and you can pick and choose which ones you want to attend. All of the times shown on the calendar are in your time zone, so it’s really easy to join the classes you want to join without worrying about whether you have the right day or time.

Just click on the class you want to attend, click on the Zoom link, and join.

8. The Mindvalley Community Platform

Hate Facebook? Sick of seeing stuff you don’t want to see while you are trying to focus on things like personal growth? Me too!

All of Mindvalley’s quests used to be on Facebook, but now they have created their own community where you can join and talk about all or any of the courses you are currently taking.

groups mindvalley community

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In the group, you can see all of the topics, keep up with discussions, post questions, answer questions, and see all the members. It’s like Facebook, but better because there are on ads or distractions from your ‘friends’.

The Mindvalley Membership Is Here To Stay

Thankfully the Mindvalley Membership is here to stay.  I bought a lot of Mindvalley courses before this membership came out, and I’m thankful that now we can just pay one price and get access to everything.

Vishen says there will be more changes to the Mindvalley Membership as Mindvalley figures out how to make the membership work best for their students.  So, there may be much more to the Mindvalley Membership than what’s included in this article going forward.

If you want a happier and more successful life, I highly recommend treating yourself to this Mindvalley Membership. It will be the best investment you make all year. Make it one of those things that are essential for your self-care each year, because that’s what Mindvalley’s quests are all about – taking care of yourself in every way possible.

If you are on the fence as to whether or not you want to get the Mindvalley Membership and have a ton of Mindvalley quests and content at your disposal, I recommend taking Vishen’s free masterclass here where he talks about personal growth and how to make the most of it.

Right now, there is a discount for the membership, which is not something they’ve done before with the Mindvalley Membership. You can find it here.
