12 Simple Ways to Choose to Be Happy

Simple Ways to Choose to Be Happy

Life sometimes hits us too hard to forget how to be happy or, rather, how to choose to be happy. They say that happiness is a choice. However, the melancholic alternative seems to be the only sensible or available option for some people, which often places them in a downward slope of unending sadness or …

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9 Humble Ways to Admit You’re Wrong

Humble Ways to Admit You’re Wrong

Nobody’s perfect, and everyone’s bound to commit mistakes. However, sometimes, the hardest part is admitting those mistakes. Granted, some of them are more impactful and harder to forgive than others; however, regardless of the gravity, we must learn to admit the wrongs that we commit humbly. If doing this is a struggle for you, consider …

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11 Ways to Stop Being a Selfish Person

stop being a selfish person

Contrary to popular belief, selfishness isn’t all bad. After all, it helps one thrive in this highly competitive world. However, too much selfishness is destructive not only to other people and the environment but also to oneself. If you find yourself being constantly selfish in both words and deeds, then perhaps it’s time for you …

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9 Ways to Overcome Pride in a Relationship

Overcome Pride in a Relationship

Being in a relationship has its ups and downs. A partner can indeed give you the support and love you need to live a more fruitful life; however, it is also sometimes inevitable for our partners to hurt our ego or pride, whether intentionally or not. If left unconquered, this pride might foster resentment and …

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10 Ways to Overcome Your Sense of Entitlement

Overcome Your Sense of Entitlement

We are the main characters in our own lives. Given this mindset, some people think of themselves as the chosen ones, destined to shine above all and save the day. They develop a sense of entitlement, believing that they are born special and should thus be treated accordingly. If left unchecked, this sense of entitlement …

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10 Ways to Stop Meddling in Other People’s Lives

Stop Meddling in Other People’s Lives

Privacy is crucial to most, if not all, people. We value personal space and get offended when others, unless given permission, intrude into our private affairs. Meddling into other people’s lives, in most circumstances, is a sign of disrespect, and if you’re one of those people doing this constantly, consider following these ways to help …

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11 Effective Ways to Stop Being an Arrogant Person

Stop Being an Arrogant Person

We should all seek to possess good traits; however, too much of a good thing can lead to an imbalance. For instance, confidence is something everyone aspires to have; it allows a person to unlock his/her full potential without fear or hesitation. However, too much of it can taint people, making them blinded by their …

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8 Ways to Stop Lying in a Relationship

Stop Lying in a Relationship

A single lie has the potential to shatter years of hard-earned trust, and lying consistently to your partner will surely lead to your relationship’s downfall. If you value your partner and yet continue to be dishonest about your feelings and deeds, then your only options are to either stop this chain of lies or put …

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14 Qualities of a Good Boyfriend

Qualities of a Good Boyfriend

What are the qualities of a good partner, particularly a good boyfriend? While accessory traits like swag, class, and charisma can definitely help a guy get a girlfriend, they are simply not enough to make him a good partner. He must exhibit qualities that truly embody the goodness of his person. 14 Qualities of a …

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13 Ways to Be a True Gentleman

Ways to Be a True Gentleman

All men must strive to be gentlemen, not to prove their masculinity but to show their humanity. In a world where hate, malice, and injustice persist, the gentleman should remain steadfast in being a vanguard of sincere kindness and compassion. However, nobody is born a gentleman; one has to learn and imbibe certain values to …

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8 Signs You’re Falling in Love with Someone

Falling in Love with Someone

Love is anything but a simple feeling. No words can accurately define or encapsulate it, for it is something that you have to feel to truly understand. However, how exactly does one fall in love, or better yet, how does one get to know if he/she is already falling in love with someone? Sometimes, you …

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