76 Qualities and Ways to be a Good Husband and Dad

Good husband and his wife
Photo by Anne Edgar

What are the qualities of a good husband? Does your ideal life partner need to have a good job, an inexhaustible bank account, or an undying love?

Whether you’re a single lady who is looking for the right husband, a married woman who wants to inspire her husband to be a better one, a single guy who wants to be the best husband to his future wife, or a married man who aspires to be a good husband to his wife… this article is for you.

Contents show

32 Qualities of a Good Husband

Let this list of qualities guide your marriage, family, and life as a whole.

1. Affection

He gives you the affection you deserve as his wife. He likes you, he’s fond of you, he kisses and embraces you – he’s sweet and romantic to you no matter how many years have passed.

2. Independence

He doesn’t rely on his parents or your parents to provide you and your children with food, shelter, and other needs as a family. He works hard to give you a home you can call your own.

3. Leadership

He is reliable, has initiative, and knows how to guide and lead your family to the right path. When you are with him, you know that you could never be lost in life. This is why you are willing to submit yourself to him as his wife. He is also a good role model for your children.

4. Loyalty

He doesn’t cheat. He doesn’t flirt with other women. He is scared of losing you.

5. Self-love

You don’t have to worry about him, because you know that he can take care of himself. He loves himself as he loves you and your family. He strives to be happy and healthy so he can always be there for you and your children.

6. Trust

He has confidence in you. He doesn’t treat you like someone who is a cheater and cannot be trusted. He also entrusts you with all his property, money, and recurring salary.

7. Knowledge

In connection with #6, he actually trusts you because he knows you better than anyone else. He exerted efforts to know you. He knows your favorite color, music, food, place – and he also knows your attitude and everything about you. He is always interested to know you.

8. Truthfulness

He is honest and transparent. He trusts you and you can also trust him in return.

9. Appreciation

He doesn’t forget to thank you. He appreciates even the little things you do for him. And because of that, you are more inspired to serve and love him because you know that your efforts will not be wasted.

Qualities of a Good Husband
Photo by Geralt

10. Patience

He doesn’t get easily angry with you, your kids, and other people. He doesn’t get easily upset when there are problems or troubles. He can tolerate pain or endure suffering because he is aware that all of them are just trials that should make him stronger rather than weaker.

11. Persistence

He is persistent and consistent. He never stops until he achieves his dream for you and your family. He is not discouraged and he doesn’t give up even if his several attempts fail. He will continue no matter how hard or how long it will take to provide your family a brighter future.

12. Self-control

He has self-discipline. He knows how to control himself to avoid gluttony, drunkenness, idleness, lust, and other vices that will put your lives in misery.

13. Wisdom

He can discern what’s right from wrong. He’s not an ignorant fool who continues to commit wrongdoings, such as lying, cheating, being irresponsible, being lazy and thinking that those are just okay.

14. Understanding

He understands you. He understands himself. He understands what he says. He understands his choices or decisions. He has understanding because he practices and experiences what he preaches.

15. Compassion

He understands you because he is compassionate. He feels your happiness, thus, he wants you to stay happy. He also feels your sadness and suffering, thus, he wants to do everything to ease your pain.

16. Forgiveness

He is not vengeful. He doesn’t record and look back on your past mistakes. He knows how to forgive, forget, and forward to live a happy life with you and your children.

17. Righteousness

He rejects evil. He departs from sins, malevolence, and corruption. He does what is right, and that is why he is blessed. His righteous actions bring good karma to you and your children’s lives.

18. Justice

He is fair and just. He will never make you feel that life with him is so unfair.

19. Respect

He respects you as a woman. Though they may be different from his, he respects your own opinions and decisions. He also knows how to respect himself.

20. Contentment

He is happy and content with you. For him, you are his dream come true. He never wishes to have other wives or mistresses. He never envies other men, because, for him, he feels like he is the luckiest man on Earth because he has you.

21. Selflessness

He has a sense of sacrifice. He thinks about you and your children first before himself. He gives up his own things for you. He spends his money, time and energy for the whole family, not only for himself. You won’t find any reason to call him a selfish person.

