63 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated, Special, Love, and Secure

Appreciate my wife
Photo by Toa Heftiba

Appreciation is something that everyone desires and needs. It has a positive impact on a person’s self-esteem and overall perspective about one’s self. Thus, if you care about a person, your appreciation would mean a lot to him/her.

This principle can also be applied in your marriage. If you want to boost your wife’s confidence and self-worth, then help her up by making her feel appreciated. There are several simple ways through which you can do this. Make this a habit and you will keep your wife happy.

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14 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated

1. Thank her for every little thing.

One of the best ways to let your wife know that she is appreciated is when you express your gratitude always. Make it a culture in your home to say “thank you” even for the simplest thing one does. This will have a big impact on your wife, and she will be more delighted to do her wifey and mummy roles.

2. Affirm her.

Let your wife feel good about herself through your affirmations. Give her sincere compliments, such as how beautiful or kind she is, how delicious the dishes she cooks, or how she is doing great taking care of your kids. These would encourage her to give her best in whatever she does and be a happier person overall.

3. Send her flowers.

Sending your wife a bouquet of flowers even if there is no occasion would make her feel so loved and appreciated. You can include a short but meaningful “thank you” message. In addition, it would be sweeter if you include some chocolates.

ALSO READ: 20 Best Gift Ideas for Your Wife in 2021

4. Express your appreciation both through words and actions.

Appreciating your wife should not only be done through words. You should also show it through your actions. For instance, you can give her a hug or kiss while exclaiming how grateful you are for the breakfast she has prepared.

5. Leave sticky notes for her.

Another simple way to let your appreciation for your wife known is by leaving a sweet sticky note message for her. You can leave it on the fridge door or bathroom mirror. It can be a “thank you” message or a remark on how beautiful she is.

6. Plan a surprise for her with the kids.

It would be best if you teach your children to be appreciative of their mom as early as now. You can do this by planning with them a surprise party or present for her. This is perfect for Mother’s Day or your wife’s birthday.

Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated
Photo by sever111

7. Be available for her when she needs you.

If you truly appreciate your wife for all her sacrifices and efforts to be a good partner to you, then it would not be hard for you to be available for her. Be willing to make time for her whenever she is in need, just like when she is sick.

8. Give her time for herself.

If your wife is always busy taking care of the family, especially if she also has a job, then it is normal for her to feel burned out from exhaustion. Help her avoid this by allowing her to pamper herself occasionally. Give her time to unwind and enjoy herself. You can also treat her to the spa and salon.

9. Help her around, especially when she is tired.

In connection with no. 8, always be available to help your wife. Another way of appreciating her efforts is by being sensitive to when she gets tired. Yes, you may be tired from work too, but anything will be a lot easier if done by more hands. Thus, make it a habit to share the burdens of house chores and taking care of your kids.

Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Appreciated
Photo by StockSnap

ALSO READ: 17 Ways to Be Kind to Your Wife

10. Give her presents.

Your wife would feel loved and special if you shower her with gifts. These presents do not have to be expensive. You can give her anything simple as long as it is meaningful and from the heart. As the cliché says, it is the thought that counts.

11. Notice even the small things about her.

Noticing everything about your wife down to the smallest details, such as her newly polished nails or the beautiful color of her lipstick, would mean a lot to her. Only a man in love would be able to observe such things. Even small compliments from you would surely make her feel appreciated.

12. Find opportunities to serve her.

You are probably used to your wife serving you and the children all the time. To let her know how much you appreciate what she does for you, why not look for ways to serve her in return? For instance, allow her to sleep in during the weekend and be the one to cook breakfast for the family.

13. Do not take her efforts for granted.

Know that everything your wife does for your family is done out of her love. Thus, show her how much you appreciate her hard work by valuing everything that she does. For example, even if you have already eaten with your colleagues, make sure to eat the meal your wifey has prepared for you at home.

14. Make her feel valued.

Aside from her efforts, value everything about your wife. Put her first before your friends. Protect her from anyone and anything. Listen to her whenever she needs someone to talk to. Spend time with her regularly. More than anything else, serve her.

15 Simple Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Special

Do you want to keep the love alive in your marriage? Are you looking for ways to be a better husband to your wife? If you are on your way to enhancing your hubby skills, then check out these simple tips below on how you can make your wife feel special.

