11 Ways to Stop Being a Selfish Person

stop being a selfish person

Contrary to popular belief, selfishness isn’t all bad. After all, it helps one thrive in this highly competitive world. However, too much selfishness is destructive not only to other people and the environment but also to oneself. If you find yourself being constantly selfish in both words and deeds, then perhaps it’s time for you …

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10 Ways to Overcome Your Sense of Entitlement

Overcome Your Sense of Entitlement

We are the main characters in our own lives. Given this mindset, some people think of themselves as the chosen ones, destined to shine above all and save the day. They develop a sense of entitlement, believing that they are born special and should thus be treated accordingly. If left unchecked, this sense of entitlement …

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Digital Detox: 6 Reasons You Should Take a Break from Social Media

Take a Break from Social Media

Here’s a question: Do you remember what you used to do before social media was taking up hours of our days? Back in 2008, before Facebook received worldwide attention, you were probably spending more time on hobbies like reading, working out, or maybe even watching movies and listening to music. There was not as much …

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10 Ways to Stop Meddling in Other People’s Lives

Stop Meddling in Other People’s Lives

Privacy is crucial to most, if not all, people. We value personal space and get offended when others, unless given permission, intrude into our private affairs. Meddling into other people’s lives, in most circumstances, is a sign of disrespect, and if you’re one of those people doing this constantly, consider following these ways to help …

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11 Effective Ways to Stop Being an Arrogant Person

Stop Being an Arrogant Person

We should all seek to possess good traits; however, too much of a good thing can lead to an imbalance. For instance, confidence is something everyone aspires to have; it allows a person to unlock his/her full potential without fear or hesitation. However, too much of it can taint people, making them blinded by their …

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6 Reasons Why Failures are Actually Good

Why Failures are Actually Good

Everyone aspires to succeed in life, but despite our best efforts to reach our goals, we sometimes stumble and fail. Nobody enjoys this feeling–it’s humiliating, belittling, and heartbreaking. We deem it as proof of our insufficiency and think that we’re just not that good enough. Scared that we might experience it once more, we sometimes …

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5 Ways to Practice Honesty in Life

Ways to Practice Honesty in Life

People often make the mistake of expecting others to understand them without expressing what they feel. This is understandable because being honest about our feelings isn’t really an easy thing to do. We tend to skirt around telling the truth and, as a result, we begin having difficulties in expressing our emotions and intentions. To …

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10 Ways to Stay on Social Media Without Being Annoying

Stay on Social Media Without Being Annoying

Block, unfollow, unsubscribe those are only some of the things you can do when someone in your social media world is annoying. You hate seeing posts from certain accounts because they invoke the feeling of annoyance, confusion, or hatred. The thing is, how sure are you that you aren’t the one unfollowed, blocked, and unsubscribed …

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5 Ways to be Confident in Yourself as a Woman

Ways to be Confident in Yourself as a Woman

How is it like to be a confident woman? You may have seen a lot of women who took the stand and spoke and committed to the things they believe in, may it be in politics, society, science, and the arts. Other girls meanwhile carry the courage to speak about the things they believe is …

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12 Ways to Stop Being Judgmental Toward Others

Stop Being Judgmental Toward Others

How can you stop being judgmental toward others? The Scriptures warned us to not judge or we may be judged the same way we judge others (see Matthew 7:1-5). This biblical teaching warns us that it’s not a good practice to judge other people. Whether it is comforting or enjoyable to judge others, being judgemental …

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10 Ways to Cut Toxic People From Your Life

Cut Toxic People From Your Life

Have you reached the “Okay, that’s enough!” point in your life in terms of dealing with toxic people? If so, congratulations! You’re now headed to living a life where you don’t have to carry an unnecessary heavy weight on your shoulders. You’re done with the first step — deciding that there’s no more room for …

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11 Signs You Are Prideful: How to Get Rid of Pride in Your Heart

How to Get Rid of Pride in Your Heart

11 Signs You Are Prideful How do you know you are struggling with pride? What are the symptoms of being prideful? To help you answer these questions and get rid of pride in your heart, evaluate yourself by checking out the following signs: 1. You think you are humble. One of the signs that you …

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7 Ways to Stop Being Immature Emotionally or Childish

Emotionally Immature

What does it mean to be emotionally immature? At some point in our life, we may have raised this question as we ponder to ourselves. We question our ability to feel emotionally secure and mature when we handle our relationships, and it’s alright to feel unsure. Usual expectations are that as a person grows older, …

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8 Heartfelt Ways to be a More Understanding Person

