14 Awesome Benefits of Being Single

Awesome Benefits of Being Single

After a breakup, you may have a hard time adjusting to singlehood, especially if you have been in a relationship for many years. You probably worry about being lonely or growing old alone. You may even feel jealous whenever a sweet couple passes by you. However, there are also good things about being single. Actually, …

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22 Ways to Live Your Life to the Fullest While Being Single

Ways to Live Your Life to the Fullest While Being Single

single lady in travel and adventure

Coming from a breakup? Yes, it could be hard to move on especially if you have been together for a lot of years, and you shared great moments together. Right now, you probably think it’s impossible to go on without that person, but it’s actually not. More opportunities and greater experiences are waiting to be discovered out there—you just have to be brave to explore them alone.

So, how can you make the most of being single? You know, once you enter another relationship someday, there are many things that you won’t be free to do anymore. Therefore, live your life to the fullest while waiting for the right partner.

Here are 22 ways on how you can live to the fullest while being single.

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9 Reasons Why You are Still a Single Man

Why You are Still a Single Man

Why am I still single? Most probably, you’ve asked that question multiple times because, in all aspects of your life, you think you’re ready to be in one but you’re just not. Read on to discover nine reasons why you’re still a single man. 1. You keep on chasing the wrong woman. People tend to …

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8 Reasons Singles should Stop Worrying

Reasons Singles should Stop Worrying

Ever feel tired and somehow annoyed when people ask you, “When are you going to have a partner?” or “When are you getting married?” These kinds of questions would be asked too much that it often leads to you questioning your worth as a person. But that should not be the case, being single does …

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Is it Better to be Single or be in a Relationship?

Is it Better to be Single or be in a Relationship?

Which is better? Being single and free or being in a committed relationship? Are you weighing down the advantages and disadvantages of going steady with someone you love? There are a lot of things that only single people can enjoy. They have the freedom to do whatever they like, and they can have more opportunities …

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12 Things Single Ladies Should Stop Doing Immediately

Things Single Ladies Should Stop Doing Immediately
Single lady stop doing
Photo by Brooke Cagle

Hey, there single ladies!

Do you often find yourself moping for not being in a relationship? Or has the idea of being romantically attached to someone been bugging you more often than usual? If your answer to either–or both questions is yes, then guess what: we feel you. Sure, being in a romantic relationship is all the hype these days, and in a way, it puts pressure on those who are currently unattached. You’d want to have someone to hold hands with while strolling in the park, a shoulder to cry on, someone to exchange sweet nothings with, and someone to kiss goodnight.

But while this is an ideal situation for many, we often forget that there’s nothing wrong with being single. Being unattached to a romantic partner offers a lot of opportunities, and rather than wishing for one, you’d opt to celebrate instead, as you are free to explore life and limits, with only your rules and your choices to follow.

There are some things, however that you should stop doing to yourself while you’re single. These are:

1. Being afraid to be single forever.
Girl, you don’t know what the future has in store for you, so stop jumping to conclusions. Maybe you just haven’t found your life partner yet, and who knows, in God’s perfect timing, you’ll find yourself finally settling down.

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14 Reasons to Enjoy being Single in Your 20s

Reasons to Enjoy being Single in Your 20s
enjoy single life in 20s
Photo by Clarisse Meyer

Most people who do not have the love of their lives yet tend to feel pressured by their peers, while those who are fresh from breakups think that they’ll be lonely forever. People often interpret being single as having sullen days of their lives, as if they miss a piece of something that makes them feel incomplete, but I guess they got it wrong.

Actually, flying solo can be an advantage and it has never been boring. Getting in a relationship is neither a race nor a requirement.

There are more exciting things you can look forward to while being single. Here are 14 reasons why you should cheer up and celebrate your life in your 20s even if you’re single.

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8 Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are Single #SingleIsLife!

Ways to Deal with Loneliness When You Are Single

single is life

It’s about time to talk about an overrated hype that’s been putting a toll on our lives today – being single. Thanks to all the talk on various media platforms, and the unnecessary emphasis today’s society has been exerting on the matter, many of us are now heavily bothered when not in a relationship.

There are now studies that say being single is a disorder.

Movie plots capitalize heavily on the negative aspect of being single. That when you’re not in a relationship, you’re thought to be someone deprived of happiness that you supposedly deserve. And yes, it has become a joke among friends, especially when all of them are in a relationship and you’re not – they may not mean it but picking on you and you not being attached to a partner romantically is somehow a way of implying that there’s something wrong with you.

But really, what’s all the hype for? And do you really need to feel sad when you are single?

It’s not supposed to be the case, actually. In fact, it’s fun to be single! You just have to see the situation from a different perspective. And if you’re currently having a hard time to do so, then here are 8 ways that will definitely come in handy:

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25 Inspiring Quotes for Single Ladies

Inspiring Quotes for Single Ladies

quotes for single

You may not be perfect but God is and he makes no mistakes. You are a beautiful creation of what He intended when He created you. Embrace your imperfections.  Be proud of who you are. You are single not by chance but by choice. Ladies! Let these inspiring quotes for singles be a reminder that you are undoubtedly beautiful, just the way you are.

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10 Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single

Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single


Reasons Why Smart Girls Stay Single
Photo by nastya_gepp

Girls are dreamers, sentimental dreamers. Others will probably deny it but somehow they want to hear cheesy words and feel butterflies in their stomach. But I am not talking about how girls want to feel these things instead I want to tell you how girls live with it despite not having a so-called “other half” by their side.

And here goes the cliché question – “Then why are you still single?”

There are many reasons why a girl stays single. But let me tell you this, it’s not about the way she looks, talks or walks. It’s not because she hates rainbows and unicorns. And it’s not like guys would not be captivated with a beauty that could launch a thousand ships and would not be interested in date her.  It’s simply because she’s a smart girl. And smart girls can be single yet still find happiness in their way.

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14 Most Overlooked Reasons Why You are Still Single

Reasons Why You are Still Single

lady alone

There’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact, most of the happiest people have embraced singlehood and discovered the joys of living an independent and attachment-free life without feeling alone and lonely – but what if you also want to share your most memorable days with someone special?

Sometimes, the happiness and independence of singlehood aren’t enough anymore that some people tend to try their luck at finding love. Others easily succeed at it without even exerting much effort and finally meet the love of their life.

We all know that most of the time, destiny isn’t too willing to give us what we want. However, more often than not, it’s not destiny that’s the problem – it’s us. So how would we know if we’re the ones sabotaging our own chances of finding true love? Well, let this article help you figure it out.

Here are the most overlooked reasons why you are still single.

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