22. Godliness

He is a God-fearing person. He obeys God’s commandments and practices His teachings in life. He brings you and your kids closer to God.

23. Hopefulness

He always sees a good future with you no matter how difficult the present is. He doesn’t easily lose hope in you despite your weaknesses and shortcomings. He always gives you good and positive vibes that help your home and family become happier, more confident, and always keep going no matter how difficult life is.

24. Faithfulness

He is faithful to you. He believes in you. He doesn’t need to see you all the time to trust you. He doesn’t need to know everything about you to be confident with you. His faith is in action – his faithfulness makes him listen to you, love you, and sacrifice for you.

 Qualities of a Good Husband
Photo by AnyD

25. Diligence

He works hard for you. He is motivated to work to build a brighter future for your children. He doesn’t waste time but continuously and passionately do his job or livelihood so that your family will always have something to reap in the future.

26. Kindness

He is a kind-hearted man. He always wants to help you and see you smile. He is not rude. He doesn’t want to cause you any physical, mental and emotional harm.

27. Gentleness

He is gentle with your mind, heart, and body. When you commit mistakes, he rebukes you gently and calmly, not furiously.

28. Peacefulness

He doesn’t like quarrels and petty fights. He doesn’t argue with you when you are not in a good mode. He gives you time and space whenever you need them. He finds the right time to talk and listen to you to resolve issues so both of you can have a good night’s sleep.

29. Humility

He is not proud and arrogant. He is a strong person mentally, emotionally and spiritually – and that is why he can afford to go low to overcome pride and encourage kindness, peace, and happiness to the people around him.

30. Acceptance

He accepts you for who you are. He doesn’t judge you. He doesn’t force you to become a person that you aren’t. However, he continues to inspire you to grow as a better person. He inspires you to change for the better by doing and showing you the change he wants you to be.

31. Support

He supports you in your endeavors to be a better and more successful woman. He also supports your children in their own choices in life as long as he sees them be righteous and make them truly happy.

32. True love

Finally, he is truly in love with you. He knows it, he is sure about it, he feels it, and he always tells you about his true feelings even in random times and places.

The qualities of a good husband which I’ve just mentioned above may be hard to find among men. However, if a man is truly in love with a woman or his wife, he will strive to develop those qualities above. Besides, isn’t true love binds all of them in perfect unity, is it?

How to be a Good Husband

better husband
Photo by Bryan Schneider

Marriage is not just a legal agreement but a lifelong commitment. When you marry someone, you promise with all your heart and mind that you will be with your spouse and cherish your love for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, as long as you live.

The reality is that wedding vows are not easy to keep. You can always wear your wedding ring to show your loyalty to your spouse, but keeping such loyalty in your heart, mind, and deeds is another story. Marriage is not all about symbols and ceremonies but it’s about actions and practices.

If you love your wife, you have to show her that you are trying to be a good and even a better husband every day. Yes, it’s easier said than done. But if you know what to do, you can already start setting your direction to that goal now. If you don’t have any idea how to be a better spouse, here are 30 ways to be a good husband to guide you.

1. Love your wife as you love yourself.

When you get married, you and your wife become one flesh. Hence, you should love your wife as you love yourself – you should take care of your wife as yourself. Never hurt your wife; never hurt yourself. Remember that you cannot love your wife if you can’t love yourself. And you can’t love yourself if you can’t even love your wife.

In other words, if you love your wife, love your body. Don’t be a drunkard or a glutton. Don’t put yourself in sickness and serious danger. Live a healthy lifestyle. When you’re healthy, your wife will surely be happy as she will not be worried about you.

2. Enjoy the food she cooks.

As long as it is not poisonous or harmful to your health, then enjoy and appreciate the food she cooks or bakes. You can be honest about the taste – it will help her improve. But no matter how it tastes, don’t stop appreciating her.

3. Master the art of keeping oneself calm.

Love is patient. Hence, if you want to be a good husband, grow your patience every day. Learn how to control your anger and keep yourself calm no matter what. In times of fighting and arguments, be mature and be the bringer of calmness and peace.

