15 Telltale Signs He Will Marry You Someday

15 Telltale Signs He Will Marry You Someday

Are you currently enjoying a great relationship with your boyfriend? However, the fear of the future could give you doubts, making you worry that he will leave you someday. Questions like, “Is he going to marry me?” and “Are we going to end up together?” are probably popping up from time to time. So, what …

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15 Ways to Nurture Your Marriage and Make It Stronger

Ways to Nurture Your Marriage

Nowadays, a lot of couples are afraid to tie the knot because divorce has become so normal in modern society. Everyone expects all relationships are destined to end one day, so why go through the hassle of legalizing things? If you are among the brave couples who have taken the risk of bringing their relationship …

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18 Ways to Have a Happy Marriage

Ways to Have a Happy Marriage

How can you have a happy and long-lasting marriage? If you are planning to marry someone soon or if you are already married and you want to ensure the happiness and success of your marriage, here are 20 ways to help you and your spouse live a happy married life. 1. Marry the right person. …

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32 Tips to Have a Long-Lasting Marriage

Tips to Have a Long-Lasting Marriage

Marriage is a lifetime commitment. People are supposed to marry to procreate, start a family, and cherish their love with their own spouse, children, and grandchildren for the rest of their lives. In other words, marriage is supposed to be built to last. If there is one good secret to having a lasting marriage, it …

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100 Inspirational Quotes About Marriage

Inspirational Quotes About Marriage

Marriage is the beginning of a life-long commitment to somebody. It is the start of building your family and future with someone you love and cherish. The journey of being married to someone is not easy. But solving things together with your partner even when the going gets tough can conquer any of the obstacles …

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50 Inspirational Bible Verses about Marriage

Inspirational Bible Verses about Marriage

Marriage is a gift from God and should be valued and treasured. It goes beyond the preparations, food, venue or even the gown; it should be entered by two people who are deeply rooted in love and has a relationship that is Christ-centered. To have a happy and successful marriage, it is important to include …

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28 Ways to Have a Successful Marriage: Bible Verses to Guide You

Ways to Have a Successful Marriage
successful marriage
Photo by Alexander Katrush

Marriage is where the family begins. And family is one of the most important parts of our society. Without a healthy marriage, families and homes may be shattered, children might become unsuccessful, and our world may not become a better place to live in. This is why our Almighty God, through His words in the Holy Scriptures, shared His everlasting guide and teachings on how the husband and wife can build and maintain a successful, happy and healthy relationship as a married couple.

Whether you are still searching for the right one to marry, just got engaged, just got married, or have been married for years, here are 28 ways to have a successful marriage, with Bible verses to guide you. Let these Biblical tips and pieces of advice help you, not only to have a happy and lasting marriage but also to build a better home and world to live in.

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10 Best Relationship Advice for Newlywed Couples

Best Relationship Advice for Newlywed Couples
newlywed couple
Photo by Gianni Scognamiglio

Have you recently gotten hitched? Did the two of you finally become a married couple after being engaged for a while? Well then, congratulations!

Entering the married life is like exploring a new world, as this time you’re living with someone whom you chose to be with for keeps. Of course, there’s a lot of adjustments that you will encounter, as you two will be getting to know each other in a much deeper and a more intimate level. While you are sure with your feelings, it is also normal that you feel a myriad of emotions as the days pass by.

Don’t worry about it, though. It does take time to adjust and get used to the married life, and if you need some tips on how to deal with it, here are some best relationship advice for newlywed couples that you should know.

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8 Relationship Advice Newly Engaged Couples Must Know

Relationship Advice Newly Engaged Couples Must Know
newly engaged couple
Photo by Scott Webb

Have you and your partner just decided to get married? Congratulations and best wishes, then! It’s only a matter of time before you two finally settle down and tie the knot, and most importantly, start a new life as a married couple.

But while you have just gotten engaged, mind you, there is still a lot of work to do before you actually walk down the aisle. In fact, the engagement can sometimes be the most difficult period a couple goes through before marriage, because this is the time when you prepare not just for the wedding itself, but the reality of married life.

So how do you deal with being an engaged couple? Here 8 relationship advice for newly engaged couples that you must know:

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