10 Ways to Motivate and Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better

inspiring partner

Relationships should inspire people to grow and become a better person – and if they’re lucky, they’ll find themselves in the presence of someone who will both nurture and take care of them without asking anything in return – because that’s really how real love is supposed to be.

Many times, we meet special people in our lives that no matter how imperfect they are, we are still willing to love and accept them – until reality steps in: “love is blind”, as the famous line goes – and in our blindness, we tend to take these small and seemingly insignificant “flaws” for granted until it’s already too late.

If you play the role of the giver and the nurturer in your relationship, what actions should you take to make sure that you are a good and healthy influence on your significant other’s life?

To answer this question, let’s look at the following ways on how to inspire your partner to change for the better:

1. Lead them out of their comfort zone.

Let your love give them enough strength to face the world without fears. Most of the time, people are too scared to go out of their comfort zone either because of a suffered trauma from their past experiences or the anxiety of just facing new and unfamiliar things and circumstances.

Be their strength and their refuge and let them know that if things get rough out there, you’ll be there to hold their hand and face the world together.

2. Encourage them to choose optimism and positivity.

Don’t let them drown in self-pity and unnecessary emotions especially during the hardest times. It’s normal to feel helpless whenever one is bombarded by challenges but let them realize that when life gives you lemons, you can always make the best and tastiest lemonade – together.

3 Inspire them to be more ambitious and determined.

Relationships should not feel like a cage especially if one of you is a dreamer and a free-spirit. Let your partner fly and inspire them to achieve their goals without letting your commitment be a burden. Instead of overprotecting them from what’s out there, give them wings to soar higher. At the end of the day, they’ll come home to you.

4. Assure them that being assertive is a good thing.

Especially for girls who are not really confident when it comes to expressing their own opinion and fighting for their ideals. For guys, make your girl feel that what she thinks matters – regardless of what society thinks; girls can be equally powerful and successful and they have every right to be ambitious, to fight for what they believe in. Be a great sidekick and a reliable cheerleader.

5. Awaken their desire to live and enjoy a happy life.

People can’t be at their best all the time especially if they’re going through a really difficult stage in their life. Sometimes, your cheerful girlfriend can become an emotional and sad little girl; sometimes the boy you love just gets depressed and loses interest in the things that he used to enjoy. Your job, as a partner and a good friend, is to remind them that life is still beautiful – that no matter how sad or angry or scared they feel right now, better days will come.

Ways to Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better
Photo by Anna_Alex

ALSO READ: 18 Inspiring Tips to be Happy in a Relationship

6. Help them trust themselves.

Never let your partner feel that their decisions are always wrong and that they are incapable of making the right choices. The last thing you want to do is to make them feel that they can’t trust their own instincts and that they cannot rely on their own judgment especially at times when their confidence is all they have left.

7. Make them understand the importance of physical and emotional health.

This is very important especially for young people in love. Relationships are not just about romance or passion. True love and having a healthy relationship are about nurturance and growth – physically and emotionally.

It’s important to motivate your partner to subscribe to a healthier lifestyle. Why don’t you do something fun, productive and nurturing? Work out together, enjoy other hobbies, relax and just be with nature?

8. Persuade them to plan ahead and to believe in the future.

Beyond passion and romance, relationships should accept the realities of life – and the responsibilities of living. Plan ahead, financially, as a couple. Invest in something promising, try new things and be a more responsible adult.

Love may be the purest and most beautiful thing in the world – but it can’t pay the bills. It’s always better to plan and look forward to short-term and long-term goals, especially if you want to have a brighter future together.

9. Show them how to accept their imperfections.

People will always feel incomplete or unworthy because they are scared to accept that they are not perfect and that their flaws make them unlovable and undeserving of affection.

As a partner, you must make it your personal mission to make your significant other see how beautiful and how perfect they are in their own ways. Love them so hard that they can feel how truly special they are. Hug them so tight until they break the mask that prevents them from seeing their true inner beauty.

Ways to Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better
Photo by klimkin

10. Just let them be whatever they want to be.

As long as it’s not hurting them. We do not have the right to demand someone to change and be a different person just because what they are doesn’t fit our definition of what is good and perfect. That’s why it’s important to be reminded that the only time it is fair to influence someone’s ideas, thoughts and beliefs if these aspects of their personality are starting to lead them astray.

It’s important that we should be there to inspire and encourage our significant other to be a better person – not based on our own definition nor on our desire to be in control of another human being.  You should always keep in mind that as a partner, you have to accept your significant other for what they are and what they can become. It is your role to inspire them to be better person but it is not your right to force them to change.

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Photo by Yoann Boyer

Charm Villalon
Charm is a writer and a student. She is currently completing her Graduate Degree in Language Studies while refining her creativity and related skills through the visual arts: drawing and painting.