Girls aren’t the only ones who need to feel happy in a relationship. Of course, your boyfriend also needs that extraordinary joy you can give to him. Making your partner happy is vital in a relationship. In fact, that is one of the ingredients to making your relationship stronger and long-lasting.
Now if you’re struggling to find ways on how to make your boyfriend happy, you’re in the right place. Check out the list below to know-how.
16 Ways to Make Your Boyfriend Happy
1. Compliment him.
Not only girls love compliments, but boys also love it too. Who wouldn’t like being told that they look good or they are smart? The stereotype that guys don’t care about how they look is a thing of the unreal past. Compliment your boyfriend and tell him about what you like about him, how he makes you go crazy, or how he looks good on that white shirt. It will surely bring a smile to his face.
2. Tell and show how much you love him.
It’s not hard to tell how much you love him and it’s not even harder to show how much you adore him. So, do it by saying ‘I love you’, or making little efforts like leaving him sweet notes, or cooking for him.
3. Comfort him.
When he’s tired from work, school, or if he’s going through a lot for the past few weeks, be there to comfort him. A simple hug, kiss, or words of encouragement like “You’ll feel better” can make his gloomy days brighter and would show the curves on his lip.
4. Give him your attention.
Taking your boyfriend for granted isn’t always a good idea. Instead, give him your full attention and make him feel wanted. Get off your phone and listen when he talks. Pay him the attention he deserves because every moment you spend with him is very important.
5. Be honest with him.
Being honest no matter how difficult it is, is one of the best ways to make your boyfriend happy. Always be open to him and don’t hide secrets. In that case, you will not only make him feel happy but you’ll also get the same satisfaction he feels because he will also be honest towards you.
6. Give him space.
This is one of the most important keys when it comes to making your boyfriend happy. Probably, you love spending time with your partner but there are also times in every relationship when you just need to give each other space to grow as individuals. So, give him space to be with himself, hang out with friends, or focus at work.
7. Trust him.
No one’s going to be happy in a relationship if they don’t feel like they are trusted. Show him your trust simply by, giving him space and foster kindness, share how you feel, have faith in your partner’s capabilities, and leave his phone alone.
8. Show your support to him.
Having the desire and ability to be a supportive partner is one of the important things you should do in order to keep him happy. Support him in his work and hobbies by offering positive words of encouragement, be his cheerleader, compliment him to make him feel great, and respect his career dreams. Your support will count.
9. Be a fun girl.
Be spontaneous and cheerful around your boyfriend. Look for ways to make him laugh, or aim to do something fun together. You can try a new sport together, or go somewhere different. Just remember that the idea here is not to do something expensive, but to do something fun.
10. Hug him.
Guys love sweet embraces; they melt like butter when it comes to sweet affectionate moments. So, run up to him and hug him tight out of the blue, he’ll adore you the way you feel in his arms.
11. Make him feel appreciated.
Appreciating your partner on a daily basis is a great way to make him feel happy. Notice the little things on him- like his new haircut, you can also cook a meal for him, bring him coffee, or tell him how much you love and miss him. These simple efforts will definitely go to make him a happy guy.
12. Surprise him.
This may be simple but it’s one of the best ways to keep your boyfriend happy. It doesn’t have to be something huge or expensive because it’s the thought that counts. You can write a love letter, prepare him a packed lunch, bring him breakfast in bed, bake for him, take him out, or even give him a massage.
13. Always be there for him.
Be there when he needs a shoulder to lean on or when he’s down in the dumps. It would mean so much for him if you stay by his side to support him during his downcast. You don’t have to talk much, just listen and be there. Your presence is more than enough to bring a smile to his face.
14. Accept his flaws.
Everyone has flaws to deal with, but it feels better to have someone who can accept it. So, accept that your boyfriend is not perfect, focus on what makes your partner so unique and observe how the positive expands.
15. Be Yourself.
Who would feel happy towards a partner that is a great pretender? Of course, all of us want to be with someone who is confident with herself. So be yourself and keep looking pretty instead of pretending to be someone else. That’s the simplest thing you can do to make your guy happy.
16. Smile.
When a guy sees his girl happy, he can’t help but be happy as well. So as much as possible, smile, laugh and be cheerful when you’re together because your happiness is his happiness too.
How to Make Your Boyfriend Happy Over the Phone
1. Wish him a good morning
first thing when you talk to him. Say something like, “Good morning, honey. I love you.” Just let him know that you are available for him all the time, no matter what else is going on in your life at that particular moment.
2. Talk about the good experience you’ve had together.
Remember your most recent trip together? Talk about the different tourist attractions you saw. Then, share with him all the fun, interesting, and unique experiences that you had there.
