15 Signs He’s Just Playing Games with You, Playing Your Feelings

He’s Just Playing With Your Heart

So you’ve met a guy whom you think is super cool but you don’t know if he really is. You might also not even know what kind of relationship you two have. Is that why you decided to check this blog out? Or is it because you’ve never had a boyfriend before and you want …

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10 Ways to Become the Best Intern Ever

Ways to Become the Best Intern Ever

Best worker or intern

“If you are prepared, you will be confident, and will do your job”– Tom Landry

“To be prepared is half the victory”- Miguel de Cervantes

Everyone has his/her own battle out there in the real world. To win over yours, you have to sharpen your sword through words of education and wisdom. You have to hold on to your ideas and imagination as your helmet. Your will and your strengths as your shield. And for your body armor, you need one last preparation to forge it, your internship.

With strategies, you learned at school and the armor you forge with time and effort, you can win your battle.

With that in mind, remember these easy yet effective ways on how to become the best intern ever.

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9 Reasons Why Girls Break Up with their Boyfriends

Reasons Why Girls Break Up with their Boyfriends
Reasons Why Girls Break Up with their Boyfriends
Photo by margarita_kochneva

Girls might be unpredictable sometimes but when it comes to making decisions, they will ponder on problems over and over again. She will choose to patch things up than breaking them, she will choose to forgive than to stay angry and she will want to choose to understand even if you make her feel neglected.

But women have their limits too and their pride (she has thrown it away again and again but you just made her pick it up again). She will not stay still to receive the knives you throw at her. She will either fight back or leave.

A woman is like a volcano who is silent and calm for years but she will not erupt out of anywhere, there will be signs and warnings and you need to do something before it happens. Here are 9 reasons why girls break up with their boyfriends.

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50 Best Quotes about Overcoming Relationship Problems

Quotes about Overcoming Relationship Problems

If you seek some pieces of advice on overcoming relationship problems and troubles in your relationship, here are the 50 best quotes that will inspire you to overcome the challenges you and your partner may be facing right now. But first… let me put it this way. There are only two sides to every problem. …

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10 Inspiring Ways to be a Better Friend

Inspiring Ways to be a Better Friend

better friends

“There is nothing on this earth to be prized than true friendship” –Thomas Aquinas

Friendships are the most valuable relationship that is not given to you but is for you to find them yourself and it’s the time we spent with friends that makes every moment more precious on earth.

They are the family we choose for ourselves, the people who will accept us and stay with us. How we will treasure them and the moments we share with them is up to us.

Through these simple but thoughtful gestures, let them know how happy you are that in this journey of uncertainty you have found true friendship in them.

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27 Signs You Are Ready For a Relationship

Signs You Are Ready For a Relationship

ready for relationship

All relationships start from within you. It takes a part of you to be able to connect with someone other than yourself. You need to be emotionally stable to form a relationship. So my question is, are you emotionally ready? Do you think if someone sweeps you off your feet right now, you are ready to get to know the other person?

Take a deep breath. Find your inner self and reassess it. Ask yourself if you have these signs or traits of someone who is ready to be in a relationship.

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6 Awesome Ways to be the Perfect Third Wheel

Awesome Ways to be the Perfect Third Wheel

perfect third wheel

You’re having the perfect night planning for your Saturday activities when unexpectedly your friend (or sibling) suddenly asks you if you’re free that day.

You want to lie that you’re not, but then they don’t give you that time to react and just say that you tag along with their boyfriend or girlfriend and they won’t take an answer for a ‘no’.

Suddenly your heart rate goes up. You don’t want to be a third wheel, but you don’t want to hurt your friend’s (or sibling’s) feelings also.

So, you think of the ways to get out of it without hurting them.

But what if I tell you that you don’t have to worry about anything because I’ve got your back. Here are 6 awesome ways to be the perfect third wheel:

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