4. Be a great leader by being a great servant.

Men are supposed to lead their own wives. But how can you make your wife trust and follow you if you are not responsible and reliable? Thus, show your wife that you can be trusted. Show her that you are a reliable leader.

A reliable leader is someone who leads by actions, not by mere talks. He is not bossy. He doesn’t lead by simply giving instructions but a servant leader who leads by example.

5. Be a better son-in-law and sibling-in-law.

If you want to have a happier and stronger marriage, do your best to make your wife’s parents and siblings happy. Remember that you have already become a part of their family, and as a member of their family, you have to create a harmonious relationship with them.

If you love your wife but hate her family, and if you are kind and generous to your wife but you are rude to her family, then what kind of a man are you?

6. Swallow your pride.

Pride ruins relationships. It causes petty fights and wastes quality time in your marriage. If you want to be a better spouse, be a more humble person. Whether it’s your fault or hers, always be the first to offer peace and ask for forgiveness. Be down to Earth so you can raise your wife and your marriage.

ALSO READ: 7 Ways to be Humble in a Relationship

7. Remember the important dates.

Don’t forget your wedding anniversary, her birthday, and other days which are special to her. And aside from remembering them, give something that will surprise your wife and make her happy on that very special day.

8. Be loyal.

Never ever cheat. It’s not only unethical but also illegal in certain countries. Keep your marriage vow, not only because you don’t like to be imprisoned or be fined, but definitely because you simply love your wife and you want her to have a partner who loves her and only her.

9. Keep your eyes only on her.

It may be difficult to do but the eye is the lamp of the body (read Matthew 6:22-24) and it is also considered as the window to your soul. Thus, if you want to be the best husband to your wife, don’t let your eyes sin. It may be your eyes that are only sinning, but over time, it may reach and corrupt your soul. Hence, the best way to prevent yourself from cheating is to prevent it before it reaches your eyes.

10. Continue to woo her.

Keep the romance and sweetness alive no matter how many years you’ve been married to her. Date her, write love notes for her, and treat her like a queen or a princess. Instead of overthinking if she still loves you, focus on making her fall in love with you over and over again.

11. Respect her.

Always respect your wife. Remember that she’s your wife. Hence, you should respect everything about her, her opinions, her rights, your relationship with her, her motherhood to your children, and even her husband – yourself. Don’t stop respecting her, even if you think she doesn’t deserve it.

ALSO READ: 6 Reasons Why Respect is Important in a Relationship

12. Just trust her.

Girls want their guys to trust them. They don’t like you to think of negative things about them. They don’t want men to treat them as a dirty and untrustworthy person. Hence, if you don’t have any proof that your wife cannot be trusted, then just trust her and stop getting insecure or paranoid.

13. Focus on making yourself trustworthy.

Instead of doubting your wife too much and letting yourself get paranoid, concentrate on building your wife’s trust in you. Focus on proving yourself to her that you can be trusted. Build trust in your marriage by starting to build it from yourself.

14. Keep no record of wrongs.

Did your wife make mistakes in the past? Don’t bring up those issues again just to defend yourself when you fight. Move on from the past, especially if the two of you have already resolved them and you have already forgiven her. Bringing up past issues only creates endless arguments.

15. Celebrate your love with the truth.

Marriage is happier and healthier when couples have nothing to hide from each other. Hence, let the truth prevails in your relationship. Be transparent and honest always. Tell your big secrets so you can set yourself free and continue to love without holding on to lies.

16. Give time and space.

There are women who don’t like to talk when they are mad at you. If you’re the kind of a man who wants to resolve issues in your relationship immediately but your partner is not, then don’t force her to talk. Learn to give her some time and space to cool down and reflect on the issues. Be patient and understanding.

17. Learn how to save money.

Stop drinking too much alcohol and eating too much meat. Stop smoking, gambling and other vices. Stop buying unessential things. Save money and work harder to grow your income and wealth. This will surely make your wife and children happy.