Make wife special
Photo by Jonathan Borba

1. Prepare her breakfast.

Most of the time, the wives are the ones who get up early to prepare meals every morning. Now, what if you surprise her by waking up earlier than usual? Then, cook a hearty breakfast for her—and the kids, if you already have. If you want it to make it sweeter, you can bring her breakfast in bed.

2. Help her with the house chores.

Nothing would your wife appreciate more than your initiative to help her tidy up the mess in your house and keep everything in order. In case your wife does everything at home, why not start sharing her burden? You can volunteer to do the laundry, mop the floor, and even put the kids in bed.

3. Surprise her with chocolates and other treats.

Naturally, women have a sweet tooth. So, unless your wife is watching her figure, surprise her with chocolates and other desserts from time to time. Expect showers of kisses from her whenever you do this.

4. Leave sticky notes of sweet messages everywhere.

Gone are the days of love letters. However, you can still give her that cheesy experience by leaving short but sweet messages for her around the house. You can post a sticky note on the mirror, telling her you cannot wait to see her again at the end of the day. Leaving one on the fridge that reminds her not to tire herself out would also make your wifey smile.

5. Caress her hair until she falls asleep.

Aside from cuddling in bed, this is another romantic gesture that you can indulge your wife with. This will not only help her relax and be lulled to sleep, but it will also give her a feeling of security.

6. Shower her with hugs.

According to research, a hug is an effective stress reliever. Thus, if you know your wife is constantly bombarded with stress at work, or she is trying to juggle being a homemaker and a career woman daily, help her out with hugs. Give her as many hugs as possible in a day. Or at least, embrace her when you wake up and before going to sleep, and when you are about to leave for work and upon coming home.

7. Remind her always that she is beautiful.

Nothing would make a woman feel more special than being told to be the most beautiful in someone’s eyes. Therefore, even if her hair is messy or she is not wearing makeup, assure her that she is still the loveliest woman for you. This would also help her overcome insecurities with her body, especially if she has gained weight from giving birth to your kids.

8. Tell her you love her every day.

Never let a day pass by without telling your wife how much you love her. You can whisper it in her ear as you tell her goodnight, or you can say it with a kiss when you wake up in the morning. Hopefully, though, you always say this with passion—not just as a routine expression.

ALSO READ: 16 Ways to Make Your Wife Happy

9. Hold her hand in public.

Holding your wife’s hand in public is like telling the world that you are proud of her. Just imagine if you were your wife—surely, this would make you feel the proudest woman in the world.

10. Massage her feet.

If your wife constantly complains about aching feet and toes from wearing high-heeled shoes at work, she would be surely grateful for a massage. This is a simple treat that you do not have to spend much on.

11. Give her a day off.

It is not easy being a wife, especially if she has a regular job too. Every day, she has to balance her roles of being a wife to you, a mom to your kids, and a career woman. Therefore, to let your partner know that you see her hard work and care about her welfare, give her time to pamper herself. On a weekend, allow her to see her friends, visit the spa, or simply sleep the entire day.

12. Appreciate her efforts.

In connection with no. 11, do not forget to let your wife know how much you appreciate her. Tell her you love her cooking. Thank her for being the best mom to your kids. Compliment her new hair, dress, or any effort she does to take care of herself.

ALSO READ: 18 Ways to Have a Happy Marriage

13. Do not forget your special days.

A thoughtful man is a woman’s weakness. If you want to keep your wife in love with you, then initiate celebrating special dates, such as your wedding anniversary and her birthday. You can plan a holiday trip for two or just bring her to a special restaurant. Or if the budget is tight, at least you can surprise her with a bouquet of roses.

14. Serenade her with love songs.

You do not need to have Ed Sheeran’s voice to melt your wife’s heart with a song. Help her reminisce about how your love story started. Do this by serenading her with the songs you have been singing together or those you dedicated to her. With guitar props, sing these songs to her like you mean every word.

15. Tell her how blessed you are for having her as your wife.

No need for flowery words. Just sincerely tell your wife how blessed you are for ending up with her. Assure her that even if you would be given the chance to turn back time and rearrange your life, you would still find and choose her.

18 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Truly Loved

Make her feel loved
Photo by Carlos Oratto

You do not have to be the most romantic guy on earth to make your wife feel really loved. All you need to do is be sincere in keeping this special woman happy. To help you do it, here are some simple ways you can do to express your genuine love for her and make her feel truly loved.

1. Start and end your day with an “I love you” for her.

Never let a day pass without letting your wife know how much you love her. Make it a habit to tell her “I love you” upon waking up and before you close your eyes while cuddling in bed.

