44 Ways to Love Yourself More

Ways to Love Yourself

“Self-love is the source of all our other loves.” – Pierre Corneille “Self-love has very little to do with how you feel about your outer self. It’s about accepting all of yourself.” – Tyra Banks You can only love another person fully if you have also learned to love yourself. “Self-love” can sometimes be hard …

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32 Qualities of a Good Teacher

Qualities of a Good Teacher

Are you desiring to pursue a teaching career? Probably, you have been inspired by one of your professors when you were still studying, so you want to follow in his/her footsteps. Indeed, mentoring young minds are not just about providing them with academic lessons but also influencing them to become good citizens. If you want …

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11 Ways to Stop Being a Selfish Person

stop being a selfish person

Contrary to popular belief, selfishness isn’t all bad. After all, it helps one thrive in this highly competitive world. However, too much selfishness is destructive not only to other people and the environment but also to oneself. If you find yourself being constantly selfish in both words and deeds, then perhaps it’s time for you …

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20 Ways to Stop being Self-centered in a Relationship

Stop being Self-centered

Are you guilty of being selfish? Do you desperately want to change that to stop hurting your loved one? As much as we do not like being around self-centered individuals, others may find you infuriating as well. Your partner may truly love you, but if you continue treating him/her insensitively, then s/he might get tired. …

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10 Ways to Overcome Your Sense of Entitlement

Overcome Your Sense of Entitlement

We are the main characters in our own lives. Given this mindset, some people think of themselves as the chosen ones, destined to shine above all and save the day. They develop a sense of entitlement, believing that they are born special and should thus be treated accordingly. If left unchecked, this sense of entitlement …

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Digital Detox: 6 Reasons You Should Take a Break from Social Media

Take a Break from Social Media

Here’s a question: Do you remember what you used to do before social media was taking up hours of our days? Back in 2008, before Facebook received worldwide attention, you were probably spending more time on hobbies like reading, working out, or maybe even watching movies and listening to music. There was not as much …

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10 Ways to Stop Meddling in Other People’s Lives

Stop Meddling in Other People’s Lives

Privacy is crucial to most, if not all, people. We value personal space and get offended when others, unless given permission, intrude into our private affairs. Meddling into other people’s lives, in most circumstances, is a sign of disrespect, and if you’re one of those people doing this constantly, consider following these ways to help …

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11 Effective Ways to Stop Being an Arrogant Person

Stop Being an Arrogant Person

We should all seek to possess good traits; however, too much of a good thing can lead to an imbalance. For instance, confidence is something everyone aspires to have; it allows a person to unlock his/her full potential without fear or hesitation. However, too much of it can taint people, making them blinded by their …

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6 Reasons Why Failures are Actually Good

Why Failures are Actually Good

Everyone aspires to succeed in life, but despite our best efforts to reach our goals, we sometimes stumble and fail. Nobody enjoys this feeling–it’s humiliating, belittling, and heartbreaking. We deem it as proof of our insufficiency and think that we’re just not that good enough. Scared that we might experience it once more, we sometimes …

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5 Ways to Practice Honesty in Life

Ways to Practice Honesty in Life

People often make the mistake of expecting others to understand them without expressing what they feel. This is understandable because being honest about our feelings isn’t really an easy thing to do. We tend to skirt around telling the truth and, as a result, we begin having difficulties in expressing our emotions and intentions. To …

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6 Ways to be Respectful of Others

Respectful of Others

Whenever you hear the word respect, it is hard not to remember the wonderful voice of the late Aretha Franklin. Her song “Respect”, in which she sings about needing and wanting a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T, still rings true for a lot of people today. Everyone needs it, and as our society goes, we have to be …

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15 Ways to be a Good Grandparent

Ways to be a Good Grandparent

They say that taking care of grandchildren can make grandparents live longer. Well, this must be true since being around young, energetic kids you dearly love will make you feel good and happy. That means lesser stress and it makes you feel young again. If you want to improve your grandparenting styles, then here are …

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20 Inspiring Ways to be a Good Parent

Ways to be a Good Parent

It is not easy to be a good parent, especially that we are imperfect in many ways. It is normal that we feel anxious thinking we might fail to raise our kids to become good persons. Thus, learning from the experiences and strategies of other parents is a good idea. If you want to learn …

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6 Simple Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt

Simple Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt

I have always been a believer in the idea that we are the biggest critics of ourselves. At some point in our lives, we have experienced the nagging feeling of self-doubt. We ask ourselves questions like, “Have I done enough,” “Am I really good at this,” or the more existential “Am I going in the …

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7 Ways to be Considerate of Others

