5 Ways To Calm Down When Someone Is Mean To You For No Reason

mean to you for no reason

Today in a Facebook group, someone lashed out at someone else for no apparent reason. It was a series of swear words and exclamation points in response to a simple observation. If you are sensitive or don’t like it when people are upset with you, then this kind of mean response for no reason can …

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Emily Fletcher’s The M Word: Why It Can Help You Handle Life Better

Emily Fletcher quote: We meditate to get better at life.

Not convinced you need to make meditation a part of your life? Emily Fletcher encourages you to develop a daily meditation practice in the morning if you want to get better at living life. She is a meditation teacher who is passionate about making meditation a priority in everyone’s life because she knows how important …

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How The Quest For Personal Mastery Touches On Positive Affirmations

How The Quest For Personal Mastery Touches On Positive Affirmations

I’m currently taking a course called The Quest For Personal Mastery. It’s offered through Mindvalley and created by Srikumar Rao. I’m on day 25 of 45, and it’s been one of the most thought-provoking courses I’ve taken from Mindvalley. So far, the lessons have taught me about going with the flow in life, how to …

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Overcome Something That’s Bothering You With These 8 Affirmations

Man overcame on top of mountain

It sucks to be stuck on something negative. It takes up your time, energy, and happiness. You can’t be fully present and enjoy the moment. That’s why it’s important to overcome something that’s bothering you as quickly as you can. The release will help you feel a million times better. Following are some affirmations that …

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Stressed Out Because Of Family? Here Are Some Affirmations To Help

Mother and daughter conflict

I have never met one person who hasn’t been stressed out because of their family. Some families are worse than others, but everyone has to deal with conflicting beliefs, habits, and behaviors on some level. If you are stressed out because of your family for any of the following reasons, you can use affirmations to …

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5 Affirmations To Use When Someone Hurts You Emotionally In Your Day

Woman and man talking and woman sad

Throughout your day, people can hurt you through their words, actions, and behaviors. People you know and people you don’t know all have the potential to hurt you. When you get hurt, that can ruin your productivity and happiness for the day. Your focus can go completely towards the pain you are feeling. For many …

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Productivity Tip #7: Maintain A Positive Attitude

quote on positive attitude

When I was younger, I worked at a hospital as a housekeeper. I hated it along with 95% of the other housekeepers. Housekeepers were the least respected. We weren’t as important as the doctors, nurses, aides, porters, or other staff. We were the people with the mop. Because my attitude towards my job was so …

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