2. Share the house chores without being asked.

Your superwoman can get tired too. So, even if she does not ask you, willingly help her with the responsibilities and chores at home. Do the laundry, cook dinner, and wash the dishes. She will surely appreciate these efforts.

3. Appreciate her in front of others.

Anyone would feel great if appreciated in the public, especially by someone dear. Thus, praising your wife in front of your friends, colleagues, or whoever, would surely make her blush. It will make her feel that you are proud of her.

4. Flex her on your timeline.

Talking about being proud of your wife, women feel special and loved when their partners post about them on social media. You may post a sweet anniversary, birthday, or congratulatory message for her on your timeline. Or you can simply post a picture of you being together.

5. Buy her a new dress.

Are you thinking of buying your wife a gift? She would surely love a nice dress. This could mean a lot to her, especially if she has not bought anything for herself lately because she always puts the needs of her family first.

6. Treat her to a movie.

Who says only boyfriends and girlfriends could go on a movie date? You may be doing this with your kids already, but it would be more romantic for her if you could go by yourself. Make her feel that somehow you still want her alone to yourself sometimes.

7. Speak gently to her.

In the Bible, husbands are commanded to be gentle with their wives (Colossians 3:19). One of the ways to uphold this is by being sensitive to your words. Always be mindful of what you say to her, especially when you are stressed, upset, or angry. You can never take back the harsh words you throw at her.

8. Do not yell at her.

In connection with no.7, never ever yell at your wife. You are ought to be gentle and respectful towards her, especially in front of your kids. If you are too angry already, just leave and go somewhere else where you can cool down.

ALSO READ: 17 Ways to Be Kind to Your Wife

9. Never hurt her physically no matter how pissed off you are.

If you truly love your wife, you would never lay a hand on her. Yes, some men get to hurt their wives ‘unintentionally’ because of too much anger, but it will never be good enough to be an excuse. Therefore, if you know you have the tendency to lose self-control when you are at the height of your emotion, then you better leave the scene right away.

10. Listen to her ideas.

One of the ways through which you can make your wife feel valued is by listening to her. Whenever she gives you a piece of advice or a suggestion, show her that you are willing to listen and consider her thoughts.

11. Support her goals.

Be your wife’s no. 1 supporter. Encourage her to follow her dreams and help her to get closer to them. Be proud of her success.

12. Send her sweet messages.

Whether you are just at work or somewhere farther away, make her smile with thoughtful messages. You can text, chat, or even send her a video message. It does not have to be a long one. It is just meant to let her know that you remember her throughout the day.

13. Surprise her on a romantic date.

Women love surprises. One way to make her feel truly loved is by setting her up on a date. This should be different from your regular or planned dates. It does not have to be expensive too. For instance, you can prepare a romantic candlelit dinner on your rooftop or in your garden.

14. Tell her you would choose her over and over.

One of the most romantic words that a woman could hear from a man is when he tells her that he would still choose her even if given the chance to turn back time. Never get tired of reminding her that she is chosen.

15. Take care of her when she is sick.

One of the best opportunities to serve your partner is when she is sick. Your care would surely help her feel better.

16. Always tell her she is beautiful.

Even if she is not dressed up for any occasion or she looks so disheveled, assure her that she is still beautiful. This will help boost her confidence and, of course, be more secure in your love.

17. Be the first to say “sorry” whenever you fight.

It does not matter who starts the conflict. As a gentleman, be willing to be the first to apologize and reconcile. This does not necessarily mean that you are wrong, but this would show her how willing you are to set your pride aside just to keep her by your side.

18. Choose her over your friends.

The moment you have married her, your wife becomes your first human priority. Meaning, whenever there is a schedule conflict between your time together and your time to be with the gang, you must choose to be with your wife. This would mean a lot to her.

8 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel More Secure

Make wife feel secure
Photo by Candice Picard

Is your wife getting paranoid about your loyalty? Has she been doubting your fidelity or do you find it hard to get her trust? Well, probably it is because she feels insecure in your marriage. Her insecurity could be the result of trust issues brought by painful experiences—or you probably have broken her trust before.

Check out these ways how you can make your wife feel more secure and have a healthier marriage:

1. Be transparent always.

The best way to remove the doubt from your wife’s mind is by being transparent to her about everything. Yes, this could be a bit toxic if you are not used to sharing your privacy with others. However, please be reminded that the moment you married her, you two became one. This means she now has the right to know everything about you.

