10 Effective Ways to Impress the Girl You Like

Effective Ways to Impress the Girl You Like

In a world where online dating sites are popular, is courting the girl you really like still a thing? In this fast-paced time where speed datings and one night stands are everywhere, there are still some out there who want to find the love of their life the old-fashioned way. Let’s face it, ladies want …

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8 Ways to Rekindle Love with Your Girlfriend

Ways to Rekindle Love with Your Girlfriend

Do you still remember the time when you first had your first date with your partner? The way your eyes met and just enjoyed each other’s company? The butterflies in your stomach whenever you’re with her. The silly things you do that make you laugh, or the simple actions that make your heart flutter. It …

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8 Ways to Get Over a Bad Breakup

Ways to Get Over a Bad Breakup

It is an understatement when you say that a bad breakup is painful. And all breakups are bad depending on what perspective you’re looking at. Knowing that you’ve spent a period of time having an intimate relationship with someone and then ending it with a few personal reasons can be painful to hear. And that …

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7 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Respect You

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Respect You

Respect is one of the most important elements your relationship should have. It’s something that should be established even when you just start off as friends. You have to make sure that you and your partner are a team and you are both honest, considerate, compassionate, and of course, be sensitive to each others’ actions. …

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7 Ways to be Humble in a Relationship

Ways to be Humble in a Relationship

Humility is your willingness to put others ahead of yourself. Now it may sound like it’s an easy task but it’s one of the most challenging things a person should do because it’s mainly doing one thing- sacrificing your self-gratification for other people or for your partner when you are in a relationship. Just like …

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How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess

How to Treat Your Girlfriend Like a Princess

Treat your girlfriend like a princess

Men think that treating their girlfriend like a princess is really hard when in fact, it’s not. Treating her right doesn’t mean you’ll lavish her with expensive clothes or jewelry. It means that you are giving her simple gifts or doing sweet gestures to show how you really appreciate and love her.

Here are 11 ways on how to treat your girlfriend like a princess:

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14 Tips to Make Your Girlfriend Love You More

Tips to Make Your Girlfriend Love You More
make girlfriend love you more
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom

Keeping the love alive and passionate means you want it to last forever. If you’re in a relationship and want to make it work, it’s worth putting some thoughts into action so you could take the next step to make your girlfriend love you more.

Check out these 15 tips on how to make your girlfriend love you even more than she does now.

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16 Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved

Ways to Make Your Girlfriend Feel Loved

A girl needs to know she’s loved and appreciated every day. Never let a day go by that you don’t do or say something that’ll let her know how much you love her. Probably one of the questions that haunt the minds of many guys out there is… how to make their girlfriend feel loved? …

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Having a Boyfriend for the First Time: Expectation vs. Reality

Having a Boyfriend for the First Time

boyfriend girlfriend relationship

Every girl has once dreamed of meeting their Prince Charming, their mighty savior on a white horse who can finally transform their fantasy into a tangible reality. The trouble with these kinds of fairy-tales is that they often end at the point where the relationship really begins. However, our ideal definition of a “perfect man” doesn’t really give us the genuine reality of finally being with that one person who will make our world magical – especially if we talk about long-term relationships.

ALSO READ: 12 Inspirational Tips for Finding True Love and Long-lasting Relationship

Let’s be realistic and talk about what really happens when you’re finally in a relationship, especially if this is your first time to be in a serious commitment.

I was single for 20 years and just the thought of being with someone used to be all together scary, confusing, yet exciting and wonderful. I had certain expectations for how things should run if I would be in a relationship but I was completely thrown off guard when those expectations weren’t exactly met when I’ve finally found him.

To have a healthy relationship, you have to face reality  Just like me and everyone else, we’re still learning and trying to do our part in creating a perfect relationship with our boyfriend but these points will help you become better at everything you do as a lover, a companion, and as a lifetime partner.

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14 Most Overlooked Reasons Why You are Still Single

Reasons Why You are Still Single

lady alone

There’s nothing wrong with being single. In fact, most of the happiest people have embraced singlehood and discovered the joys of living an independent and attachment-free life without feeling alone and lonely – but what if you also want to share your most memorable days with someone special?

