7 Proven Ways to Survive a Long Distance Relationship

Survive a Long Distance Relationship

How do you survive a long-distance relationship? Is it worth the wait, the uncertainties, the sacrifices, and the feeling of always longing for someone? Would you dare to love someone who’s oceans apart from you? And if you dare, how would you make sure you’ll be happy in the end? Long-distance relationships are hard to …

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11 Ways to Maintain a Long Distance Relationship with Your Boyfriend

Maintain a Long Distance Relationship with Your Boyfriend

Maintaining a relationship is already challenging. The more it gets challenging when distance gets in the way. Despite the help of technology, making schedules meet is still hard to do. However, despite the clear hindrance that it poses, there are some who have brave hearts to beat the odds. For the girls who chose to …

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10 Ways to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Exciting

Keep a Long Distance Relationship Exciting

Never thought you’d get into a long-distance relationship? Well, no one would love to be in this kind of situation. It’s never easy. It will only get harder. It takes a lot of courage, maturity, and patience for you to survive an LDR. However, who says it’s all about suffering? No matter how hard it …

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These Are What a Long Distance Relationship Feels Like

What a Long Distance Relationship Feels Like

How does it feel like to be in a long-distance relationship? With all the known unhappy endings and stories of heartbreaks attached to people’s experiences on LDR, why are there still others who are willing to take the risk? The truth is, if done right, a long-distance relationship can be the most beautiful thing that …

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Long Distance Love: How to Keep it Strong Despite the Doubts

Long Distance Love: How to Keep it Strong Despite the Doubts

Many people who have experienced being in a long-distance relationship know the struggle to keep their love alive. The problem does not come from their willingness to try, but it springs from the challenges and obstacles that continuously make them feel emotionally exhausted. In other words, instead of being happy and inspired, sometimes an LDR …

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How to Resolve Trust Issues in a Long Distance Relationship

Resolve Trust Issues in a Long Distance Relationship
Resolve LDR issues
Photo by Tatiana

Love cannot survive without trust – and this is true especially if you’re in a long-distance relationship. Trust is the most difficult to build in any type of commitment and yet, it’s also the most fragile especially if you just hit it at the right spot. Just like that, a single crack has the power to destroy the strongest relationship into ruins.

If you’re in an LDR and you did something that made your partner lose their trust in you (or if you’re trying to forgive a lover who failed your test of honesty and loyalty), then this article is for you.

Here are some of the ways on how you can resolve trust issues in a long-distance relationship.

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How to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Last Longer

How to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Last Longer

It’s always a challenge to keep a long-distance relationship from breaking apart. Aside from the fact that it can become complicated because of the limits that both time and distance can set on your relationship, an LDR will also test your patience, love for your partner, and, most importantly, love for yourself. If you think …

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How to Fix a Long Distance Relationship After a Fight

How to Fix a Long Distance Relationship After a Fight

While some fights are simple and too powerless to ruin a beautiful love story, there are types of arguments that can cause even the most committed couples to break up. For instance, triggers such as lack of trust, infidelity, overprotectiveness, and clinginess can easily weaken a long-term relationship – most especially if it’s a long-distance …

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14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working

Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working
couple holding hands LDR
Photo by Min An

A long-distance relationship can be challenging especially if you are not aware of the dos and don’ts of managing this type of commitment – and even if you do know your LDR basics, it’s also important to figure out if they are actually doing their magic.  How?

Here are some of the most important signs that your long-distance relationship is working.

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14 Signs Your Long Distance Relationship is Working

1. Nothing changed – except for the distance between you.
Although there have been a few adjustments here and there during the first weeks of being apart, one of the signs that your relationship is doing great is that nothing changed except for the fact that you live far from each other.

For instance, you still do the same things that you enjoy when you were together except for the activities that require your partner’s physical presence.

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9 Struggles Only Couples in a Long Distance Relationship Will Understand

Struggles Only Couples in a Long Distance Relationship Will Understand

Every long-distance relationship knows that the distance comes with a price. If normal couples face struggles every day in their relationship then what more for people who are a thousand miles apart? These struggles, whether they be big or small, are normal and should be dealt with maturely and effectively. Problems only arise whenever these …

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12 Long Distance Relationship Advice for Guys

Long Distance Relationship Advice for Guys

Some guys don’t really pass the test when it comes to making a long-distance relationship last. Why? It’s because they tend to act like little boys who easily get excited about new things and new people – even if it means letting go of what they already have or hurting someone they love just to …

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9 Tips for Starting a Long Distance Relationship

Tips for Starting a Long Distance Relationship

Couples often face challenges that will test not only their love for each other but their commitment to their relationship. One of the biggest events that young lovers often experience is spending time away from each other, and sometimes for a long time. A long-distance relationship is not an easy stage. Still, most couples who …

