10 Smart Ways to Get Your Crush Notice You

start of friendship

Has someone caught your eyes lately? Do you get insomnia thinking about that person all night and spend the whole day daydreaming about your first date? You probably can’t focus at school or work because that person keeps on popping up in your mind. The problem is, you’re not sure if all these distractions are worth it since that person may not feel the same towards you.

Falling for someone could cause you headaches—not just heartaches—especially if your crush doesn’t even know you exist. You feel butterflies in your stomach whenever your paths cross, but s/he doesn’t even throw you a single glance. So frustrating and disheartening, right?

Instead of waiting for nothing, why not try to find out if there could be a chance for your crush to like you. However, I’m not saying you confess your feelings or make it obvious to that person because it might cause him/her to repel you instead. Hmm.. maybe you could help him/her a bit to notice you.

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10 Ways to Get Your Crush Notice You

Here are 10 smart ways to do it:

1. Be a head-turner.

Physical appearance is not everything to look at when you like someone. However, you and I know that it’s the first thing that catches humans’ attention. That’s why, if you want your crush to notice you, being physically attractive can be the first step.

You don’t need to wear sexy clothes, bulky accessories, a lot of makeup (for girls), and expensive shoes. Simplicity makes a good impression, so don’t overdo it. What you need to do is put your best foot forward by being presentable, neat, and accentuating your assets.

An example could be letting your hair down if you got that long, beautiful hair (for girls). Wearing red is also attractive, especially if you’re fair-skinned.

2. Smell irresistible.

You don’t have to look like Zac Efron or Elle Fanning to be attractive. Your scent can play a big role in capturing the attention of your crush. Wear your favorite perfume or cologne so you will smell fresh and clean.

However, make sure that your cologne or perfume’s scent is not too strong because it can annoy the people around you, including the person you like.

3. Always wear a smile.

In this world full of stress and pressures, a bright disposition can be an attractive asset. People are drawn to those who have a positive outlook in life despite negative circumstances—and the best way to show that is through a constant smile.

Whenever you are down and then someone smiles at you, you feel better, right? And you get that grateful feeling towards that person. So, who knows? Smiling at your crush might actually help him/her develop that friendly feeling for you—that’s a good start.

ALSO READ: 10 Sweet Things to Say to a Girl

4. Excel at something to impress.

Physical attractiveness is not everything. There should be something more about you than meets the eye. Therefore, find out what you are good at and strive to excel at it. This will make a good impression of how interesting you are as a person.

For instance, if you are good at painting, why not join or have your own exhibit? Or if you play instruments, you can be part of a band or perform in events. You can also attend workshops that can help you enhance your talents or skills.

 Smart Ways to Get Your Crush Notice You
Photo by 3974931

5. Be friends with him/her.

Friendship is the best foundation for a good relationship. Therefore, if you wish to end up with your crush, do yourself a favor by making friends with that person. This will not only help you get noticed, but you will also have a good chance of knowing him/her in a better way.

To be friends with your crush, you should have the guts to say “hello”, offer some help if needed, or be part of the same group or organization. Act naturally as much as possible to avoid being obvious.

6. Find out his/her interests.

If you want to start a smart conversation with your crush, you need to find out what s/he is into. You might even discover that you have the same interests. When you talk about something you have in common, it creates connection and interest in each other.

This will also help you avoid topics that s/he does not like. Talking about this stuff will bore them, and it will create an impression that you are a boring companion.

7. Show sincere concern and interest in the person.

If you want your crush to be interested in you, you need to show that you have a genuine care for him/her as well. When s/he talks, listen intently and give appropriate reactions. Asking questions about what s/he talks about gives the impression that you are really interested.

When talking to each other, put your cellphone in your bag or pocket to avoid distraction. Ensure your eyes do not wander around but maintain eye contact with him/her for undivided attention.