18. Build your own home.

It is important that you have your own home. You don’t need to build a mansion, but a decent house, whether owned or leased, that will give you and your wife independence from your parents will certainly help your marriage and family grow.

ALSO READ: 21 Qualities of a Good Husband in the Bible

19. Be a good father.

Mothers have pure love for their children. If you want to be a good husband, be a good father. Being a good parent is not only about giving everything that your children need or want. To be a good dad, you have to teach your children a sense of discipline. To inspire them, be a role model by having self-discipline.

20. Be selfless.

Have a sense of sacrifice. Show your wife and children that you can sacrifice things for them. Reschedule that business meeting to attend your daughter’s school stage performance. Cancel that basketball game with your gang to give way to a romantic dinner date with your wife. Stay healthy and don’t get sick, so you will always be available to your family.

21. Be grateful.

Be thankful for the love and care your wife is giving you. Tell her how beautiful she is. Tell her how lucky and blessed you are to have her in your life. Remove any envy in your heart. Do not compare your wife or your married life to others out there. Be happy and content.

22. Be kind and gentle.

You should not only be gentle with your wife physically but also emotionally and mentally. Most couples have opposite attitudes and ways of life. If you want your wife to change into a better person, don’t force and rush her – it’s so stressful. Just be gentle and let her feel a kind and warm environment. You will be surprised how it will help her change for the better.

Speaking of kindness and gentleness, don’t force your wife to have sex with you. Although she has a marital obligation with you, it’s still better if you can ensure that both of you enjoy it. If she’s always not in the mood, then you have to be creative and do something to get her in the mood.

23. Be a better listener.

Don’t talk too much. Be a good husband by listening more often to your wife. Be a better husband by doing something based on what you have listened to. If you hear problems from your wife, help her solve them. If you hear her asking something from you, provide it to her. Remember that a better listener is not a mere listener, but a doer.

ALSO READ: 10 Tips on How to be a Better Listener in Your Relationship

24. Know her.

What’s her favorite color, food, flower, place, movie, or song? What makes her so happy or sad? What are her goals and dreams in life? What does she want you to become? You should know those things in order to love her and make her happy. Take note that knowing is loving.

25. Understand her.

Whether it’s pain or joy, feel what she feels. Let her realize that you also feel sad when she’s sad – and happy when she’s happy. Let her realize that your hearts are connected and will never be apart. Don’t kill her simple joys in life. If she enjoys singing, join her even though it’s awkward and she’s out of tune.

26. Protect her.

Be her hero. Protect her not only from physical danger but also from mental, emotional, and even spiritual dangers. In other words, don’t give her mental stress, don’t break her heart, and don’t bring her into temptations. Bring her closer to God.

27. Support her.

She loves to cook and dreams to own her own restaurant? Help her fulfill her dream. Does she love being a stay-at-home mom but get too tired of taking care of your house and children? Give your wife a good massage to help her relax and refresh at night.

ALSO READ: 12 Ways to Support Each Other in a Relationship

28. Be hopeful.

Hope is when you continue to be confident of the future despite your present struggles. To be a better husband, don’t just hope, but be hopeful. In other words, be full of hope no matter how difficult your present struggles are. Don’t tell your wife she’s hopeless when she struggles to change for the better. Don’t say that your marriage is hopeless when both of you are still together trying to save your relationship. Remember that as long as you live there is hope.

29. Be faithful.

Faith substantiates our hope. To be a great spouse, you should not only hope but also do something to strengthen your hope. Hoping that your wife will change into a better person without supporting and inspiring her is having hope without faith. Hoping that your relationship will last without stopping yourself from lying and cheating doesn’t make you faithful either.

Do something to validate your hope – this is what faithfulness is all about!

30. Show her what true love really is.

Finally, to be a great husband to your spouse, let her experience what true love is. You can show your true love by doing your best to follow the tips above. It really is difficult to be a great or even just a good husband. But if you truly love your wife, you can sacrifice great things to transform yourself to be a better person so you can be a better husband to your wife and a better father to your children.


When you love truly, you produce life’s greatest virtues, such as patience, kindness, compassion, gentleness, humility, and self-control. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is to be a better spouse, as long as you have true love in your heart for your wife, becoming a better husband will just come naturally.

