16 Struggles Only Third Wheels Will Understand

Struggles Only Third Wheels Will Understand
third wheel struggles
© Photo by Jeraldyn F. Bagasin, InspiringTips.com

Do you often go out with your best friend and her bae and end up being the third wheel? Or, are you always told that you’re not going to be a third wheel but end up being one? You might have mastered the art of being the third wheel, but it can really be tough sometimes. These are some of the struggles that only certified  third wheels will understand:

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12 Struggles Only Girls Who Have Had No Boyfriend Since Birth Understand

Struggles Only Girls Who Have Had No Boyfriend Since Birth Understand

girl alone

Have you ever been teased by your friends because you’re the only one in the group who doesn’t have a boyfriend? Or you’re probably in your 20s and 30s but you never had a taste of having an intimate relationship? Well, we’ve all been part of the No Boyfriend Since Birth Club. Some girls are proud of this label while others are not. I’ve been there before and I was already in my 20s before I got my first boyfriend. And I’ll tell you, there are hundreds of ways to enjoy your single life before you find the right one. However, there are also struggles that you have to endure from your mean friends, nosy relatives, and even the world in general.

Here are some of the things that only girls who have had no boyfriend since birth will understand.

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