I Took Lifebook Online: Review Plus Thoughts On Who It’s For

I’ve taken the whole Lifebook program from Lifebook Online to Lifebook Mastery. I’ve found that the beauty of Lifebook Online is that it helps you get clear on what you want in your entire life, not just in one area. If you want more clarity in life, then Jon Butcher and Lifebook can help you get it in a way that no one else can. Jon’s belief is clear – if you are going to find the answers you want then you need to look inside of you because no one else can help you find them. In other words, most programs are geared towards telling you how things should be, but Lifebook Online is geared towards helping you get clear on who you are and who you should be. It’s unique in that way, and I think that most people will benefit from it. But, not everybody will. So don’t buy Lifebook until you read this review and decide if it’s really something that’s going to benefit you.

Lifebook Online Quote From Jon Butcher

What Lifebook Online Is All About

If you are reading this Lifebook review, then there’s a good chance that you already know what Jon Butcher covers. Maybe you’ve watched the free Masterclass with Jon and Missy or maybe you’ve just heard them talking in a video or podcast somewhere about Lifebook.

But, if you haven’t heard about Lifebook yet, then let me explain quickly what it is.

Lifebook is a course to help you get to know more about yourself, what you want, where you want to be, who you want to be, and what your life vision should look like. It looks at 12 different areas of your life and helps you dig into them through a variety of exercises.

The Lifebook categories include:

  1. Health and fitness
  2. Intellect
  3. Emotions
  4. Character
  5. Spirituality
  6. Love relationships (Even if you are single, you can benefit from this one)
  7. Parenting (Even if you don’t have kids, this one can be applied to kids in your life or kids in general)
  8. Social life
  9. Financial life
  10. Career
  11. Quality of life
  12. Life vision

If you are like me, you may find yourself creating your own personal chapters as you go along with Lifebook. For instance, I created a Lifebook category called ‘Home’ that I haven’t seen anyone else create.

That’s the beauty of Lifebook Online – it allows you to be yourself and create a Lifebook that resonates with you in all areas that YOU find important.

Each week you look at two different aspects of your life. You kick off the program by looking at your health and fitness and intellectual life.

Lifebook Online Screenshot

Jon Butcher approaches each Lifebook category with a video, where he talks about beliefs you may have and helps you see the potential that there is in those categories.

I found myself stretching my beliefs around what I thought was possible. Even though I had taken a light version of Lifebook before, I found that Lifebook helped me dig deeper than I had previously. These videos are more in-depth.

Lifebook offers a structured process to help you get clear on your life the vision you hold for it – a process that he says he’s perfected over the years as himself, his wife, and students have gone through the Lifebook process.

You Need To Dig Deep Before You Create The Habits And Structure To Get What You Want

Lifebook Online is great for getting clear on who you are and what you want. So if you are asking yourself something like “What am I doing with my life?” Lifebook is going to help.

When you get a clear vision of who you are and where you want to be, you can come up with more defined goals and create a better schedule for yourself.

I always think of the following quote by Deepak Chopra when I think about having and creating goals. It’s a great reminder that if you put your focus on the things you want, then they can grow – which is why creating specific goals in all areas of your life is so important.

“Water brings life to a garden when you direct it at each plant, but water sprayed aimlessly in the air has no purpose and therefore brings little benefit.” – Deepak

Jon Butcher says you have to go through the entire Lifebook program and create your life vision before you can really create the habits and structure to help you reach your goals. Before that, you are simply looking deeper into each area of your life and making discoveries about yourself and what you want.

Although, I found that I’ve adopted new habits in my life simply because I realized how badly I want some things.

For instance, I started drinking a green smoothie more often. I know it sounds small, but I’ve known in the back of my mind that we need to incorporate more greens in our diet, yet I don’t cook with them often! While I was working on my health and fitness chapter in Lifebook, I realized that I could no longer ignore the need to get those greens in our diets, and smoothies (recommended by Jon and his wife Missy) seemed like the ideal way to do it.

You Should Start Off With The Assessment

There is an assessment that you do for Lifebook. A lot of people were shocked when they did their assessment and realized that things were not as they seemed.

One woman talked about how she realized her relationship was not OK and that she needed to do something quickly to help bring it back up to life. Before that, she just accepted her relationship for what it was, but the awareness that the assessment brought her helped her see that she couldn’t accept it if she wanted to be fully happy in other areas.

On a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, you will pick where you fit in for a variety of statements in each category of your life. When you are done, you get a visual report that helps you get a clearer vision of your individual life categories, how you are doing in them, where your strengths lie, and which category you really want to focus on.

