13 Ways to Live a Happy Life Without a Boyfriend

Live a Happy Life Without a Boyfriend

As a single person myself, I can attest to how many times I have been asked, “Why are you not in a relationship?” and honestly, I sometimes ask myself that question too. But you see, those kinds of questions shouldn’t base your worth and happiness. While some might find it fulfilling to be with someone, …

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8 Reasons Singles should Stop Worrying

Reasons Singles should Stop Worrying

Ever feel tired and somehow annoyed when people ask you, “When are you going to have a partner?” or “When are you getting married?” These kinds of questions would be asked too much that it often leads to you questioning your worth as a person. But that should not be the case, being single does …

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9 Awesome Ways to be the Best Third Wheel

Awesome Ways to be the Perfect Third Wheel

What is the Third Wheel In a Relationship? A third wheel is being the front wheel of a tricycle, while two back wheels are having a date and spending private time together. The third wheel is stuck between two people who have so much chemistry and disturbs their intimacy. When two people are in a …

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