ALSO READ: 21 Ways to be a Better Wife

How to Be a Good Dad

A good dad
Photo by Josh Willink

If you want to be a good husband, be a good father!

Some think that it is only the responsibility of mothers to raise up the children, while the fathers’ duty is only to provide for their needs. However, this is not true. Dads need to have active participation in the lives of their kids too. This will have a positive impact on them as they grow up.

So, how can you be a good dad? If you are a new father and you are still groping in the dark, here are some effective ways to do it.

1. Be a good provider.

Most families nowadays have both parents working already for better financial security. Regardless of whether your kids’ mother is working or not, make sure that you are doing your part well. Even if your salary is not so big, as long as you are making every effort to meet their needs, surely your kids will appreciate it.

2. Spend time with your children regularly.

Make most of the time that your children are still young. Time will come when they will have lives of their own and you’d miss them around. That is why, no matter how busy you are at work, make time to bond with them. I appreciate one dad I had talked with before who told me he spends thirty minutes with each of his kids every day.

3. Be available to them.

Whenever your kids invite you to watch their class recital, attend their graduation, or any event they consider special, don’t miss it. Whenever they are sick or simply needing someone to talk to, be available. Your presence is important to make your children feel secure.

4. Set a good example.

If you don’t want your children to acquire vices, like smoking and liquor drinking, then don’t have them too. If you want them to be courteous, hardworking, and disciplined, then be their role model. The best way to teach your kids something is by showing it to them.

5. Be firm with house rules.

If you set house rules, such as a curfew, television watching schedules, and house chores assignments, be firm and consistent with them. Do not give in to whims and excuses (unless valid). Make corresponding consequences for failures to follow these rules. For instance, those who come home beyond the curfew would be grounded for the entire weekend.

6. Be patient with them.

It is normal for children to be annoying at times. Nevertheless, no matter how much they are getting on your nerves, do not lose your patience with them. Never hit them out of anger because that would be physical abuse. Yes, I believe spanking may be used for discipline, but it should not be too hard, must be done reasonably, and should be explained to the kids why they had to get it.

7. Don’t be too tough.

Discipline must be instilled in the family, but I don’t think being too strict on your kids would help. They may obey you now out of fear, but by the time they get the chance to be free, they would break loose from the rules you had set. A lot of friends I knew who had come from strict families ended up very liberated.

8. Correct their mistakes.

As a parent, it is your responsibility to make sure your children will grow up as upright and good citizens. Therefore, as early as now, do not be complacent in correcting them when they misbehave. For instance, if you hear them cursing, you must immediately address it by explaining why it is bad and warning them of getting punished if you hear it again.

ALSO READ: 20 Inspiring Ways to be a Good Parent

9. Learn to listen to them.

Yes, parents may know better, but to avoid your kids from getting distant from you, learn to listen to their reasons. You may be the head of the family, but your children have their own thoughts. Before grounding or scolding them for something they have done, let them explain themselves first. Then, if their reason is not valid, you may proceed with the consequence.

10. Be supportive of their dreams.

Instead of pushing your children to pursue a career of your choice, let them follow their passion. Encourage them to take up a college degree or a job after their own heart. This way, they will have a better chance of succeeding in their chosen fields because they are happy with what they do.

11. Allow them to decide for themselves.

As young as they are, teach your kids to be independent and decisive. They should learn to decide on what they want, such as the meal to order or the color of shoes to buy. When they grow up, they will not be easily bossed around by the people surrounding them.

12. Show that you are proud of them.

Your appreciation as a dad is a big deal to your children. Let them know how much you are proud of them. Appreciate them in front of other people and never compare them to other children. These will help boost their self-esteem.

13. Love their mom.

One of the ways to be a good father is by loving and respecting the mother of your kids. With the growing number of broken families in society, your children may have anxiety that your family may break apart too. Protect them from this fear by showing them that your marriage is built on a strong foundation of love.