You want to remind him of the wonderful memories you shared together. That way, you constantly remind him that you are a great girlfriend producing wonderful memories together.
3. Listen carefully when he is talking.
Show him that you are interested in what he has to say, no matter how boring it may be. Avoid interrupting or being distracted by anything else that might be going on around you at the moment.
Your boyfriend wants to see that his opinion matters to you so that you are willing to listen patiently.
Show interest in what he has to say by asking questions about the topic.
It shows that you are actually listening and trying to have a decent conversation with him.
Make sure your boyfriend knows that his feeling is more important than anything, including your own personal interest.
4. Don’t interrupt while your boyfriend is talking to you on the phone.
Interrupting a conversation is not only disrespectful, but it’s hurtful for the relationship because it shows that the person talking doesn’t matter much at all to you.
When he is talking, give a short response, such as “ok”, “hm” to let him know you are listening.
If you are given a chance to respond, do not go off the topic.
It will mess up the conversation and make him feel more uncomfortable.
Let him complete what he wants to say without being distracted by anything else going on around you or in your life at that moment.
If he pauses after saying something, don’t fill the silence by jumping back into the conversation. Wait until he’s done talking before you talk. Let him know that his opinion matters a lot to you and the outcome of what he had to say is important.
5. Compliment him.
Complimenting means letting your boyfriend know that he is special to you. But you don’t need to overpraise him.
For example, compliment him on how he looks, how well he is doing at his job or school, etc.
If you can’t find anything to compliment, just let him know that he makes you happy all the time, even when he is only talking with you through the phone. Tell him, “I’m so happy talking with you.”
He will feel very loved when he hears such words from you, no matter how simple they may seem to be.
It is very important that your boyfriend knows how much you value his friendship and love. Make sure he knows exactly what it is about him that makes him special to you.
6. He is free to talk about anything with you.
Tell him that you are there to listen whenever he wants to talk, no matter what it is about.
Do not judge him about what he will tell you or try to convince him why he should feel a certain way.
Show him that he can talk openly with you about any topic, no matter how serious or trivial it might be. Make sure you have no hidden agenda while talking to your boyfriend about anything.
7. Talk with your boyfriend as often as possible.
Spending time together in person is one of the best ways to let the relationship grow stronger, but it may not be possible all the time, and that’s where phone calls come in.
If you can’t go out with your boyfriend, call him up on the telephone.
You don’t have to spend hours talking on the phone, but make sure you do talk at least a few minutes once a day so that your boyfriend knows that he is still important to you. Talking often will help keep him interested in you.
Try to set up a specific time every day to talk on the phone. Make it a habit and try not to miss it.
8. Always have a positive attitude while talking to your boyfriend on the phone.
Make sure he knows you are always there for him, even if you are not always pleased with what he does.
Stay supportive and encouraging when you talk to your boyfriend on the phone. It would help if you let your boyfriend know that you care about his feelings and opinions, but at the same time be firm enough to make it clear that there must be mutual respect between both of you.
9. Be gentle and flirtatious while talking to him on the phone.
If your boyfriend knows that he can make you feel good just by talking, he’ll be more likely to call you more often in the future.
You should do some things that will let him know how much you like talking with him. Showing how much his love means to you will make your conversations more special, fun, and romantic.
10. Be yourself when talking on the phone with your boyfriend.
Always be yourself and show him that you are the same person both in person and on the phone. If he is always around you, he should know how to expect you to talk on the phone.
11. Put down all distractions.
So that you can fully concentrate with him without any interruptions or concerns.
Calling your boyfriend may not be a big deal for both of you compared to meeting each other in person, but it still requires some attention from both of you. You should never ignore your boyfriend when he calls because this will make him feel disregarded and ignored since now isn’t really a good time for him.
Please make sure you are both on the same page so that your boyfriend will never be distracted and confused about what to do during his calls with you.
12. Make sure he can feel your warmth when you talk.
When talking on the phone, both of you should be able to sense that you are both genuinely happy and excited about spending time with each other, no matter how much distance is between you.
You should never sound as if you don’t want to talk or appear distracted when he calls. Always make your tone sound as if there is nothing else except being together with him. Listen attentively while he talks and respond appropriately by giving your full attention without letting anything distract you from him.
How to Make Your Boyfriend Happy Over Text
1. Text him a simple but sweet good morning message.
The simplest and most obvious first step to getting your boyfriend happy over text is to send him a sweet good morning message.
It might seem silly, but it’s actually the perfect place to start. The key here is keeping things short, simple, and sweet. This may be something you do every day; you’re up before he is, so why not cheer him up with a little good morning text? Here’s an example:
“Just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you! Hope you have a great day!”