Transparency involves letting her know your password to every social media account you have—and your phone, of course. Anyway, if you have nothing to hide from her, then this would not be a big deal.

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2. Flex her on social media.

Yes, women are paranoid—and they easily become suspicious about every little thing—including why their men would not flaunt them on Facebook or Instagram. As you know, most women are expressive on social media. If they are proud of their relationship, then they are most likely to post about it. Now, they expect the same thing from their partners.

Well, you do not have to post any cheesy messages or photos about your marriage or your wife if you are not comfortable with it. However, I think there would not be any problem if you indicate on your relationship status that you are married to her, or if you add a couple or family photos in which you are together. What matters to her is that she does not feel like being hidden.

3. Introduce her to your friends and colleagues.

Another way to make your wife secure is by letting her meet the people you come in contact with every day. It would be hard for her to trust you to go out with people she does not know, thinking some of them could be a bad influence on you.

Introducing your wife to your friends and workmates will help her a lot to trust you. If she sees that these people you hang out with are trustworthy, then she will let loose. She would stop being suspicious of them.

4. Do not stay out late if not necessary.

A lot of temptations could come to a man if he is still out of his home in the wee hours of the night, especially if he is out on parties and night-outs. This is the usual fear of wives. As you enjoy the night, you probably have no idea how worried she is, thinking you could be with someone else already.

To avoid this kind of paranoia, avoid staying out late at night with friends or whoever unless it is very necessary. You could still go out with friends, but set a time limit for yourself. Be firm in setting a curfew, not just for you but for everyone who’s part of your household as well. This will save your family from a lot of headaches, especially when your children get older.

5. Stay sweet and romantic with her.

Women are very sensitive. They would immediately feel if you start being cold towards them. If your wife senses that you are not sweet to her anymore, then she might be thinking that you are in love with someone else.

To keep your wife secure with your love for her, never take her for granted. The longer you have been together, the more that you should exert effort in keeping your passion for each other alive. Date with her regularly, shower her with hugs and kisses and tell her “I love you” always.

6. Always assure her that you love her.

Sometimes, the reason a wife doubts her husband’s loyalty is because she does not feel loved anymore. It makes her think that he already wants somebody else.

Sincerely saying “I love you” to your wife daily would help a lot in keeping her mind at peace. Tell her this with a kiss and a tight hug. Say it in the sweetest way possible. The more that you make her feel loved, the more that she will be secure with you.

7. Set boundaries in your friendship with other girls.

It is not bad to be friends with other women. However, with a respect to your wife, you should limit your interaction with them, whether your wife is around or not. If your wife sees that you are too friendly—to the point of being sweet or touchy—with other women, then it would ring an alarm in her brain.

Help your wife trust you even in the company of other women. As a married gentleman, set a limitation on how you should treat other ladies. One thing you can do is to bring your wife with you whenever you have to meet women friends. Also, never spend time with another woman alone.

8. Never lie to her.

Trust is the strongest foundation of security in a relationship. Once it is broken, it would be hard to mend it. For this reason, make every effort not to break your wife’s trust. Never lie to her, no matter how small it is. When she finds out, it would be difficult for her to believe you again.

Being honest with your wife about everything will help seal her trust in you. Even if you have committed a mistake, confess it to her immediately. It would be harder if she finds it out through someone else. She may get mad at you, but at least your honesty reveals how repentant you are. She would be assured that you are not hiding anything from her.

Treat Her Like A Queen

Women are not very hard to please. If you want to make her feel special, just take good care of her. Be considerate and gentle with her, even though sometimes she is hard to understand. Serve her in simple ways like how you would treat a queen. If you do this, be ready to be pampered like a king in return.

More Love in Return

The love that you give your wife will bounce back to you. The more that you keep her loved, the more that she will make you feel loved too. This is the secret for keeping the love in your marriage alive.

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It will make her bloom

How good you are as a husband can be seen in how your wife glows. If you want her beauty to radiate from the inside, bring out the best in her. Your appreciation will help her a lot to come out of her shell.

Knowing that she is valued by the person she loves is a great encouragement for your wife. It will make her confident and secure with who she is and what she has. This is one of the secrets of empowered women. Help her shine from the inside.

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Cyril Abello
Joan is a freelance blogger who loves writing about personal development. She also loves learning and teaching languages. A Communication Arts graduate, she now pursues a masters degree in Language Teaching. She is into mobile photography, writing poems, and reading for leisure.