Not all of us land on our dream job. And yes, there are even times when we learn to hate our dream job because of the unprecedented pressures that come with it. But hey, feeling the pressure at work is normal, and it is also very common these days for us to work under pressure. This is because our fast-paced environment pushes us to work faster and comply with standards, otherwise we fall out of the rat race and lose our means to live.
Yes, it’s a very harsh reality to face, but the pressure at work can be easily overcome by having the right state of mind. Many would say that it’s not for the faint-hearted, but to face and get rid of the pressure is a skill you can acquire.
But where do you start handling the pressure at work, especially when you are already working under pressure? Here are 9 no-brainer ways to keep in mind:
1. Know your tasks like the back of your hand.
When at work, you are expected to do the tasks listed in your job description. Hence, you should know how to execute them properly and effectively. This is because when you are not sure of what you are doing, that’s the time when you start feeling the pressure.
In essence, you should prepare for work before you even come to work. That way, no one can easily make you tense because you know what you’re doing down to the littlest detail.
2. Know your enemy.
Aside from memorizing your tasks, you should also know the people you are going to be working with. Doing this helps a lot because these are the same people who will put pressure on you every once in a while.
It is downright important to get to know the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in your workplace, from your boss to your colleagues, and from there you can adjust your actions and decisions especially at times when you start feeling the tension.
3. When I doubt, ask questions.
Most of us hesitate to ask questions because we feel that it is an indicator of being unsure of what we are doing. This mindset is quite wrong and must be corrected immediately, especially when you are working in a highly competitive environment.
When assigned to a project, it is important that you have understood the brief properly so you know how to execute it correctly, effectively, and efficiently. If there are gray areas in the instructions, then have them clarified beforehand. Make the effort to ask questions especially in points you do not understand so you know how to carry them out once you start working on the project.
4. Wear your best outfit.
Oftentimes, you feel pressure at work when you feel inferior to your colleagues. Yes, the physical aspect plays a big role in getting rid of the tension, so it is best that you put your game face on whenever you are bound to face a really stressful event.
You may cover up your feeling of insecurity by wearing your best dress and glamming up a bit, as these make you feel good about yourself. When you start to feel good about yourself, the lesser the pressure your experience as well. The first thing your boss would see is your confidence and security, not your inferiority.
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5. Drink plenty of water.
When in the middle of a high-pressure situation, you will feel a variety of emotions. These emotions would definitely cloud your judgment, no matter how hard you try to stay calm. However, you can battle this by drinking plenty of water.
A glass of water soothes your senses, and it as well replenishes your brain with oxygen for it to function normally again. Besides, water keeps you relaxed throughout the day, and this helps in maintaining a sound judgment during utterly stressful situations.
6. Avoid toxic people.
Toxic people are common in the workplace, and they often aggravate the pressure in your work environment. These include rumor mongers, persons with crab mentality, and credit grabbers who are hungry for your supervisor’s attention.
If you’re not the diplomatic type who can mingle with such persons, then it is a better resort to stay away from them as much as you can. They will only distract and lure you away from the tasks you are supposed to be concentrating on, and they won’t be there for you whenever you need help.
7. Take it one step at a time.
Pressure often arises when tasks are not completed or delivered on time. Hence, if being bombarded with tasks is what gets you stressed, then take a step back and breathe. Afterward, look at your tasks and prioritize which of those to accomplish first.
You may want to get the easiest jobs out of the way first, and then the heavier ones next. You may also want to focus on the more urgent activities depending on the situation, but do keep in mind that even these supposedly big and heavy tasks can be taken down piece by piece, one step at a time.
8. Don’t forget to smile.
Having a positive outlook is also key to keeping the pressure levels low when at work. You can do this by keeping a smile on your face as much as you can, as this signifies that you are ready to face the stress with hope and confidence.
Smiling also changes your mood from frantic to jolly, and with a more jovial attitude, you are able to see the tasks assigned to you in a clearer manner. You can beat the pressure no matter how tense it gets during the day.
9. Leave the tension in the workplace-only in the workplace.
Lastly, it is a major no-no to bring the pressure at work elsewhere. Leave it in your office. Don’t take it home or to dinner with friends or to a party, because the stress will only linger in your system. Don’t be too hard on yourself even when things didn’t go your way at work. Allow yourself to rest and relax, to feel the simple joys of life after the hurly-burly in the office. Besides, you have a life outside work, and you should always keep that in mind.
Final words
The stress and pressure at work will always be present, and it is how you manage these that truly counts. It also boils down to choosing between enjoying work and wallowing at work, so regardless of the tense situations, deciding to make the most out of your job is still up to you.
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