2. Point out all the cute and funny things your boyfriend does that you find endearing.
It will reassure him that you understand how to make him happy over text and in person. If he regularly does some adorable things, point them out from time to time and with texts as you would in person.
Tell your boyfriend that it makes you smile thinking about those actions, or show them off whenever they occur again in front of your boyfriend.
3. Remind your boyfriend how much he means to you.
It’s easy to fall into the habit of texting your boyfriend and taking him for granted. One good way to remind him that you still care is by sending text messages with love quotes or ones about how much he means as a person and a partner.
You can also tell your boyfriend that he makes you happy, either through words on the screen or in person. This will let him know that even though things may be lacking in other areas, he can make his girlfriend feel loved and secure through such action.
“You mean so much to me.” Or “I love being with you!”
4. Compliment his accomplishments or remind him of what makes him happy.
Surely if you’ve been together for any length of time, you both have things either one of you has accomplished or enjoy doing that the other doesn’t mind at all that they do or like those things as well. Here’s an example:
“I’m proud of you for working so hard! I know how much that meant to you.”
5. Pick a favorite song and sing it to him.
Singing a happy little tune over text is a simple way to make your boyfriend feel good; it also gets him in the mood to hear you sing the song he loves. Of course, this action may become a regular occurrence for both of you if it makes him happy, and that’s okay!
Maybe he’s having a bad day, but then you share this with him, and it brings his mood up instantly. It can be cute if performed right!
6. Tell him what you miss about him.
Even if it seems silly, he’ll appreciate the reminder of how much you love spending time with each other and that you take every chance to be with him. Here’s an example:
“I can’t wait for the weekend! I miss being able to cuddle with you.”
What are some happy quotes from movies or books? This is a fun, easy way to show your boyfriend that even though he may not be right next to you, this moment counts just as much in your mind as being there in person.
8. Reminisce on good old memories of doing funny things together.
This will also give your boyfriend a good laugh and remind him of how much fun the two of you used to have. Here’s an example:
“Remember that time we were lost in the woods? That was fun!”
Maybe you accomplished something recently at work or are planning on doing something exciting next weekend. This can be as simple as “I did really well at my presentation today.” Or “I had so much fun tonight; I’m glad we went out!”
10. Just say, “I love you”.
This is one of the easiest, simplest ways of letting someone know that they are special. By simply letting them know how important they are to you will surely make their day 100 percent better! Here’s an example:
“Haven’t told you this yet today, but I love being with you!”
11. Just be honest with what you’re feeling.
Even though your boyfriend should know by now most of the time anyway or have some idea of what’s going on in your mind and heart, being honest with each other when it comes to emotions is one great way to show that connection even while not in the same room.
12. Don’t over text or get too crazy if he doesn’t respond immediately.
Respect that other people may be around or he might be busy. He will try to reach out as soon as possible, so just wait patiently for his response.
How to be Sweet to Your Boyfriend
1. Cook him his favorite meal.
2. Be his number one cheerleader.
3. Call him by his endearment.
4. Spend time with him and his family.
5. Write him little notes.
6. Shower him with compliments.
7. Give him lots of long hugs.
8. Make him a personalized gift.
9. Always have his back.
10. Tell him you love him every day.
Please visit ways to make a guy’s heart melt for the details.
How to Make Your Man Happy
1. Be abundant with happiness.
2. Let him lead.
3. Stop nagging.
4. Respect him.
5. Be loyal and faithful.
6. Be kind to your husband.
7. Forgive him.
8. Don’t let pride comes into your heart.
9. Be a responsible wife.
10. Be a responsible mother.
11. Love your parents-in-law.
12. Love yourself.
Please visit 12 ways to make your man happy for the details.
How to Keep Your Boyfriend Happy in a Relationship
If you want to know how to live a happy life with your boyfriend, here are 25 tips to guide you.
1. Love your partner as you love yourself.
You can only be happy in a relationship if both the people (you and your partner) in that relationship will be happy. Therefore, love your significant other as you love yourself, and make him/her happy as you are happy yourself. Remember that a relationship is a partnership. Hence, love and happiness must be shared and enjoyed by both of you, not only by one of you.
2. Have realistic expectations.
“Unrealistic expectations are potentially damaging because they set us and others up for failure,” said Selena C. Snow. Thus, don’t let your unrealistic expectations hold you back. Remember that your outlook in life shapes your reality.
3. Communicate openly.
With healthy communication and an open heart, you can deal with conflicts and cut out potential problems in your relationship. You can also create a more honest and happy life for yourself and for the people around you.
4. Laugh.
Share a good laugh with your special someone. It will strengthen your immune system, boost your mood, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.
5. Go on a vacation with your partner.
Take your own short vacation and enjoy adventures together to help your relationship become more enjoyable and enthusiastic.
