16 Struggles Only Third Wheels Will Understand

Struggles Only Third Wheels Will Understand
third wheel struggles
© Photo by Jeraldyn F. Bagasin, InspiringTips.com

Do you often go out with your best friend and her bae and end up being the third wheel? Or, are you always told that you’re not going to be a third wheel but end up being one? You might have mastered the art of being the third wheel, but it can really be tough sometimes. These are some of the struggles that only certified  third wheels will understand:

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9 Awesome Ways to be the Best Third Wheel

Awesome Ways to be the Perfect Third Wheel

What is the Third Wheel In a Relationship? A third wheel is being the front wheel of a tricycle, while two back wheels are having a date and spending private time together. The third wheel is stuck between two people who have so much chemistry and disturbs their intimacy. When two people are in a …

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