Ways to be Considerate of Others

Being considerate is perhaps one of the most underrated values in our generation. Ask anyone what is important to them in a relationship, and they may be very quick to say trust, love, and commitment. Rarely do we think of being considerate as a valuable attitude in others. But, come to think of it, it …

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5 Smart Ways to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions

Smart Ways to Achieve Your New Year's Resolutions

We have all made New Year’s Resolutions before, and we all know how difficult it is to make them stick. We tend to forget much of our resolutions as the days of a new year go on, but it does not have to be the same this year. It is not just a new year …

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10 Ways to Stay on Social Media Without Being Annoying

Stay on Social Media Without Being Annoying

Block, unfollow, unsubscribe those are only some of the things you can do when someone in your social media world is annoying. You hate seeing posts from certain accounts because they invoke the feeling of annoyance, confusion, or hatred. The thing is, how sure are you that you aren’t the one unfollowed, blocked, and unsubscribed …

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5 Ways to be Confident in Yourself as a Woman

Ways to be Confident in Yourself as a Woman

How is it like to be a confident woman? You may have seen a lot of women who took the stand and spoke and committed to the things they believe in, may it be in politics, society, science, and the arts. Other girls meanwhile carry the courage to speak about the things they believe is …

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12 Ways to Stop Being Judgmental Toward Others

Stop Being Judgmental Toward Others

How can you stop being judgmental toward others? The Scriptures warned us to not judge or we may be judged the same way we judge others (see Matthew 7:1-5). This biblical teaching warns us that it’s not a good practice to judge other people. Whether it is comforting or enjoyable to judge others, being judgemental …

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20 Ways to Show Compassion to Others

Show Compassion to Others

How can you show compassion in this world where many people practice hate and violence instead of love and kindness? How can you become a compassionate person and be a blessing to other people? Compassion is a greater virtue than sympathy and empathy. Compassionate people do not only sympathize and empathize but they also actively …

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10 Ways to Cut Toxic People From Your Life

Cut Toxic People From Your Life

Have you reached the “Okay, that’s enough!” point in your life in terms of dealing with toxic people? If so, congratulations! You’re now headed to living a life where you don’t have to carry an unnecessary heavy weight on your shoulders. You’re done with the first step — deciding that there’s no more room for …

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8 Ways to Overcome Insecurities Brought by Social Media

Overcome Insecurities Brought by Social Media

With everyone posting the highlights of their lives on social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your low moments and the ordinary events of your life to other people’s filtered lives. This trap usually causes a feeling of insecurity that makes you question yourself. Why do your friends have houses of …

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11 Signs You Are Prideful: How to Get Rid of Pride in Your Heart

How to Get Rid of Pride in Your Heart

11 Signs You Are Prideful How do you know you are struggling with pride? What are the symptoms of being prideful? To help you answer these questions and get rid of pride in your heart, evaluate yourself by checking out the following signs: 1. You think you are humble. One of the signs that you …

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7 Ways to Stop Being Immature Emotionally or Childish

Emotionally Immature

What does it mean to be emotionally immature? At some point in our life, we may have raised this question as we ponder to ourselves. We question our ability to feel emotionally secure and mature when we handle our relationships, and it’s alright to feel unsure. Usual expectations are that as a person grows older, …

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25 Qualities of a Good Student

Qualities of a Good Student

Who says you need to have an above-average IQ to be an A-list student? Anyone who is determined can top the class. It is just a matter of perspective, partnered with hard work. Qualities of a Good Student If you want to start the school year right, then check out these 25 qualities of a …

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13 Ways to Be a True Gentleman

Ways to Be a True Gentleman

All men must strive to be gentlemen, not to prove their masculinity but to show their humanity. In a world where hate, malice, and injustice persist, the gentleman should remain steadfast in being a vanguard of sincere kindness and compassion. However, nobody is born a gentleman; one has to learn and imbibe certain values to …

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9 Ways to Live a Simple Life and be Happy

Live a Simple Life and be Happy

Living simply and living happily – what’s the connection between the two? The first is actually necessary for the second. If you want to live happily, live simply. This complex world has a crazily fast pace where people tend to get lost. They become unhappy because they no longer know what makes them happy. The …

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10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty about Changing Careers

You Shouldn't Feel Guilty about Changing Careers

Did you make the right career path, or do you think you’re stuck in a place where you don’t belong? At some point, you might have felt that you’re not living the life you wanted in terms of your career. Your college self might have been too young to actually decide the life you’re gonna …

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12 Ways to Avoid Fake People

Avoid Fake People

Man is a social animal. It is human nature for man to be surrounded by people with whom you can share memories and experiences. However, not every people you meet is genuine; there will always be fake people around you who always act differently and the best thing to do is just want to stay …

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