I’ve noticed that they are using this Lifebook assessment for a few programs now on Mindvalley because it is a way to look at your life, figure out what’s going on, and set some intentions going forward.

Lifebook Online Is Community-Driven – Which Is Important

One of the great things about the quest format in Mindvalley which Lifebook is done in, is that you don’t just start on any day. You start on a particular day with a bunch of other people, which means that you can move through the course day-by-day with a group and discuss concepts, share ideas, and feel connected. It’s exactly like starting a class with a group of other people, except the class is on Facebook. And, all the people from past quests are on there as well.

I found that for Lifebook Online, other people’s ideas were important. The diversity in the group was awesome and inspiring. There were many people who felt comfortable sharing deep concerns and problems. And there were many people ready to offer a solid piece of advice or words of wisdom.

People were making connections in the Lifebook Online Facebook group with others who lived close to them or had similar interests. I’m sure there were many people who met offline and had one big thing in common – working towards the life of their dreams.

You don’t have to participate in the Lifebook Facebook group, but I suggest you do it. Even if you don’t say anything, you will find a lot of helpful and inspiring posts there from Lifebook students who are currently working on creating their Lifebook as well as achieving their Lifebook.

Update May 2020: Since I wrote this Lifebook review, the tribe has been solely on Facebook. But, now they are starting to move some of the quests into a community hosted on their site, which means no Facebook involvement at all. Maybe they will move Lifebook sooner than later and Facebook won’t even be an issue.

Update May 2021 – Now Lifebook has it’s own app and the community is on there. You will experience the Lifebook membership on the app after your Lifebook Online journey.

Don’t Take Lifebook Online If You Are Not Going To Do The Work

It’s important that you want to do the exercises in Lifebook and examine your life. If not, listening to Jon Butcher talk may help you think about some stuff, but it’s not going to impact your life the way doing the work does.

This quest is about figuring out who you are, not about listening to someone else talk. Jon Butcher just gives you the direction you need to look into each area of your life. You have to do the work.

If You’ve Done A Ton Of Personal Development, Will Lifebook Online Help You?

This is a hard question to answer.

I have done a ton of personal development in my life, and I found value in Lifebook. In fact, I’m one of those people who will be moving forward and taking the last leg of the Lifebook program.

But, there were some people who didn’t find it valuable and were vocal about it in the Facebook group.

If you don’t feel like you need help defining your goals and moving towards them, then I wouldn’t recommend taking Lifebook.

Instead, spend the time you would spend in Lifebook working on your goals and building your habits and reading and doing all the other things that can push you forward.

Update: Since first writing this Lifebook review, I haven’t seen anyone say that their previous personal development was a hindrance to their experience with the Lifebook program. However, maybe people with a lot of personal development in their pockets are just not taking Lifebook to begin with.

Should You Take This Lifebook Quest?

I hope this Lifebook review helped you figure out if you want to take the program or not.

If you are still on the fence, I would say that if you have a clear vision of where you are going and goals that help you move towards that vision, then Lifebook may not be for you. You may not get a lot out of this Lifebook quest because that’s what it is all about – creating a clear of where you are, what you want, and where you are going.

Jon Butcher and his wife Missy do have a few insights that you may benefit from – after all, they’ve been teaching Lifebook and reflecting on these 12 areas of life for years. But, if you are happy with your life, and have a vision you are moving towards, then you may not get a lot out of Lifebook Online.

That said, most people will benefit from Lifebook. I don’t know too many people who look at all 12 areas of their life that Lifebook talks about.

If you heard about Lifebook Online before you read this Lifebook review, and you were interested in it, then I would suggest at least trying out. It may be your intuition telling you that you need to get clearer on some areas of your life.

And if you are feeling overwhelmed by what is going on in the world and just want to narrow up your vision to your life and what you can accomplish and what makes you happy, then I suggest trying Lifebook as it has helped many people do just that.

Throughout the journey, you will start to see how each area of your life can impact other areas of your life in a big way, and it becomes apparent which areas of your life are going to have the most impact on your complete life vision.

Even though you need to start Lifebook on a specific day, and you only get access to one week at a time, you will get lifetime access to the Lifebook Online program once you are done – if you don’t take advantage of the refund. That means you can go back and look over the entire Lifebook program, take it again, or just listen to the webinars with Jon and Missy at your convenience.

If you are interested, I recommend taking the masterclass with Jon and Missy here. It gives you an idea of who they are and how they can help you. You can also learn more about the program, including the next start date, here on the enrollment page

If there’s anything I didn’t talk about in this Lifebook review that you want to know to help in your decision whether or not to purchase Lifebook and put in the time, please feel free to ask in the comment section below.


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