Heartfelt Ways to be a More Understanding Person

We are in a world where it is easier to see others’ failures more than the reasons why they fail. It is easier to put our own rights before others and our own comfort before theirs. Most people have become so self-centered that they have turned so indifferent towards others. If you know how painful …

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12 Simple Ways to be a More Caring Person

Simple Ways to be a More Caring Person

You do not need to be a rich philanthropist or a social worker to care for other people. Even as an ordinary citizen, there are simple yet effective ways you can do to be a more caring and helpful person. Those small ways could have a great impact on someone else’s life. If you want …

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12 Tips to Conquer Your Fear of Failure

Tips to Conquer Your Fear of Failure

Have you experienced so many failures in life, such as failing the board exam twice, inability to get through job interviews, or being defeated in singing contests? Are you discouraged from trying again? Or do you consider yourself a complete loser because of those downfalls? It is normal to fail because humans are not perfect. …

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16 Ways to Overcome Loneliness in Life

Overcome Loneliness in Life

Fresh from a breakup? Are you afraid of not being able to endure the pain and loneliness in the next weeks to come? Well, it is true that this is a fragile phase, and if not dealt with properly, you might end up depressed. In order for you to overcome loneliness, apply the following ways …

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14 Helpful Ways to be a More Patient Person

Helpful Ways to be a More Patient Person

Do you explode easily and blurt offensive words whenever someone makes you wait for a long time? Are you so hot-tempered that everyone would immediately leave your side whenever you are triggered? Or are you the kind of person who wants instant gratification, like instant noodles or fast-food? Being impatient can cause you trouble. It …

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15 Ways to Overcome Tardiness or Lateness, to Be Punctual

How to Overcome Tardiness

Getting reprimanded for always coming to school or working late? Do you always include overcoming tardiness in your every New Year’s resolution but nothing changes? Maybe it is time to start taking little steps that will help you achieve this objective successfully. So how do you overcome tardiness or lateness? You do not have to …

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15 Fulfilling Ways to be Diligent

Fulfilling Ways to be Diligent

Diligence is probably one of the traits that most people find hard to achieve. With the increasing number of distractions around, such as social media, the Internet, and mobile games, sometimes it becomes difficult to stay focused on what needs to be done. Admit it, once you feel tired or bored with what you do, …

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17 Motivating Ways to Improve Your Skills

Motivating Ways to Improve Your Skills

Are you having self-pity because you think you are not as talented as others? Or maybe you have the skills but you wish to improve them. What can you do? Skills are learned and anyone can be a master at one skill or more with the right amount of dedication, knowledge, and experience. If you …

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8 Ways to Realize and Accept Your Own Mistakes

Realize and Accept Your Own Mistakes

One of the most difficult realities to accept is our own imperfection. Usually, it is easier for humans to pinpoint the flaws of others, but we are always on the defensive mode whenever we hear others talk about ours. Nevertheless, in order for us to be able to maintain good relationships, we have to be …

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20 Smart Ways to be a Better Thinker

Smart Ways to be a Better Thinker

Being a pessimist can greatly affect how you respond to situations as it may lead you to despair or depression. Moreover, it can have a negative effect on how you socialize with people. It could cause trust issues and cynicism. In order for you to improve your mindset towards circumstances and the people around you, …

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12 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Are you glad that you have family or friends who are always available to help you whenever you are in need? Are you thankful for them? Well, have you ever let them know how much you value their support and presence? Gratitude is one of the best gifts you can give back to those who …

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15 Ways to Improve Your Focus

Improve Your Focus

Are you aiming to top the board exam? Or do you want to graduate with flying colors? Or maybe you want to achieve your dream of being a millionaire in two years. These goals are not impossible to reach, but they all require a great amount of focus to be possible. Nevertheless, with so much …

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15 Ways to Find the Right Mindset for Success

Find the Right Mindset for Success

Being successful is not dependent on luck. Moreover, you do not need to come from a rich family or graduate from a popular school just to be a successful person. It is something that can be achieved with perseverance, discipline, and the right mindset. If you are easily discouraged from failures and you want to …

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15 Ways to Not Give Up When Things Get Hard

Not Give Up When Things Get Hard

Are you on the verge of quitting it all because it seems like everything has gone out of control? Do you feel like you are a failure for not being able to successfully carry out your plans? It may seem like you have done everything you could but your best was not good enough—so should …

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10 Effective Ways to Become an Early Riser

Effective Ways to Become an Early Riser

If you’re a night owl looking for effective ways to become a morning person, then you came to the right place! Some people might find it hard to be optimistic in the mornings, but what they don’t know is that waking up early is actually one of the keys to achieving that! If you want …

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