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11 Valentine’s Day Ideas for Long Distance Couples

Valentine's Day Ideas for Long Distance Couples

Valentine’s Day celebrates the magic of love, reminding couples to express and accept it as a manifestation of life’s greatest miracle. During this day, we do everything just to make our loved ones feel special: we give them flowers, buy them gifts, take them out on a date, anything just to make the moments memorable. …

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10 Tips to Make Your Long Distance Boyfriend Happy

Tips to Make Your Long Distance Boyfriend Happy
Make LDR boyfriend happy
Photo by Ishan Gupta

Happiness is one of the key factors to a healthy and successful relationship. It is one of the things that need maintenance, especially in a long-distance relationship. Just like communication, when a relationship lacks happiness or the happiness meter goes down below the line, so does the relationship. An unhappy relationship obviously leads to falling out and going separate ways but there are tips on how to mend it or produce more positive vibes. For the determined girlfriends, here are ten tips on how to make your long-distance boyfriend happy:

10 Tips to Make Your Long Distance Boyfriend Happy Video

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10 Tips to Make Your Long Distance Boyfriend Happy

1. Talk about your feelings.
Just because your partner is a man, does not necessarily mean that he is not open to talking about his feelings. At times, openly talking about it helps strengthen the relationship and produces more positive outlooks because of the closeness that is achieved by doing so. Refrain from beating around the bush and state your feelings clearly. It is very much appreciated and causes less confusion when everything is out in the open.

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11 Ways to Show Love in a Long Distance Relationship

Ways to Show Love in a Long Distance Relationship 1200
Show love in long distance relationship
Photo by Chang Duong

It is not always easy to be in a long-distance relationship, let alone to maintain it but nevertheless, the existence of new technology in this era helps in easing the pain caused by the distance. With your other half a thousand miles away, how does one keep the fire burning? How does one show love? Here are 11 ways to show love to your partner in a long-distance relationship:

11 Ways to Show Love in a Long Distance Relationship Video

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11 Ways to Show Love in a Long Distance Relationship

1. Make contact regularly. 
Communication is the key to a successful long-distance relationship so make sure to maintain contact at all times whether it be by text messaging or online calls. In most cases, a lack of communication between two people in a relationship leads to falling out and eventually breaking up, that is why having a regular connection with your partner is of utmost importance. Also, avoid having excessive contact. Through regular contact is recommended, a bit of space never hurts, and it allows the two of you to grow!

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How to Save a Dying Long Distance Relationship: 8 Uplifting Tips

How to Save a Dying Long Distance Relationship
save a long distance relationship
Photo by Rodion Kutsaev

So you’re in an LDR and you’ve never seen each other in a while. You’re starting to grow apart and it’s not only because you are miles away from them but because you’ve met new people and discovered exciting experiences outside of your relationship.

While your current life seems fun and thrilling, you know deep in your heart that it’s just a matter of time before you lose the person you love for good – and you don’t want that because you know that at the end of the day, no matter how much you enjoy your present life, you still feel incomplete and alone.

Most long-distance relationships die and fade away in this process. Sometimes, it’s a slow and painful death and other times, it just catches you by surprise. Regardless of how it happens, both are heartbreaking.

If you’re going through the same thing, you still have time to fix it.  Take a look at some of the ways to help save a dying long-distance relationship.

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10 Ways to be Patient in a Long Distance Relationship

Ways to be Patient in a Long Distance Relationship

As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. There are many people who at some point in their lives, find themselves in a situation that is popularly labeled as a long-distance relationship’.  It might be difficult at first, both of you have to get used to not seeing each other every day, but eventually, …

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9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail
long distance leaving on an airplane
Photo by Killian Pham

What is your idea of a long-distance relationship? While in reality, it’s one of the most challenging types of commitment, many young couples today believe that being in an LDR sounds more romantic and interesting than its typical and more traditional counterpart.

Such perspective can be an optimistic take on a once fragile and usually avoided type of romantic relationship but it doesn’t mean that most couples have gotten the chance to make it work. While some have cracked the love code of making an LDR last, there were still others who failed and have been left lost and confused about what went wrong.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship right now, the best thing that you can do is to learn from the lessons of others’ mistakes – but where should you start? If you want to know the answer, read on.

