7 Ways to be a Better Millennial

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Millennials are often criticized as lazy, unmotivated and immature. Most people think that we’ve become so dependent on technology that whatever mature behavior or action that we do, we always think of it as an accomplishment or in other terms, we call it “adulting.”

No matter how cool the word “millennial” sounds like, I think that we should stop the stereotype that the other generations gave us. Enough with the negative connotations or criticisms, it’s time that we should prove that we are more than what they call or generalize us. Now, here is the question, “what are really the ways to be a better millennial?”

1.) Be aware of what’s happening around you.
Becoming socially (or even politically) aware of what’s happening is essential if you want to become a better millennial. Nowadays, one should not just become a mere spectator. Participate and educate yourself on the current issues. Be involved not in the things that are unnecessary, but on the things that really matter. Reading articles from reliable sources is one way of being updated.

2.) Use social media for social good.
Social media is widely used today. Remember that using it is not just for entertainment, it can also address social issues in our generation. Using social media as a platform to inform about a certain topic such as fake news/misinformation is one way of helping others to become more aware of it. It should not just be utilized for vanity and instant fame, but also to help in having a well-informed society. Also, being mindful of what we post online lessens the risk of pointless arguments.

Following the right kind of people on social media sites such as Twitter can be one way too. I have an account on Twitter and not only do I follow certain people for entertainment, but I also follow the people who are using social media as a platform to become a voice for the less privileged. Or people who have a clear stand on current issues that are happening in our society. Not only do I learn from them but I also get to see how different each and everyone’s opinions are.

3.) Check your privilege.
Checking your privilege can help you understand or how to interact with others, respecting their side of the story etc. Being more privileged than others does not make you a bad guy. Instead, you can use this as a tool to be a voice for the people who are less fortunate. Help other people who need assistance for it will help you see the world you have not experienced.

4.) Figure out what you stand for.
In today’s generation, you should figure out what you stand for to certain issues socially or politically. Being neutral does not get you anywhere. Be involved in the issues that matter, less on ourselves and more on others. Now it doesn’t mean that you’d go and fight even on the most trivial things, fight for the things that really matter, the things that hinder our society to progress.

5.) There is more to life than our phones.
Millennials tend to spend more time on their gadgets than with real people. Socializing and spending more time with them can help you take a break from too much “screen-time”. Not only will it affect you physically but also your relationship with others especially your family.

Also, we are more than the notifications, likes/love we receive from social media. It doesn’t define what your true personality is, only you can tell it. Do not conform yourself to what others want you to be, or what they tell you to be. Be yourself, and own your imperfections.

6.) Care more for the environment.

Climate change is rapidly changing our environment on a vast level. Icebergs melting, oceans severely polluted and a large number of creatures are dying because of wildfires or an over-polluted habitat. It’s time that we should take action on these things for it will only get worse in the future.

We should practice going plastic-free, recycling, volunteering in organizations whose main goal is to really save the environment. Do it not just for popularity but genuinely helping to save our planet. It will not only save us but also the future generation.

7.) Take good care of yourself.
With all the frustrations and challenges that you face, taking good care of yourself is a must. Now that doesn’t mean you should indulge in things for the sake of Instagram. Taking good care of yourself goes beyond material things. Without proper self-care, we could easily feel unmotivated, depressed and irritated. Our mental health is most of the time taken for granted because of the pressures that are put on our shoulders.

There are many things you can do to take care of yourself such as reading a good book, practicing good hygiene and exercise (yes this helps too). Self- love is also important, because once you’ve accepted yourself, no matter how the world pulls you down, you will always fight your way up. Being the best version of ourselves can help inspire others to also become their own best version.

Now becoming a better millennial does not happen overnight, but you’re not going to be one if you don’t act on it. Go through the process and don’t rush it, each one of us has our own pace. You will eventually become one in time.

ALSO READ: 12 Ways to be a Better Netizen

Mary Fatima Berongoy
Fatima is a photography enthusiast who loves to binge - watch movies and television series. She also loves listening to indie music and dreams to own a coffee shop one day.
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