16 Ways How Not to Be Sad All the Time

Ways to Not be Sad

Sadness is a feeling that is brought about by different situations and causes. It is described to be the opposite of happiness, where we experience moments of glee and optimism towards life. However, apart from being a form of human emotion, sadness can also be a choice, just the same way as being happy. There …

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11 Ways to Stop Being a Selfish Person

stop being a selfish person

Contrary to popular belief, selfishness isn’t all bad. After all, it helps one thrive in this highly competitive world. However, too much selfishness is destructive not only to other people and the environment but also to oneself. If you find yourself being constantly selfish in both words and deeds, then perhaps it’s time for you …

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6 Reasons Why Failures are Actually Good

Why Failures are Actually Good

Everyone aspires to succeed in life, but despite our best efforts to reach our goals, we sometimes stumble and fail. Nobody enjoys this feeling–it’s humiliating, belittling, and heartbreaking. We deem it as proof of our insufficiency and think that we’re just not that good enough. Scared that we might experience it once more, we sometimes …

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36 Great Things in Life that Money Can’t Buy

Things in Life that Money Can’t Buy

The best things in life that you will ever encounter or experience are free. There are certain things in life where friends, family, and good memories are much more valuable than any currency. Money may give you material things but these are only temporary. From happiness to honesty, these are some of life’s best gifts …

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9 Ways to Live a Simple Life and be Happy

Live a Simple Life and be Happy

Living simply and living happily – what’s the connection between the two? The first is actually necessary for the second. If you want to live happily, live simply. This complex world has a crazily fast pace where people tend to get lost. They become unhappy because they no longer know what makes them happy. The …

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9 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Choose to be Happy All the Time

You Shouldn't Choose to be Happy All the Time

A lot has been said about always being happy and choosing to be happy. Though there is nothing wrong with being happy, forcing yourself to always be happy might produce results that are contrary to what you want to achieve. Setting your mind to think that you should always be happy even in situations that …

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8 Simple Ways To Enjoy Life

Simple Ways To Enjoy Life

Life can be very overwhelming, especially as we grow older, acquire more obligations, and face more complex realities of the world. The weight of it all can even drive some of us to become physically and emotionally fatigued. However, despite how tiring and complex things can get, we must continue to seek beauty and joy …

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How to be Happy: 24 Ways to Have a Happier Life

How to be Happy

How to be a happy person? There are many things that can take our happiness away from us. These include our heartbreaks from the past, our worries of the future, and our frustration with the events that are happening in the present. In this article, you will learn that to live a happy life you …

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Fake People vs. Genuine People: 20 Differences You Should Know

Fake People vs. Genuine People

What is the difference between fake and genuine people? How can we identify a fake friend, a false lover, or any other bogus person? How do you know if a person is really being nice to you or just taking advantage of you? It’s important to know how to spot a fake person to avoid …

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8 Heartfelt Ways to be a More Understanding Person

Heartfelt Ways to be a More Understanding Person

We are in a world where it is easier to see others’ failures more than the reasons why they fail. It is easier to put our own rights before others and our own comfort before theirs. Most people have become so self-centered that they have turned so indifferent towards others. If you know how painful …

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16 Ways to Overcome Loneliness in Life

Overcome Loneliness in Life

Fresh from a breakup? Are you afraid of not being able to endure the pain and loneliness in the next weeks to come? Well, it is true that this is a fragile phase, and if not dealt with properly, you might end up depressed. In order for you to overcome loneliness, apply the following ways …

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15 Ways to Not Give Up When Things Get Hard

Not Give Up When Things Get Hard

Are you on the verge of quitting it all because it seems like everything has gone out of control? Do you feel like you are a failure for not being able to successfully carry out your plans? It may seem like you have done everything you could but your best was not good enough—so should …

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17 Ways to Unlock Your Full Potential

Unlock Your Full Potential

The best thing you can do for yourself is achieving self-actualization, and this would only happen if you reach your highest potential. However, this does not happen overnight and there are always roadblocks along the way. If you want to unlock your full potential, then you can check out these 17 ways I have listed …

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10 Ways to Develop Self-control and Discipline

Ways to Develop Self-control and Discipline

People go through life with the promise of living it to the fullest and this concept may have helped so many individuals reach their ultimate dreams and achieve success, but the same mentality also led others to their own failures and disappointments. Why? What did they do differently to achieve extremely opposite results? Perhaps it …

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45 Inspiring Quotes about Life

Inspiring Quotes about Life

quote about life

What are the things that keep on inspiring you? Inspirations can be drawn from anything. It may be from your loved ones, special someone, or probably taken from those powerful quotes you read. Life might be a blood-curdling road to venture down, but having a positive outlook in life will help you go through with it.

Today, I decided to feature some inspirational life quotes taken from different people that will help you see the wonderful potential that life has to offer.

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