14. Stand as the spiritual leader of the family.

As the head of the family, one of your primary responsibilities is leading your children to follow the Lord. Set an example of how a godly lifestyle should be lived. Lead them through family devotions and prayer time. Make it a habit of going to the church as a family as well.

Man Up

It is not easy to be a father, and sometimes, the responsibilities that come with this role become hard to bear. However, for the love of your family, strengthen your will, plan for the future, and with the help of God and your wife, strive to be the best dad that you can be.

Qualities of a Good Husband in the Bible

1. Independence
2. Affection
3. Loyalty and commitment
4. Leadership
5. Self-love
6. Trust and confidence
7. Appreciation
8. Godliness
9. Spirituality
10. Honesty
11. Forgiveness
12. Righteousness
13. Contentment
14. Courage
15. Patience
16. Good influence
17. Self-control
18. Fidelity
19. Wisdom
20. Altruism
21. True love

Please visit Qualities of a Good Husband in the Bible for the details.

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Victorino Q. Abrugar
Vic is the founder of InspiringTips.com. He regularly writes for the site and also serves as its digital marketing strategist. Vic likes to talk about true love, meaningful life, quantum physics, spiritual growth, and more.

48 thoughts on “76 Qualities and Ways to be a Good Husband and Dad”

  1. I enjoyed reading your description of a good husband. All men are not bad just like all women are not bad. God bless you. Let it help and encourage someone. Thank you

  2. This article is a must read by all to-be and already husbands if thry want their marriage a success. So many blessings and love to the author.

  3. My name Anita,my husband is also the opposite from all of the above and he has mood swings no friendship between us sometimes we got nothing to talk about because whatever you say he’ll turn against you,he’s like a bully,he doesn’t want to see me successful.he doesn’t want other people to make happy he gets angry.but the thing is he’s very friendly outside.if he sees someone is on my side he’ll make sure that he makes me bad person to that person,if you confront him with something he’ll make that you’ll end up being the wrong one,he won’t help with the children or anything else intead he’ll scould them and turn it as if you a bad parent.if he paid for something he’ll make sure that everyone knows.I don’t know what to do but I’m not happy at all I pray about it but it seems like I nothing is changing.and i believe im not the wrong one because im a very humble and patient person.

    • If he’s friendly and patient to strangers then he is capable of treating you that way too. The Bible commands a man to be patient and love and nurture his wife as if it his his own body…. and then in return as his wife you are able to submit to him and it’s the only way that can work.

    • Hi Anita,

      I feel your pain. I was in your shoes for 22 years with a man exactly as you described. My husband was also physically, emotionally, sexually, and financially abusive. He had all the power, and I had nothing. He made sure to turn everyone he knew against me, putting me down right in front of people and behind my back. I prayed for deliverance for so so many years, and tried to leave multiple times, but he and my children physically stopped me every time. I was a prisoner in my own home. God finally heard my cries for mercy and gave my husband a disease that took his life. I took care of my husband throughout his disease and God slowly worked in his heart. My husband realized a lot of his wrong doings and started to apologize for all the pain he had caused. He still struggled though with a lot of bad habits and in the end he died miserable and mistrusting, and angry at the world. God saved me from the hell I was living in and to this day I praise God for saving me. I gave of myself over and over again to do the right thing and trusted God for the rest. God did not let me go and held me up and now I am truly living for the first time! God rescued me and he can rescue you too. My only regret is I was not strong enough to leave on my own before things got as bad as they did. My children suffered a lot, and I am still working toward repairing a lot of damaging things my kids learned over the years from witnessing how my husband behaved with me. My worst fear is they may repeat his abusive ways someday with their families. They were 15 & 16 when he passed and it has now been two years of me being on my own with them, and I still see my husband’s attitudes sometimes from my own children, which breaks my heart.

      God bless you. Keep praying and keep doing what is right even in the presence of wrong. God will take care of you.