Sometimes, the happiness and independence of singlehood aren’t enough anymore that some people tend to try their luck at finding love. Others easily succeed at it without even exerting much effort and finally meet the love of their life.

We all know that most of the time, destiny isn’t too willing to give us what we want. However, more often than not, it’s not destiny that’s the problem – it’s us. So how would we know if we’re the ones sabotaging our own chances of finding true love? Well, let this article help you figure it out.

Here are the most overlooked reasons why you are still single.

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12 Things That Will Destroy Your Relationship and How to Avoid Them

Things That Will Destroy Your Relationship and How to Avoid

couple sitting on a bench

There are many reasons why couples break up and most of these can be prevented if only both parties have the willingness to see and understand the things that are really causing the problems in the first place. Some signs can be obvious, directly and instantly launching their attacks but others come in the form of small bits of negativities that can accumulate over time until it can gather enough strength to break even the strongest of bonds.

If you don’t want this to happen to you or anyone you care about, this article will help you point out some of the many things and habits that will destroy your relationship. More importantly, we’ll provide you with some realistic tips and long-term solutions on how to avoid and finally overcome them.

First of all, a relationship can be vulnerable to break up when:

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True Love vs. Fake Love: 20 Differences You Must Know

True Love vs. Fake Love

To find a true lover who can give you real love, you have to know what true love is. To attract and keep him/her, you have to give a genuine love in return. Knowing how to distinguish pure love from false love will give you wisdom on building a long-lasting relationship and avoiding the toxic ones. …

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18 Signs You Have a Good Boyfriend and How to Keep Him

Signs You Have a Good Boyfriend and How to Keep Him

good boyfriend

Life’s journey becomes more exciting, fun, and fulfilling when you’ve finally found the right one. For most girls, everything in life seems better when they can finally share it with someone they love: their prince charming, their knight in shining armor, the ideal boyfriend.  However, as a girl in love, have you ever wondered what really separates an average boyfriend from a good one?

Every girl has their own ideas of what makes an ideal partner but as you read through this article, you will begin to discover the signs to look for in order to know if your significant other fits your perfect definition of a ‘good boyfriend’. Here they are.

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17 Ways to be the Best Boyfriend to Your Girlfriend

Ways to be the Best Boyfriend to Your Girlfriend

happy girl receiving flowers

Some girls these days have raised the bar on their standards when it comes to their boyfriends. Well, thanks to the influence of romantic novels and movies that changed their perspective on love and relationship, they always think about the endless “what ifs” questions and made-up scenarios that come into their minds every single time.

I know that there are a lot of guys out there struggling to be the best boyfriend to their girlfriend. Figuring out how to treat her with love and respect can be hard, but boys should never give up. Learn to see the world through the eyes of your girlfriend and you’ll be able to understand what it really takes to be a great boyfriend.

Here are some ways to keep her head over heels for you.

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8 Signs that You’re Ready for a Long Distance Relationship

Signs that You’re Ready for a Long Distance Relationship

long distance relationship

Most of the time, couples face challenges that can either make or break their relationship. Some of these circumstances make trying to be together emotionally taxing as well as impractical – and both can lead to devastating breakups.

Perhaps one of the biggest trials that any couple can bump into is to be physically apart, living in different cities and sometimes, in different countries. There are several reasons why they are faced with this reality, for instance, work or family, and others like pursuing studies in another city or abroad.

Now if you are one of these poor souls, you came to the right place. Here, we will try to find out if you and your significant other are ready for a long-distance relationship.

Let’s say you just found out that your partner needs to move to another city (or country) for work or further studies. The intensity of emotion that one could feel about this big change depends on the level of relationship you have with your partner. If you are new in the relationship, you could feel betrayed or uncertain about the future, but long term lovers can feel secure yet anxious about what lies ahead. Either way, you feel a negative surge of emotions such as anxiety and the most often than not, trust issues, may dominate the scene.

The most important questions that you should be asking are: are you ready for a long-distance relationship? Is it worth the risk? The following signs can hopefully answer these questions.

According to relationship experts, you are ready for an LDR if:

8 Signs that You’re Ready for a Long Distance Relationship Video

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8 Signs that You’re Ready for a Long Distance Relationship

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