15 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend

 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend
Photo by 089photoshootings

Most guys think that giving gifts is the best way to impress a girl. But it’s not! There are actually other better ways to win a girl’s heart and make her fall in love. It’s not just about giving chocolates and roses to woo a girl – it’s all about keeping her truly happy and complete. Hence, more than material things, your girl will be happier and more impressed if you follow the tips below.

Here are 15 ways to impress your girlfriend:

1. Respect her family.

This is a must because family is something very close to her heart. Showing disrespect to her family means disrespecting her. Treat them the way you treat your girlfriend, don’t even think about making rude or insulting comments about them, and also make sure to find time hanging out with them so you’ll get to know them better. And if you have the permission to enter their house, don’t ever forget to impress and show that you care for them too.

2. Get clean and fit.

Clean up all the mess in your room without being told to do it. Become a mister tidy, keep fit, keep yourself clean, wash and iron your clothes, and take good care of yourself. Your girlfriend will surely be amazed by such a rapid and positive change.

ALSO READ: 11 Things Girls Want in a Relationship

3. Cook a meal for her.

Even if you don’t know how to cook, there are a lot of cookbooks out there so you have no reason to not whip up a culinary feast. It doesn’t matter if the end result is not what she expects. She’ll appreciate your efforts in trying hard to cook for her anyway. They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Well, the way to a woman’s heart can be paved through your culinary experiments. You can also ask for help from her to teach you how to cook; she will be happier and impressed knowing that you’re trying to learn things to make her happy.

 Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend
Photo by ponce_photography

4. Do something she likes.

You probably hate going on shopping with your girlfriend, listening to her favorite music, or watching movies she likes, but try to put up with it at least for a few hours. You should learn to compromise to build up a fulfilling relationship. Let her choose the movie you’re going to watch together, the music she likes, or accompany her when she goes on shopping. At times just let her play the main role and pretend to like it, or at least don’t hate it, maybe you will find out something new and nice.

5. Ask her opinions.

If you want to impress your girl, ask for her opinion when you do something and get her involved in every decision you’re going to make. This only shows that you really trust her opinion and judgment. After all, your girlfriend will be flattered that you trust her.

6. Show her that chivalry isn’t dead.

Open doors for her, pull out a chair for her, don’t be afraid to say sorry, or give her honest and sincere compliments. Let her know that you still honor those old-fashioned habits of showing your love, towards her by doing these things. Do it without putting pressure on her or having expectations.

7. Be good around kids.

Guys are sometimes thought of as being terrible with kids, but try to act great around them even if you’re not into kids and your girl will be impressed. Just treat them the way you treat any new person, play with them, and you’ll be having fun with them before you know it.

8. Make her laugh.

The old saying is true; girls do love guys with a sense of humor. So try making her laugh often even if you are not that good at this. Tease her nicely, be playful, tell her jokes, make use of your body language, just be yourself, and don’t pressure yourself.

ALSO READ: 12 Good Reasons Why Funny Guys Make Girls Fall in Love

9. Listen to her.

Girls are the most sensitive and emotional creatures. They spend the whole day thinking about things that are senseless in your sense. Even if you have an interest or not, just listen to her carefully. You need to have good ears and don’t forget to give her some proper advice. This way, she will feel very soothing talking to you. Just always remember that talking and listening to each other will make your relationship stronger.

10. Surprise her.

Give her simple surprises like a short hand-written love letter, a dozen roses, her favorite chocolate, or take her to dinner and arrange everything for her. These small things will surely make your girl happy and impressed. Girls always want their boyfriend to be unpredictable. So, give her the surprises she deserves.

Ways to Impress Your Girlfriend
Photo by Sammy-Williams

ALSO READ: 20 Best Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend

11. Respect her.

If there is love, there ought to be respected. Being respectful is one of the top attributes girls look for a guy. So, as much as possible, respect her feelings, decisions, her life, and in return, she will respect you even more.

ALSO READ: How to Treat Your Girlfriend with Respect

12. Give her your attention.

If you want to impress your girlfriend, shower her with your attention. Take her on a date, send her sweet notes, call and text her every day, or ask her how was her day. She will love the gestures and love you even more for treating her like she’s the most important girl in your life.

13. Compliment and appreciate her.

Never lose a chance to appreciate and compliment your girl. Appreciate all the small things she does for you, like a simple “thank you” every time she cooks meals for you. Compliment her looks, tell her she looks beautiful every day, tells her all the good things about her, and build up her self-esteem by praising her.

ALSO READ: 11 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Appreciated

14. Be considerate.

Be the guy who’ll take care of his girl and consider all her needs and desires. That’s all you really need to impress her. Your muscles or physical features can’t do it. Only care, kindness, compassion and responsibility can.

15. Show some ambition.

Girls are attracted to guys who have ambition and willing to pursue their dreams in life. Show her your passion to reach your dreams, like consistently practicing your talents and skills, whether it’s about music, art, culinary or even business. Then pursue it by setting goals, taking a little step towards it, and keeping the motivation sustained.

These are just a few tips on how to impress your girlfriend, you can still think of a million more personal ways. You don’t have to be a superman or a rich man in order to follow them. You just have to seriously work on it, and then both of you can be happy even when you’re many years down the road.

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Marydel Mitch Flores
Mitch is a writer and photographer. She also does screenwriting for independent film producers and joins various film competitions. Mitch believes that “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”