18 Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship

inspiring tips to happy relationship

If you want to be truly happy in a relationship, read the following inspiring tips:

1. Love your partner as you love yourself.
To be happy in a relationship, learn how to happily love yourself so you can also learn how to happily love your significant other. If you can’t love yourself, how can you love your partner? So love your partner as you love yourself and make him/her happy as you make yourself happy.

2. Sacrifice more material things to gain more spiritual qualities.
Be selfless. Selflessness doesn’t mean totally destroying yourself to save others. It means sacrificing your physical or material self to enrich your spirituality. So learn how to give up some money, time, space and even physical energy in exchange for love, kindness, peacefulness and true happiness.

3. Overcome challenges through patience.
Love has many tests and challenges. Those tests may produce either sadness or happiness. If you like sadness, choose anger. If you like happiness, choose patience.

4. Get rid of pride and embrace humility instead.
Be humble to admit your own mistakes. It will help you and your partner have more calm and productive conversations. It will keep your relationship away from conflicts and tensions.

5. Make it a habit to do the right thing.
Keep away from foolish acts – they will only give you regrets. If you want to be happy in a relationship, be righteous and stick to what is good. Simple things like keeping yourself away from vices, such as drunkenness, gluttony and squandering will help your relationship grow and prosper. Remember that God blesses the righteous.

“The LORD’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous.” – Proverbs 3:33 (NIV)

6. Be content and treasure the blessings around you.
Treasure your blessings in disguise, whether they’re small or big. Also, make your loved one feel that you value him/her. It will surely make him/her glad. Contentment will also help you and your partner get rid of envy to keep your relationship happy.

7. Share each other’s feelings, whether they’re joy or pain.
Be kind and compassionate. A happy couple is composed of two hearts that feel and understand each other’s true feelings. If your loved one is sad or hurt, help carry the burden so it will be lighten. If he/she is happy, share the joy so it will multiply.

8. Always give the respect due to your partner and yourself.
Respect begets respect. Do things that are respectable so your significant other will respect you. Learn how to also respect your partner – the feeling of respecting someone is even more fulfilling than being respected. And of course, don’t forget to respect yourself as you respect others.

9. Celebrate your love with the truth.
The truth will set you free. It will help your relationship get rid of guilt, jealousy, and anxiety. Honesty will give you a clean conscience, as well as goodnight’s sleep.

10. Protect your love against negative elements, including those that may be found within yourself.
Find a relationship that’s worth fighting for. And when you find it, always protect it, not only from other people who intend to ruin your relationship but also from yourself. In other words, do your best to get rid of your worst self. To protect your relationship, always strive to be a better person.

11. Trust your loved one and yourself.
Trust is based on evidence. If you don’t have any evidence that your partner is fooling around or cheating on you, don’t be paranoid but keep on trusting him or her. To be happy in a relationship, stop your unreasonable suspicions – they will only torment you, your partner, and your relationship.

12. Keep on hoping.
If trust is not something that your partner deserves, give him and yourself some hope. Hope is expecting something we don’t see from someone or something. Hope will give you the power to move forward in times of struggle. Your hope will also encourage your partner to change for the better.

13. Have faith based on actions.
If hope is not powerful enough to make you happy in a relationship, add some faith. More than hope, faith is based on actions. Because it is supported with actions and belief for results, faith will give you more confidence that your hope will be realized.

14. Be prudent.
Be careful with what you say and what you do. Recklessness in words, decisions and actions can suddenly break your partner’s heart.  If you want to have happiness in a relationship, always practice prudence.

15. Learn how to forgive.
Forgiving someone is difficult since you are giving something that he or she doesn’t deserve. You want to punish the person for the sins he has committed. But what you may not realize is that it’s not only him who suffers. You, the one who cannot forgive, also suffer. To light up your life and be happy in a relationship, learn to forgive. Don’t just give your beloved one something that he or she only deserves – give more.

16. Love your enemy.
Your partner is your friend. Though you may treat him or her as your enemy when you fight, don’t stop loving him/her. Always remember what the scriptures told us: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you” – Luke 6:27-28.

17. Be loyal and devoted to your one and only partner.
You cannot really serve two masters at the same time. And that’s the same in a romantic relationship – you cannot be devoted to two different partners. As the Bible says, “Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other” – Matthew 6:24. So to stay happy in love, never attempt to cheat but keep your loyalty to the one you love.

18. Practice love consistently.
Last but not the least, if you want to stay happy in a relationship, keep on practicing your love. You know why is love greater than hope and faith? It’s because love is not just expecting (hope) or just doing something and believing (faith), but love is consistently doing something with all your heart and soul. And that’s why when you truly love, you feel truly happy and fulfilled.

I hope this article inspires you to truly love more and be happy in love.

ALSO READ: True Love vs. Fake Love: 20 Differences You Must Know

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Photo by Everton Vila

Victorino Q. Abrugar
Vic is the founder of InspiringTips.com. He regularly writes for the site and also serves as its digital marketing strategist. Vic likes to talk about true love, meaningful life, quantum physics, spiritual growth, and more.

2 thoughts on “18 Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship”

  1. Productive however my only weakness is easily lose interest in a partner..it’s not because l have slept with her but l just find out that it can’t continue but deep down my heart l would love to commit. Maybe l haven’t realized what l really want in a lady


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