Isn’t it amazing to be surrounded by kind people? Being kind is a vital way of bringing meaning to your own life as well as the lives of other people. Warm-heartedness is indeed a key factor that allows you to smile and be happy even if you’re with a stranger.
To be kind and warm helps you feel better inside, and it also helps others to feel better with your presence. It starts with a decision, once you have the right attitude, the rest becomes quite a bit easier. A kind heart is like a fountain of gladness, it makes everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. Sometimes, you just have to be nice to other people not because they are nice, but because you are.
Thus, kindness has its true source deep within you, and while some people are naturally kind, it is something that everyone can cultivate by choice. So, if you are willing to know how to be kind and warm to others, I listed down 12 tips that might help you.
1. Be kind to yourself.
Being kind to yourself every day is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Before trying to be kind to other people, focus on developing kindness within yourself first. When you feel that compassion towards yourself, you feel kindness, empathy, and desire that help you reduce your suffering. It is the same as being kind to other people, it creates a caring space for others that is free from judgment.
2. Always smile.
Your smile is a simple act of kindness that you can go along the way. It can influence people to be happy as well and will bring a tad of joy to their days. Everyone wins when you smile, and your capacity for kindness will grow in the process. Also, a simple smile will make them feel more comfortable and will make you look more approachable.
3. Do not judge people.
If you really want to be kind, then you better avoid being judgmental. Instead of wasting your time criticizing people, just work on becoming positive and compassionate. You will never really, fully understand where they are coming from not unless you walk into their shoes. Hence, focus on wanting to help others and be kind to everyone, not just to people who are “in need”.
4. Be compassionate towards other people.
Use any situation as an opportunity to cultivate compassion towards other people. Compassionate people know how it feels to be down on their luck and they keep those nasty experiences in mind to develop a more empathetic nature. They have the ability to feel others’ feelings who have been in the same boat as them.
5. Be present.
One of the greatest gifts of kindness you can give to other people is to be there when they need you. Your presence is highly appreciated and enough to show your care and concern to people. Being present means being available or freeing your time to other people. Take time to connect with people face-to-face or via phone calls and surprise them with the kindness of you have taken time just to be with them.
6. Be a good listener.
Truly, listening to someone and giving them time in a day is one of the greatest acts of kindness. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just to be there and listen while acknowledging what the person should do. Learn to listen sincerely and pay attention to them until they are done sharing their thoughts and stories. Being busy is not an excuse for unkindness.
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7. Be polite.
Politeness shows your respect for those with whom you interact with. It is a gentle way of getting people’s attention and being considerate about their feelings, culture, and values. This may remain a challenge for many people, but if you want to be kind to others, you also have to be polite towards them. There are simple ways to show politeness to people like making compliments, finding ways to rephrase requests or responses, and having excellent manners.
8. Share what you have.
The key to making life worthwhile is to share what you have because it has certain unique magic of its own. People who have a kind heart are happy to share with others. Instead of giving away something you don’t really need, share something that you actually care about. Sharing what you have will make you more generous and more inclined towards kindness. Sharing doesn’t also mean sharing physical things. You can share anything that will make other people happier and more comfortable, such as your smile, welcome, forgiveness, and appreciation.
9. Donate your stuff.
Instead of throwing out your old things or selling them, another way to be kind is to donate some of your belongings to charity. If you have clothes household items or books that are still in good condition, you can donate those things to people who badly need them.
10. Be open and approachable.
Be open and treat others with compassion. If you look approachable, the more likely that other people will hold a conversation with you. It can be a bit challenging to look and feel at ease, but if you create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, you will attract more people and increase your social interactions.
11. Compliment them.
One of the most extraordinary components of social life is a compliment. By simply expressing your praise and admiration towards others, you can make them feel honored and make the atmosphere warmer. Recognizing the good qualities in the world gives yourself a boost of positivity and kindness.
12. Do good deeds.
It doesn’t matter how big or small you do, because each tiny effort of kindness makes the world a happier place. Always do good acts wherever you are and give kindness freely for it will come back to you. Good deeds lead to good karmas or blessings. Nevertheless, it should be done without expecting any return. Kindness is a selfless act, that is why almost every religion or culture in the world recognizes it as a powerful virtue and practice.
One of the greatest things you can do to be warm and make people happy is to be kind to them and make them feel comfortable. Life becomes easier and more beautiful when we start treating everyone with politeness and kindness. Therefore, be an example and show kindness to unkind people, because your actions always reflect who you are.