Top 25 Most Inspiring Books Every Woman Should Read

Inspiring Books Every Woman Should Read
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Sometimes, when life gets busy, they don’t always have the time to stop and reflect on the things they need to do. A great book can be life-changing and is a great reminder for all women to take the time in finding inspiration and joy in their lives.

Now, take time to check the list below of the top 25 most inspiring books every woman should read.

1. The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

Why is confidence needed for women? Does it come from genes or can you learn to form it? In this book, you’ll find the answer to your queries. This book shares the stories of women who’ve used confidence to succeed in life. The principles are based on cutting-edge research in gender, behavior, cognition, and genetics.

2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This book has been considered a personal favorite by many women. It will teach every woman that everyone needs second chances and when in love, pride must be humble while prejudice must disappear.

3. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

There are many important messages in this book, but the most important is that all people have the right to live in freedom. Anne’s story will show you that just because people may be of a different religion or race, doesn’t mean that they should be treated differently.

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4. Know Your Value: Women, Money, and Getting What You’re Worth

In this book, you’ll learn different stories from influential women like Susie Essman, Valerie Jarrett, the late Nora Ephron, Sheryl Sandberg, and Joy Behar.

5. Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

This book will encourage you to look inside and trust yourself. It also lays out a path to independence, wholeness, and lasting happiness.

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6. I know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

Every woman can relate to this book because they certainly relate to wanting their voice to be heard even when other people and difficult situations try to silence them.

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7. Before The Change: Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause by Ann Louise Gittleman

This book promises to help perimenopausal women head off mood swings, erratic sleep, weight shifts, and memory loss without hormone treatment. It also empowers women to take control of their symptoms and health.

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8. The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

The author will help women to take control of the changes happening in their bodies and minds at midlife. It also encourages women to view menopause as an empowering new beginning and not a scary end.

9. Secrets of Six-Figure Women by Barbara Stanny

In this book, the author identifies key strategies of these women high-earners. It successfully captures and coverts the traits of these women into strategies that you could use.

10. Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton

The author of this book uses biblical principles to demonstrate the ways in which effective women do life differently in order to achieve success. It also provides guidance for any woman to achieve a victorious life.

11. The Woman Code by Sophia A. Nelson

This book is inspired by the author’s personal faith and own experience in the business. She encourages women to apply her 20 keys to unlock their desired life. Also, this book encourages women to help each other achieve success.

12. Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich by Lois P. Frankel, PhD

This book enumerates 75 avoidable mistakes women make with money. The author reprograms the way people think and help them solve financial problems.

13. The Well-Spoken Woman by Christine K. Jahnke

The author of this book has coached Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton on how to develop effective communication skills and presentation styles. This book gives readers her tested strategies developed in over 20 years of experienced coaching CEO and more female elected officials.

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14. Bossypants by Tina Fey

This book makes comedy out of female vulnerability to give it a provocative edge. You’ll read a sketch show about feminism and you couldn’t realize it because of all the jokes.

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15. I Am Malala: by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai

The story of Malala is compelling and profound. It covers more than just the intimate details of a cowardly attempt on a young girl’s life, but it also gives an enormous amount of information about the people, beliefs and values.

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16. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

Through this book, the author recollects her own struggles, mistakes and choices that have made her in every way the woman she is now. She also provides practical guidance to negotiation techniques and mentorship.

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17. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

This book shows us how to be brave, how to fully live and trust ourselves to set boundaries; It will help women to change emotionally, spiritually and physically to become content and confident person.

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18. Brave New Girl by Lou Hamilton

The author’s empowering words of wisdom will embrace your inner strength and courage. This book also invites you to reflect on yourself to find your best self, showing all girls and women that anything is possible.

19. Time for Me by Helene Lerner

This book offers women trying to do it all, four power keys that will help them enjoy a more joyful and balanced life.

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20. Great Quotes from Great Women by Peggy Anderson

Some of the most well-known women in the world like Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Katherine Hepburn, and a lot more have influenced millions. This book will help you bring to life their statements.

21. Oil for Your Lamp by Lisa Hammond and BJ Gallagher

Since most of the women spend so much time and energy taking care of their children, husbands, aging parents, friends, neighbors, bosses, coworkers, and others, they often neglect themselves. This book is also a simple reminder to women of all ages, from all walks of life to keep their own lamps filled instead of taking care of others first.

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22. The Awakening by Kate Chopin

In this book, Chopin portrays her experiences of the Creole lifestyle in which women were under strict rules and limited to the role of wife and mother.

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23. Women: God’s Secret Weapon by Ed Silvoso

This book cuts through the myths and untruths said about women and men. There is also a great encouragement for everyone especially women that will tell you about your strength and power that God has blessed us with.

24. The Next Generation of Women Leaders by Selena Rezvani

This book is a great source for young women who have the drive and the talent. Also, women who want to get a head start on a successful career or anyone looking for their next steps can read this book to get some tips.

25. How Remarkable Women Lead by Joanna Barsh, Geoffrey Lewis, and Susie Cranston

This book describes the concept of “centered leadership” and breaks it further down in meaning, connecting, framing, energizing, and engaging. It also alternates with the specific stories and experiences of top women leaders.

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Which of the most inspiring books for women that you think can inspire you to change the course of your life?


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Marydel Mitch Flores
Mitch is a writer and photographer. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Mitch believes that “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”