12 Reasons Why You Should Not Cheat on Your Partner

Crying women
Photo by Ben White

If you are thinking of cheating on your wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend, you’d better stop and contemplate the consequences of what you’re going to do. Here are 12 solid reasons why you should not cheat on your partner:

1. There is no secret that will not be uncovered.
If you have not committed cheating yet but you are planning to do it, thinking that your partner will never discover it, then know that nothing hidden will not be uncovered. No matter how you will hide your act of infidelity or unfaithfulness, your partner will soon discover it. Hence, if you have not done it yet, you better not do it.

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” – Luke 8:17 NIV

2. You will break your partner’s heart.
If you cheat on your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife, you will hurt them badly emotionally and mentally. You will break not only their heart but also their mind and soul. You will destroy their trust, respect, hope, and dreams. You will cause them great sorrow and depression that might destroy their life. They will stop believing in love. Their bleeding heart will be filled with hatred for what you’ve done to them.

ALSO READ: 11 Painful Things Your Girlfriend Will Suffer from if You Cheat on Her

3. You will break the hearts of the ones who are close to your partner.
You will also hurt the people who love your partner, like their parents, siblings, and friends. You will be a big disappointment to them. You will be ashamed of yourself. You will lose face in front of them.

4. You will ruin your relationship or marriage.
You will kill the relationship that the two of you have built over time. If you’re married, you will destroy your marriage and lose your wife or husband.

ALSO READ: 32 Tips to Have a Long-Lasting Marriage

5. You will break the hearts of your children.
You will deprive your children of the happiness that they deserve. You will destroy their opportunity to have a happy family. They will look upon you as a bad father who hurt their mom. With a broken family, they might grow without proper guidance from their parents. The rest of their lives will be more difficult than those whose families are not broken.

6. You will lose your dignity and integrity.
You will be marked as a cheater. You will be known as a liar and a person without moral principles. You will not be worthy of respect and honor. And even if you will be forgiven by your partner, your surviving relationship or marriage will never be the same again. It would be harder for your partner to trust you and believe in your words anymore.

Reasons Why You Should Not Cheat on Your Partner
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7. Cheating could land you in jail.
The acts of cheating, particularly adultery and concubinage, are illegal and punishable by law in most places in the world. If you will commit those acts, your spouse can sue you and get you to prison. And not only that, your mistress or another lover could also be put in jail. In certain countries, repetitive cheating on your wife could also be a form of psychological violence that is punishable by law.

8. Cheating could get you an STD.
People who commit adultery including your mistress or paramour are most likely unclean. Thus, you will increase your chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases (STD), such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV and AIDS.

9. Regrets could make you suffer for a lifetime.
Your conscience will give you sleepless nights. The tearful eyes and the sad faces of the people you’ve hurt, especially your partner and your innocent children, will haunt you for life. Your sin will not only give you a miserable life but will also destroy your spiritual relationship with God.

10. Karma is real.
What goes around comes around. What you sow, you shall reap. If you will plant dishonesty and infidelity, you will surely not harvest truth and honor. What you will get is shame and loss of freedom. And for the sorrow, pain, and suffering you have given to your partner and the people who are close to them, you must be worried about what you can get in return. Bad karma comes in many forms. It may be physical, financial, emotional, mental, psychological or even spiritual.

“Do to others as you would have them do to you.” – Luke 6:31

11. You will definitely lose.
The benefits you can get from cheating may only last for a short time. The sexual pleasures you can gain from infidelity or adultery may only last for a few hours. On the other hand, the joy and happiness you can get from giving loyalty, love, and faithfulness to your girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse can last a lifetime. And you can even pass and share this joy and happiness with your children and everyone.

If you will consider the things that you will sacrifice to satisfy yourself thru cheating, you will definitely lose. You will gain nothing. Only fools will give up their relationship, marriage, family, dignity, honor, moral principles, children and your beloved partner for temporary pleasure or satisfaction.

Reasons Why You Should Not Cheat on Your Partner
Photo by StockSnap

12. Cheating is not a solution to your relationship’s problems.
If you have problems with your partner, cheating will not solve them. It’s not even an option. If your boyfriend is not giving you enough affection, your rebellion by way of cheating will not make him love you more – you will get hatred from him rather than affection. If your wife is always jealous and not trusting you enough, your infidelity will surely not make her trust you more – she will hate you even more.

Cheating will only make problems and issues in your relationship worse. If you have a problem with your partner, find the right solution. If your boyfriend is not being affectionate to you, why not focus on loving him and not expect affection in return? If your wife always doubts your loyalty, why not prove to her that you’re a man who can be trusted? Whatever your problem in your relationship is, there is always a proper solution.

ALSO READ: 10 Common Relationship Problems and How to Solve Them

Now, if you really think that your relationship is already toxic, destructive and won’t work anymore, you don’t have to resort to cheating and make your bad relationship an excuse. You can honestly tell your partner that you already want to end your relationship. When the two of you are already formally or legally separated, then maybe it’s time for you to look for a new love that will make your life better and happier in the long run.

At least you have hurt your partner with the truth, not with cheating or a lie.

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Victorino Q. Abrugar
Vic is the founder of InspiringTips.com. He regularly writes for the site and also serves as its digital marketing strategist. Vic likes to talk about true love, meaningful life, quantum physics, spiritual growth, and more.
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Dinesh Ghanshyam Vaidya
Dinesh Ghanshyam Vaidya
November 8, 2020 6:46 am

I regret ha ing affair with My Birlasoft collegue which has ruined my personal life as well as she has been divorced

Dennis Sneed
Dennis Sneed
May 25, 2019 5:25 pm

That is true. I would like to add one more: You’ll also destroy the adulterous partner. Every effect that’s mentioned here will be duplicated in their life whether or not they have children and/or a spouse or a boy/girlfriend.