These are some of the top reasons why long-distance relationships fail, and some inspiring tips on how to avoid them:

9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them Video

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9 Reasons Why Long Distance Relationships Fail and How to Avoid Them

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10 Signs Your Boyfriend in a Long Distance Relationship is Faithful

Signs Your Boyfriend in a Long Distance Relationship is Faithful

  Being in an intimate relationship is hard but being in a long-distance relationship is even harder. A relationship needs good communication, a ton of commitment, and a strong foundation of trust especially when the distance is the one interfering between two people. You may call yourself lucky if you will never find yourself in …

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Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

thinking of long distance relationship

Do not enter into a long-distance relationship if…

Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This Video

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Do Not Enter into a Long Distance Relationship if You Are Like This

1. You’re too clingy and overprotective.
Trust me, it’s not romantic if your partner already feels that they can’t breathe just because you’re hugging them too tight – and I mean this in both its literal and figurative sense. Don’t try to suffocate them just because you think that it’s the only way to make them feel that they are loved; you don’t have to be around all the time just because you find them weak and vulnerable.

In a long-distance relationship, being too clingy and overprotective often lead to paranoia and could trigger pointless emotions like doubts, jealousy, and other undesirable consequences.

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How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work: 12 Effective Ways

How to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

Make a long distance relationship work

There are so many factors that have to work together just to make any form of romantic commitment last. For instance, if you ask anyone who has been in a long-distance relationship, they’ll tell you of an even more complicated and sometimes frustrating reality, one that can only be understood by those who have been there.

It’s true that not being with the person you love can change a relationship and although this commitment may seem more challenging, some facts and statistics about LDRs will tell us that most couples in this set up are as happy as those who are physically together – but only if they follow the right steps and make the right decisions.

Let’s take a look at some of the best tips and effective ways on how to make a long-distance relationship work.

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10 Long Distance Relationship Facts and Statistics You Should Know

Long Distance Relationship Facts and Statistics You Should Know

Long distance relationship facts

There are different ways to make a long-distance relationship work and perhaps each one of these many pieces of advice tells the success story of some couples who have made it. However, the wisest words of wisdom may not be enough to soothe and heal the heartaches that being away from your partner bring – so what can you do about it?

The answer lies in the proven facts and statistics about long-distance relationships. By looking at the observations from real and actual couples, you are given an opportunity to learn from the experts and from others’ experiences from a more scientific and realistic perspective.

Let’s take a look at some of the conclusions from these studies and make sure you take notes.

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25 Pieces of Advice Couples in a Long Distance Relationship Should Know

Advice Couples in a Long Distance Relationship Should Know

Finding true love and genuine happiness in a relationship can make you feel like the luckiest person in the world. In fact, the first chapters of everyone’s love story are like pages in a fairy tale, so perfect that you can never think of anything that can ever take them away. However, reality, unlike in …

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50 Best Quotes about Long Distance Relationship

Best Quotes about Long Distance Relationship

Quotes about long distance relationship

Sometimes, being away from the person we love is inevitable. It may be because of job opportunities, family issues, or even personal growth. While people think of distance as a kind of solution to a failing relationship, others see it as a defining test of love.

Nonetheless, the distance must not be treated as a barrier that can put an end to any kind of relationship. It should be seen as a challenge, not only for couples but also for individuals wanting to grow as a person and as a lover – for it will not only test the strength of your bond with someone but will also show how you respond to the challenges that life has to offer.

If you are in a long-distance relationship right now or will soon face the reality of being away from the person you love, let these best quotes for couples in LDR give you strength and inspiration to look forward to better days.

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50 Best Quotes About Long Distance Relationship

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10 Ways to be Happy in a Long Distance Relationship

Ways to be Happy in a Long Distance Relationship

happy in a relationship adventure

We can always rely on the different pieces of advice on how to make a long-distance relationship work but finding the right way to endure and even live on with this kind of commitment is not really the point of it all. Perhaps the more important question that you have to ask is, in the process of doing everything you can to hold on to your promises of love and forever, were you really happy – or were you merely surviving every day?

Long-distance relationships are a true test of love and sincere commitment but it’s also important to find both your own happiness as a person and as a partner, either alone or together.

If you’re tired of just waiting and hoping for better days, you’ve come to the right place. Here are the ways to be happy in a long-distance relationship.

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10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

in a long distance relationship

The strongest of relationships are often built on three things: love, trust and respect. If you think about it, it’s actually a simple formula and anyone who is willing enough to abide by their “unwritten rules” is on their way to finding a real, unconditional and genuine connection that can last a lifetime.

However, long-distance relationships are a totally different story. The same love advice that you often read about is just not enough to manage its overlapping and more complex set up. This is because aside from the physical distance that couples have to deal with, the emotional and mental stress that anyone who is so far away from that person who makes their world whole is just too much – especially if it’s their first time to be in love.

If you’re one of the poor souls who are slowly failing the challenges of being in a long-distance relationship, don’t give up yet. Let this article help you find your way back to a happier and more optimistic future with the person you love.

Here are some inspiring tips for a successful long-distance relationship:

10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship Video

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10 Inspiring Tips for a Successful Long Distance Relationship

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