How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess

Treat your girlfriend like a princess

Men think that treating their girlfriend like a princess is really hard when in fact, it’s not. Treating her right doesn’t mean you’ll lavish her with expensive clothes or jewelry. It means that you are giving her simple gifts or doing sweet gestures to show how you really appreciate and love her.

Here are 11 ways on how to treat your girlfriend like a princess:

1.) Call her with a sweet name you thought of.

It makes her feel happy when you have a term of endearment for her. Only you know your girlfriend best so choose something really special that reminds you of her or something that she will love.

2.) Treat her with kindness and respect.

Make your girlfriend feel special, always speak nicely to her. You should listen to what she says and respect her as an individual. She should be more than an object of your lust, even if you’re intimate with each other; you need to keep a lid on it sometimes.

ALSO READ: How to Treat Your Girlfriend with Respect

3.) Compliment her.

Tell your girlfriend she’s beautiful even when she feels like she’s the ugliest girl in the world. Telling her that you love her despite her flaws makes her heart flutter. Girls can be too insecure about what she looks like, and it makes her really sad. She needs your presence and your kind words to boost her confidence. Make her think and feel that she is more than her flaws or imperfections.

ALSO READ: 10 Tips on How to Make a Woman Feel Beautiful Inside and Out

4.) Communicate.

Communication is one of the major things that a relationship should have. When you have arguments, make sure that you are communicating with sense and you are really tackling the issue you are fighting for. Challenge yourself to not say rude things that will make her feel insulted. Saying those things can lead to breakups and you’ll regret it in the end.

Communication also means that you should always keep in touch with her but not to the point that it will be suffocating. Give her a reasonable space if needed. Sending her “good morning” or “good night” text messages is a must. Asking how her day went, and just let her talk about the things she wants to share or frustrations she rants about. Knowing that there is someone out there for you who is willing to listen to your never-ending stories (boring or not) is really a great feeling.

5.) Give her gifts.

Gifts can be as simple as giving her flowers or buying her favorite book or drink. Even giving her letters, (if you want to go extra, girls love that!) giving a small token can also show that you love and cherish her (and it really makes her smile!). You can also make her coffee when she’s working, or whenever she’s tired from work, give her a massage. She will definitely appreciate it. The little things matter, sometimes it even matters more than the bigger things you do for her. Of course, girls love it when you show them that they’re loved and well appreciated.

How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess
Photo by chao-ye

ALSO READ: 11 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Appreciated

6.) Touch her.

Other guys sometimes feel awkward to get clingy with their girlfriend but it’s actually one of the sweetest gestures you can give to your partner. Hugging her from the back, or constantly touching her shoulders, arms and face. It’s showing your girlfriend that you’re not afraid to be intimate and it also makes her feel secure.

7.) Take her out.

It’s not bad to spoil your girlfriend sometimes, it is just one way of showing that you appreciate and love her. Take her to dates when you can afford to, it may be a movie date, a picnic or a dinner at a restaurant. This will also be a great time to talk about things and just enjoy the time you’re spending together. She will surely appreciate the effort and time that you’ve shown her. And of course, she’ll be happy to spend that time with you.

8.) Be proud to have her.

Introducing her to your friends and especially to your family as your girlfriend makes her feel very special. It means that you are not ashamed that both of you are in a relationship and you are so proud to have you. Never ever be ashamed that you are so happy to be with her. This also shows how serious you are with your relationship.

ALSO READ: 16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved

9.) Make her a playlist.

If both of you love music, then make her a playlist. Pick the songs that you remind her of. She will surely appreciate it because making a playlist takes effort. Not only will she be happy but she can listen to these songs every day!

10.) Constantly remind her that she’s the only one.

Reminding her that she’s the only one makes her feel assured and secured in your relationship. Tell her that you are happy to be together. She will know that you are still into her and a breakup is not going to happen. Girls tend to overthink things and reminding her will make her less paranoid.

ALSO READ: 11 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Secure

11.) Tell her you love her, every day.

People always say “I love you forever” or “I love you always” not everyone says “I love you every day”, it may not be as romantic as it sounds but it’s as genuine as the other two. In fact, “every day” is concrete, you love her through ups and downs. And lastly, you love her and will be with her no matter how hard and tough the situation is.

How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess
Photo by bdcbethebest

These things are ideas on how to make her feel like a princess, to name a few. If you think there are other things you can do besides these 11 ideas, then do it. Get creative! She’s your girlfriend after all. It may be daunting to do, but you’ll surely do it to make her feel loved and happy. But always keep in mind that whatever you say or do, as long as it’s sincere and from the heart, she will always appreciate and love it.

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© Photo by Marydel Mitch Flores,

Mary Fatima Berongoy
Fatima is a photography enthusiast who loves to binge - watch movies and television series. She also loves listening to indie music and dreams to own a coffee shop one day.