  4. For the sake of your peace of mind, stop wasting your life with a man that doesn’t deserve you. Trust me I went through the same thing with my ex-husband. I wasted 13 years of my life with an overgrown child that refused to grow up and just thought id always be there, He was a meth user, he always lied to me, cheated on me, was physically, verbally and mentally abusive. He stole from me. he wrecked every car I ever owned when I was with him. Trust me, there is a good , righteous man out there for you. It will happen when you least expect it. It did to me when I gave up on men. The Lord brought me a man that loves me to death, he would die for me. I never thought I would find a good man. But it happens when you least expect it.

    • no man deserves you. nobody.
      please stay single, its better this way. get yourself 20 cats, so they can eat you when you die.

  5. My name is Constance and i am praying for everyone God can change anyone heart and mind and make them brandnew we are to be happy in our marraige but you also have to speak life over him watch what you say if you want a Godly Man say that your words carry teach him how to respect you most Men and Women need delieverence from our pass our Ancester sins follow us until God teachers us how to treat each other God loves everyone of you and your husbands Ask God to help us all to learn new ways of treating each others and get with strong marraiges and learn from them why they are still together

  6. Wow, well I feel blessed my husband has over half of these qualities, the other half he has some and is a working process. He really is a good husband, friend , and father. It took me 2 marriages and many yrs to finally find a good husband. Best wishes to all.

    • My first husband had none of them it led to emotional and physical abuse… the marriage was divorced and permitted by God as he wants our husband to love and treat us as if it’s his own body. The man I am with now and marrying has all of these and understands that he must have all of these for biblical submission to work the way that god plans it. I’m sp asking to everyone here that is “ staying for god”. There is no reason to… get out before it gets worse… being u equally yolked will never work.

  7. I found that I myself only landed on half of these categories, I have made mistakes in my marriage and failed my wife and my family and myself, but in some final moments I embrassed god fully and decided to quit drinking and change my ways to be better for everyone and myself, I have found success in this but I’m still not good enough in my wife’s eyes, as hurtful as it is to admit, I’m still not a good enough person to be a good husband. But one fire will never burn out in me, and that is that I will never ever quit or give up. Its God’s strength that keeps me trying to be a better person and a better husband. I pray every day. Through god all things are possible.

    • I honor your honesty and strength to admit what you’ve done wrong. Maybe you should show your wife what you wrote. I’m sure she would appreciate your honesty and pledge to never give up. I believe people can change if they want to. Don’t stop trying until you become the man God created you to be.

    • I admire your candidness. I believe anyone willing to grow and work on their flaws is already perfect. As for your wife, don’t worry about her. Don’t try to live up to other people’s standards for you including your wife. Just work towards the person you want to be, not bothered by what others think of you. Eventually you’ll get there and your wife and family will see your value. All you have to do is to keep growing in all aspects of your life. I hope this helped

  8. my husband had most of these qualities 20 years ago. now hes sneaky n snakey disloyal untrustworthy disrespects me im not even on his list of priorities. his family is. he says im not his family. makes me feel wonderful. i had some mental issues ive worked very hard to get thru and all he does is everything to try to break me down n send me backwards. i cant leave i dont work i have no money and we own a house and vehicles. the only money ill have is from selling everything. im just witint til were married 10 years so i can get survivors benefits if smething happens to him. this is the thanks i get for saving his life and thinking he valued my life as much as i valued his but i was so very wrong. id do anything to get the man back i fel in love with not this man who treats me like trash and throws me away when he doesnt need me.so friggen hurt we been thru so much together n i didnt do things on purpose to hurt him like he does me. i so sad so hurt so tired. and so very lost.

    • I know its been a while since your post. I can relate to your marital hell. What if he came home one day and said “I am done with you I filed for divorce”? Would you not be in the same situation that you feared when you posted back in August. It is very dangerous to wait and see what someone is going to do with your life.

    • Narcissism is a truly destructive evil that leaves partners in a mental fetal position.

      Narcissistic abuse…look it up.


  9. You are in control of your choices. Once you make the choice to leave, then you can heal. If you still keep finding fault in someone who is not willing to change, then you’re the one that’s at fault. CHOICE we all have them and NO ONE CONTROLS them. No matter what you think, at the end of the day, you choose to move your foot towards the door and choose to grip your luggage with your hand.

