5 Ways to Keep a Girl Interested in You

Make a girl interested
Photo by Timur Romanov

Guys, let’s face it: attraction fades. The girl you’ve been courting for many months has started showing signs of interest in you today, but it doesn’t guarantee that they’ll feel the same way tomorrow. Sure, you may be smart, charming, and kind, but keeping her interest alive and burning cannot be sustained by these attributes alone.

Yes, maintaining her attraction towards you requires a lot of effort, but there are shortcuts that you can use to pull it through.

So, how do you keep a girl enamored by you? Here are 5 fool-proof ways to keep her interested in you:

1. Be creative. All the time.

Girls love magic. They always want something fresh and new. They want to be surprised and caught in a string of emotions. Hence, as a guy, you can’t always be straightforward with your actions, especially when it comes to treating her.

You may want to come up with sweet surprises every now and then, perhaps during special occasions or in between them. Indeed, this gets her all giddy, but at the same time, you can think of this exercise as a means of getting to know her better. You’ll get to know her likes, dislikes, what gets her emotional, and how she deals with things that she does not expect in a fun and exciting way, of course.

Ways to Keep a Girl Interested in You
Photo by congerdesign

2. Be in control of the relationship.

One of the things that make girls lose their interest in a guy is when they start to feel that they are taking charge of the relationship. You may see a lot of girls steer the direction of their respective relationships, but not all of them like to take on this role. They may be strong and confident, but the more they want a guy who can be a man for them.

Hence, you may want to step up your game once you are in a relationship. You don’t have to dictate everything she does, but you may want to exercise some authority and command when it comes to making decisions while you two are partners. She’d want a man whom she can rely on, someone who can give her sound opinions about things that matter, and you need to give her that.

At the same time, you should also learn how to give her space, as girls don’t like to be controlled. Let her hang out with friends, support her passions, but at the same time make sure to remind her that you’re not in her life to play. Rather, you are her life partner.

3. Don’t tell everything.

Aside from magic, girls also love mystery. They like deciphering riddles and play guessing games with their boyfriends and husbands. It can be annoying sometimes because there are girls who really dig deeper and find out not-so enticing things about you. There are also girlfriends who can be too nosy that they start to invade your personal space.

You can deter that, however, by playing mysteriously. Apart from surprising her from time to time, you may also want to feed her with new info about yourself and your background in bits and pieces. You can show her a new trick, or tell a piece of trivia about yourself, or take her to new places that you are already familiar with. Just don’t do all these at the same time.

For example, you can tell her that you know how to cook, but don’t tell her you to have superb cooking skills. You can show her your culinary talent sometime soon, and by doing so she’ll be more impressed and smitten by you. This will keep her looking forward to what else you are hiding on your sleeve.

4. Communication is key.

Another thing about girls is that while they can be very talkative, they yearn for two things: someone who would listen to their stories, and someone whom they can listen to. You can be both, so it is important that you know how to strike a conversation.

If you may notice, most girls are impressed not by handsome guys, but by the funny guys. It’s because all of their senses are triggered, not just their sight. They also feel at ease when the guy cracks jokes or makes them laugh.

At the same time, girls like smart men. They tend to listen to men who speak their minds and talk about different areas of knowledge. They like it more when men also offer solutions to issues that matter to them. This is because women are always thirsty for knowledge. When they see you talking about topics that touch their curiosity, or make them laugh, the more they become interested in you. They would even invest to get to know you more.

Ways to Keep a Girl Interested in You
Photo by 5688709

5. Resurrect chivalry.

You may be hearing the words “chivalry is dead,” but it isn’t. It’s actually up to you to keep it alive, though.

If you want a girl to be interested in you for the long term, then be a gentleman. Show her the respect she deserves, and treat her like a lady at all times. You may want to open the door for her, keep her at the safer side of the pedestrian lane, carry her bags if you see she’s struggling in handling them, etc. No, these things don’t make you an underdog; in fact, it makes you even manlier than you already are.

Being a gentleman shows that you have the best intentions for her. You are treating her the way you treat your mother, sister, and all the female members of your family, and that is with respect.

By exercising chivalry, your girl would see that you are serious about her and that you are more than just a guy to date. She would also see that you are dependable as a partner and that you won’t allow her to get hurt. She won’t just continue to be interested; she won’t let you go.

In a nutshell

Dating is oftentimes a gamble, but real success is by getting to keep your girl in the process. By knowing how to maintain her interest, you not only have a girlfriend who continuously falls in love with you, but also one who would care for you and your relationship too.

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Fae Marie Esperas
When not on the road, Fae Marie Esperas writes about life's adventures as she sees them. She likes her coffee with mint, and owns a cat named Ramon.