8. Give praises and appreciation.

Be generous in giving appreciation to your crush. Appreciate him/her even in small things. This will make the person feel that s/he has value. In return, s/he will feel appreciative and thankful towards you as well.

Say good remarks on how your crush looks (but please don’t overemphasize it, for you will be obvious). Thank him or her for little things as well.

9. Play mysterious.

Don’t throw yourself at his/her feet. Don’t share anything about yourself unless s/he asks you to. Divulging everything about you will remove the thrill of the getting-to-know stage, and s/he might think you’re too eager to disclose yourself to him/her.

Also, avoid posting too personal thoughts and feelings on social media. Your crush and everyone else would think your life is an open book.

Smart Ways to Get Your Crush Notice You
Photo by MabelAmber

10. Don’t show you’re head-over-heels.

It is a turn-off for most people when they find out that someone likes them so much—especially if that person does stupid stuff already just to get noticed. Once the person you like finds out you got a big crush on him/her, s/he might lose respect for you.

For this reason, keep your cool, especially if you are a lady, because guys don’t like easy-to-get girls. So, be careful with your actions.

9 Differences Between a Crush and a Friend

1. A crush makes you self-conscious; a friend makes you comfortable with your own skin.
2. A crush inspires you to do better; a friend encourages when you are unmotivated.
3. A crush is someone you want to impress; a friend is someone you can get real with.
4. A crush gives you butterflies in the stomach; a friend makes you nervous in a different way.
5. A crush keeps you daydreaming until late at night; a friend is someone you brainstorm ‘business plans’ with.
6. A crush is perfect in your sight; a friend is accepted for who s/he is, vice versa.
7. A crush is someone whose messages excite you; a friend is someone whose messages cheer you up.
8. A crush is someone you want to talk about interesting topics with; a friend is someone you can chat with about anything–and it is still interesting.
9. A crush can be temporary; a friend can stay for a lifetime.

Please visit the differences between a crush and a friend for the details.

Can a Crush Turn Into Love?

1. You get to know the person better.
2. Your friendship grows over time.
3. You find out that you have compatible traits.
4. You realize that the person is also fond of you.
5. You see that your crush can help you grow as a person.
6. You feel special and cared for when you are together.
7. You develop mutual trust.
8. You become closely attached.
9. You feel comfortable and happy around the person.
10. You can see yourself growing old with that individual.

Please visit can a crush turn into love for the details.

13 Ways to Impress Your Crush and Get Them to Like You

1. Wear your invisible crown.
2. Stay independent.
3. Groom yourself.
4. Stay fit.
5. Talk about your passions in life.
6. Show that goofy side of you.
7. Have a sense of humor.
8. Keep genuine interest.
9. find common ground.
10. Be kind.
11. Be a friend.
12. Be spontaneous.
13. Be yourself.

Please visit ways to impress your crush and get them to like you for the details.

15 Signs Your Crush Likes You

1. Steals glances at you
2. Sends and responds with long messages
3. Interested to know more about you
4. Knows details you never told him/her
5. Notices even small details about you
6. Appreciates you even in little things
7. Always willing to help you
8. Can stand long conversations with you
9. Asks for your contact details
10. Responds to invitations
11. Shares secrets with you
12. Unusually presentable when s/he knows you would be around
13. Finds ways to be near you always
14. Becomes awkward, timid, or hyper when you are around
15. Changes mood when you hang out with someone else

Please visit signs your crush likes you for the details.


If you’re still a student, though, I suggest you focus on your studies first. Having a crush can be fun and may even inspire you to do better at school. However, if you take it too seriously, you might only get hurt, and it will affect your grades and performance. That would be awful.


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Chinese Translation: 让你的暗恋对象注意你的10种方法


Photo by Josh Felise

Cyril Abello
Joan is a freelance blogger who loves writing about personal development. She also loves learning and teaching languages. A Communication Arts graduate, she now pursues a masters degree in Language Teaching. She is into mobile photography, writing poems, and reading for leisure.