  10. Hallelujah! Today is my blessing day cos when I read this, I know that God (Bible) is the only who can save and lead my family.

    Let’s praise the Lord !

  11. I’m Married and none I mean not one of these quotes apply to the man I’m married to has very rude and opposite of everything he selfish and when he’s drinking he doesn’t care about anyone or anything he’s a 41 year old man who gets to feeling his alcohol and start rapping!!!! I know he’s not the man for me but noone wants to be bothered with him he know how to manipulate you especially women he’s most definitely not the man I met and I’m not the young lady I used to be as much as it hurts please pray for me and my family I can get back right!!!! Hes very jealous and she see and hear other people that’s what really scares me!! Signed a tired good wife!!!🤔🤔😳😳😳

    • Please draw yourself close to God because He has all of those attributes and more and He desires to be that Husband to you and for you. He’ll comfort you, dry your tears and protect you from your earthly husband. I can’t speak enough on the goodness of God. He is all you need. He is, I AM… You can fill the rest in because He is EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is His. He has all power to turn your life and your husbands life around. If you don’t pray, start to pray and read the Bible (The Word of God) I stopped by to tell you that my God is alive and He is sufficient🙏🏾
      Signed a married woman, whom God has helped see her husband in a different light and love him even with his imperfections because we all have things about us that we can change. Sometimes God keeps us in certain situations because it’s us He’s interested on changing and not the other people around us. I love you all and keep your heads us and go to the true source of strength, the LORD🙏🏾

        • There is this woman that I love, a single mom. I have not fallen in love with her. No, I fricking actually love her. And I have my Dad’s approval. Actually his approval came first, like “she is your wife”. But I don’t why she doesn’t feel the same way. She says she likes guys with big beards. Initially it seemed like she was confused about her feelings but now she’s like she just wants to be friends. I mean I’ll love her now or a 1000 years from now. I’ll still want to be with her. I mean when we talk I am the one doing all the talking somstimes she talks a lot sometimes not at all. I mean I know she’s busy being a Mom and all but I mean c’mon lay some of your burdens on me. Financially I do try to help her out despite going through financial crunch myself. She talks about her feelings but then she grows a wall. And I don’t know if it’s the heat but it’s definitely adding to making everything go haywire. I mean I’m fine if she finds someone else too, I don’t mind, as long as she’s happy! But somewhere I do wish that she would be mine and I could be hers! Just like love her and be with her!

      • God doesn’t want us to stay in abusive marriages. Breaking ofnthe covenant includes mistreatment if wife emotionally or physically. A husband is to love and nurture his wife as if it is his own body….. and then only then it may be natural for his wife to submit to him. The lord permits the woman to leave him if her husband is not willing to live by and treat her according to God’s plan.

    • My dear I’m 50 and been married 2×’s. First for 14 years with 4 children with him. The man I’m currently married to since march of 2019 was not the same as i witnessed while dating. After once in his house he became aggressively verbally abusive and he openly blatantly would let me know how much he didn’t even like me. Couldn’t stand how i chewed my food, swallowed my drink, clapped my hands. .etc… He aggressively using abusive Language commanded me out of his houses a few times, took the house key off my car key chain and that was just a small amount of the disturbing things hr has done. After he threw out my belongings to the back yard i haven’t been back since. We can all do better without Toxic Relationships. I have gone through many downs but what helps is knowing they pass and I’m not with that abusive man anymore. I always rely on Jehovah God and confide in him in prayer. I read the Bible daily and search for encouragement . I hope my letter to you will help you. P.s. see the best help of encouragement this free website- Jw.org.

    • Wow and you are okay with that? Sounds like you are broken & not Queen conscious. Watch some RC Blake on YouTube. Will build you & make you realize, it’s not what you feel but what you deserve!

      Blessings x

    • It’s not good but most of the times u may say it’s man yet it’s you have u ever one time sit down and look into ur self if yes then think of what next because u can not be with same one whom your not happy with look for the way out my sister

  12. Excellent qoutes only God can be that good and perfect husband you described…. but very good, I wished I was taught these things before I got married.


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