10 Ways to Fight for Your Dreams

Fight for your dream
Photo by Chansereypich Seng

Everyone has dreams but not every person is able to achieve those dreams. There are a lot of reasons why; perhaps it is self-doubt, lack of financial capability, no guidance, or maybe they don’t even know what they want. But there are still a few, wanting to reach out to the stars and grab it. If you are one of those people, then here are ten ways to fight for your dreams:

1. Know who you are and what you want.

Get to know yourself first. When you know who you are deep inside, then it is easier for you to identify what you really want. Knowing who you are and what you want helps in setting a clear path to success and achieving your dreams.

Uncertainty in yourself and your dreams will hinder you from conquering it. When you are a stranger to yourself, you may find it hard to look for a purpose. Take the time for self-discovery. This is the first step to fighting for your dreams.

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2. Develop your skills and talents.

Look for ways to develop your skills and talents. If you want to be a dancer, sign up for dancing classes. If you can’t afford to take classes, practice on your own, learn from a book, or dance with a friend. Never stop trying to improve the things that you do best.

The world is very competitive so you have to give it all you got when you want to fight for your dreams. What makes you different? What makes you better? Always remember these words.

3. Set up connections to achieve your dreams.

Talent is not enough to make it on your own. Set yourself up with connections or surround yourself with people who can help you achieve what you want. If you are an aspiring actress, then crying skills is not enough, you need a good agent to help you sell yourself to acting gigs.

For most people, it’s not what you know but rather who you know. Always aim for more connections, the more people you know, the more you can get yourself out there. It’s like throwing a huge fishing net in order to catch the most fish.

4. Don’t pay attention to destructive criticism.

Never let anybody’s words bring you down. If it’s nothing but trash-talking and ways to degrade you, then pay no attention to it. Only surround yourself with words that can help you build up and improve. Constructive criticism is the best criticism.

Learn to accept harsh but constructive words, these are your building blocks in becoming better at what you do best. When you focus on the positive, you are more likely to become successful in achieving your dreams!

5. Slow and steady.

Keep it slow and steady. Nobody has ever become successful overnight! It takes months, even years, or hard work and persistence. It’s important that you pace your work carefully. When you do, you make better decisions.

If you think it’s taking too long, reflect on it again. It is perfectly normal that your restaurant isn’t the most famous yet. It’s okay because you are just starting out. Keep up with what you’re doing, improve on areas that need improving, and in time, you will get there!

6. Keep on improving.

Keep on improving and honing your craft! If you think it is the best that you can do, look for other areas you can improve on. Always give more than a hundred percent in everything that you perform. When you make room for self-improvement, you become the best version of yourself.

Your best critique is still yourself. People don’t achieve their success through one go, consider those sleepless nights of practice as your foundation for fighting and achieving your dreams.

7. Don’t be afraid to take on challenges.

When people or circumstances challenge your dreams, don’t hesitate to take them on. It may be a failed audition or a business that didn’t sell well, but you should never let these stop you. You must always continue to work hard despite the odds.

You are sure to stumble upon a few obstacles along the way, but the important thing is to keep moving forward despite everything else. Resist the force that hinders you!

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8. Be consistent.

Be consistent in everything you do. Always practice and always give it your all. Never be afraid to take risks. Give consistent and excellent performance all throughout and your hard work will definitely pay off.

It’s not enough to wish for your dreams to come true, you must work for it too. Having consistency is the key to every good performance, every best-selling food, or every knock-out painting. Give it all you’ve got!

9. Set a clear path.

Set up a clear path for your dreams or in other words, conjure up a business plan. If you know who you are and what you want in life, then make sure to plan it out so that you can achieve it. Having a well-made plan is important in order for you to highlight the areas that you can focus on.

If you have your map and you know where you are going, then there is no stopping you from getting there.

10. Never give up.

The most important thing to remember when fighting for your dreams is to never give up no matter. Your dreams will only work hard as you do. Always have hope and let no one ever stop you from aiming high and flying.

When you have a great support system of family and friends, then that’s even better because you have people you care about cheering you on from the sidelines.

Remember that these are mere steps to guide you along the way. It is important to follow these with commitment and passion. Success is not something you can conjure up overnight. If you envy those famous superstars or successful businessmen, keep in mind that it took them years of hard work, persistence, and maybe a bit of luck to get where they are now. Don’t worry though, if you do the same, you fight for your dreams and stick to your working principles, then you will surely be able to achieve everything you want in life!

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Carisha Yabora
Carisha lives for writing and painting. When she’s not doing either of the two, she is most likely to be seen petting stray dogs or commuting in high fashion boots.