6. Eat together.
When was the last time both of you sat down and enjoy a meal together? Eating together might be a small act but it helps you connect with each other, offers a great opportunity for meaningful discussions, and boosts happiness in your relationship.
7. Spend time together.
Have a movie date together, go on a trip, or play your favorite video game. This will help you build closeness, open communication, boost happiness, and strengthen your relationship.
8. Be honest.
What honesty gives you is a great deal of security and comfort. It also helps both of you trust each other and get rid of negativity, jealousies and insecurities.
9. Respect for each other.
Respect brings happiness because it makes people feel accepted and valued no matter how different they are from other people. So, learn to appreciate your partner’s opinions, decisions and views in life no matter how different they are from yours.
10. Be optimistic.
One of the key ingredients to happiness is being optimistic. It can transform a negative situation into a positive one and give hope in times of trouble.
11.Learn to forgive.
Forgiveness is a learned process and once you practice it, it will give you peace of mind and joy of heart. Keep in mind that carrying around old baggage from someone who has wronged you won’t help you maintain that balance in your life.
12. Don’t respond out of anger.
Sometimes, you lose your cool and get mad over something. And when you respond to someone who is already angry in a badly chosen manner, you are likely to shoot up the situation. Better be quiet and let things cool down before you respond.
13. Show affection.
Give each other the affection you both deserve, either through hugs, kisses, or small surprises. In this way, you’ll attain happiness and contentment in life because you know you are loved.
14. Show kind gestures.
“If you haven’t any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.”—Bob Hope
Push kindness as a major part of your daily routine to inspire others and so they will try to inspire other people too.
15. Work on it.
In a relationship, you need to put things at work in order to keep things running smoothly. This means you need to exert extra effort by showing affection, kindness, or any other acts that will put your love into action.
16. Listen.
Good communication doesn’t only mean talking, but also listening and being fully aware of what is going on without any distractions.
17. Be mindful.
It is important to recognize that in order to be happy, you need to be aware of people’s different beliefs, know what your partner really needs, and how you understand the world that surrounds you.
18. Support each other’s passion.
It’s great to be in a relationship with someone who’ll support your passions in life. When the couple support each other’s passions, it helps foster a sense of being loved and adds happiness to their daily life as a couple.
19. Set goals.
Happiness can also come from moving toward what you want as a couple. Create and reach your goals and keep your relationship strong.
20. Celebrate each other’s achievements.
“Who is the happiest of man? He who values the merits of others and in their pleasure takes joy, even though it was his own.” — Goethe
What truly makes a relationship cheerful is when the other person who hears about your success is sincerely happy for you.
21. Fix the problem.
Never let a problem pass by without fixing it, instead, set a time to talk about it before things get worst.
22. Respect each other’s space.
You don’t have to cage yourself from each other’s arms. You also need to have a little space to be alone with yourself, friends, or work. Take time to respect each other’s space to have a healthy and happy life.
23. Spoil each other.
A kind of relationship where you both love, protect, and spoil each other is the best.
24. Exercise together.
Regular fitness is good for the heart and body. It also helps you become happy, especially when you’re exercising with your partner. It will not only help you feel more energized, confident and stress-free but will also make you a healthier and happier person for life.
25. Be willing to sacrifice.
There are things you need to sacrifice in order to be happy. True self-sacrifice involves a willingness to let go of your personal pleasures to make your relationship happier, healthier, and long-lasting.
How to make your boyfriend happy when he is sad
1. Smile
2. Be a good listener
3. Spend quality time
4. Make them feel appreciated
5. Show some encouragement
6. Tell a joke or share something funny
7. Speak kind words
8. Send gifts
9. Say I love you
10. Call or text just to check them
11. Help out by giving advice
12. Remind them that they are not alone
Please visit 12 ways to make your boyfriend happy when he is sad about the details.
Tips to Make Your Long Distance Boyfriend Happy
1. Talk about your feelings.
2. Constant reassurance.
3. Send handwritten poems.
4. Make sure to meet at least once a year.
5. Give individual space.
6. Support each other in everything.
7. Limit your arguments.
8. Try out your boyfriend’s hobbies.
9. Never run out of conversation starters.
10. Communication is the key.
Please visit tips on how to make your long-distance boyfriend happy for the details.
Bottom line
There you have it! Now that you finally know how to make your boyfriend happy, don’t let anything stop you from doing the tips above.
Online courses recommended for you:
- Relationship Coaching: Transform Problems into Growth & Love:
Develop true love & greater intimacy & a relationship growth mindset, stop destructive conflicts, find meaning & purpose. - Love & Connection: The Science of Successful Relationships:
This course will show you how to examine the unknown path that you’ll travel with your spouse, and carefully evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship.
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